Goat Farm Solutions

Dear Aziz Khan,
1.No, its not possible to achieve good reproductive cycle and weight gain without giving them any concentrated feed.A balance diet containing protein,carbohydrates and fats is essential in every goat breed to achieve desirable weight gain in lesser time.One more thing each goat breed requires different type and proportion of concentrated feed.In India there are 23 registered goat breeds,so the concentrated is different for these 23 types of goat breed,you cant use the same type and proportion of feed for all 23 types of goat breed,it changes as breed changes.The goat farmers must note this,to achieve a faster weight in lesser time.
2.For open grazing,you requires enough fodder in your surrounding that will be available and fulfill for goats for 365 days.In open grazing 50-100 acres of land is required with lots of bushes and plants in it which will be enough for goats and their kids through out the year.Its very difficult to tell the actual land required for goats in open grazing,as it merely depend on availability of bushes,grass,rainfall,climatic conditions in you surroundings through out the year.
3.Yes you can use this land for grazing of goats,no need to cultivate other fodder crops if this vegetation is available through out the year.For better growth you have to feed them concentrated feed,which gets easily available in any local market or animal feed shop.
4.No additional supplements are required when you open graze your goats.All the supplements necessary for their proper body growths will be available through your vegetation.
International Goat Farm Expert.
Dear Dr Shaikh
Thanks a lot for such detailed information on goatary. I want to ask following questions:
1. If this is possible achieve good reproductive and weight growth of goats (osmanabadi or any other breed) on range feeding exclusively without giving them any concentrates.
2. How much land will be required for 100 goats if i want to range feed them exclusively.
3. In garhwal, uttarakhand, I've my land with lots of random vegetation, can i use this land for goat grazing and browsing or do i need to grow specific fodder for their better growth.
4. If I'm doing range feeding exclusively, what are the necessary supplements I should provide them


Aziz Khan

Its totally fake.I think you are jealous of something,that i dont know.I have buyed 50 female goats and 3 male for my farm from mohsin shaikh,and they are providing excellent results and i have earn handsome profit.Intially i have too faced some problems while breeding them as i was new,but thanks to mohsin shaikh he guided me from time to time and suggests me the proper vaccines to vaccinate the goats and kids.My farm is located at bijapur base,Solapur Dist named King farm.
Another thing in your post is that,aged goats always gives healthier kids as compare to small first time kidding goats.From this statement it confirms that it is totally fake posts by you.
Its our breeding habits which provides us their good and bad results.

After reading this, i too want to share my experience regarding breeding.I have bough ten osmanabad female and one male last six months back.Intailly goats have cold and were not eating fodder as my locationa nd surrounding was new to them.Then i called my doctors they injected some thing to goats,but the condition got sievere and goats fall sick.then i call dr.shaikh and he suggested me some oral drops and one injection i have forgot that name,it was in a white box.Than my goats started eating fodder after 3 hrs and slowly they recovered.Thanks to proper suggestion of medicine by dr.shaikh.If i have continued my doctors treatment,surely few of my goats would have been died due to unnecessary and wrong injections and that to costed me a lot.
Also he suggested me to give goats different types of fodder which further causes weight gain in my goats.Now my goats are looking like a small cows and got sixteen kids within 6 months,which will be sold in next 2-3 months.
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Dear faizhll2013,
Thanks for posting your view on osmanabadi goats as readers will get some interesting facts about goats from me due to your posting,that will really help the breeders for their proper management of goat farm.
I don't remember you as i have lots of customers in my life,busy in my goat farm trainings providing to veterinary docs,to attend lots of locals everyday for suggestions and lots more.So I'm writing my post in short as time doesn't permits me.
First of all i never force the buyers to buy specific goats,its their choice to buy their liked goats,if they dont like it,then it doesnt matters they can go,also i think you have brought some peoples(goat breeders) to choice and select the goats as all brought.
Goats died after 15 days means,they were healthier for 15 days when they are brought to your farm.When goats are brought to farm its your responsibility to provide them healthy and balance nutrition as suggested.Goats falls sick due to unhealthy food and water and if sick goats treated wrongly (by injecting unnecessary antibiotics)they will surely dies.I think you have never been called for right medicines after the goats have fallen sick.
In India there are 23 registered breeds.Fodder of this 23 goat breeds is different,also the kidding capacity,dry period,meat quality,weight gain per month etc changes as the breed changes.Means you cant supply one breeds fodder to other breed.For example if you provide sirohi goat same fodder,the fodder which is supplied to osmanabadi goats you will not get results which are expected in sirohi breed and the vice versa.The same thing happen with you in between osmanabadi and your local breed.
When you have started breeding your local goats you are providing them local fodder and have earn some experience from previously buoyed 50 osmanabadi goats,now the fact is that you are not new you have experience gained when you breed your local goats, which you wont have any experience while breeding osmanabdi goats as you were new to goat farming.So the conclusion is that breeding goats with some experience and without experience has lots of difference.Hence your local goats will easily adapt in your shed as you have got some experience which you wont have while breeding osmanabadi goats.So do not fool the other breeders or farmers by saying local goats will provide better results.Your 6-8 months old local goats requires again 2-3 months to get pregnant out of which 20% will be impotent means will take longer time to get pregnant or will never get pregnant in their life,and its natural which you don’t know the fact.
50 goats costs around 3 lakhs then If 10 goats have been died,then how you have lost 3 lakh rupees in just 10 goats.Means one goat is of 30,000 rs,that is totally fake.Fully grown Osmanabdi goat will cost around 6000-8000,depending on its weight.After buying goats its buyers responsibility to insure your goats,and I always tells the buyers and in my previous posts its been safe to insure your goats as soon as they reaches your farm, as you are new in goat farming.Insured goats will provide you 80-100% of returns if they dies.Insurance amount will be around 4% of goat cost.Just careless peoples wont insures their goat and cries that they have lost huge amount and blames others.
2-3 year old goats are never called as aged goats.Goats have life span of 12-15yrs.Goats will have menopause at the age of 8-9yrs,means they will not deliver kids after 9 yrs.If the goats were aged then how the kids have been born? I think you are taking suggestions from your local farmers who wont have any knowledge of breeding goats on commercial scale.Breeding 3-4 goats in their house is totally different, from breeding goats at commercial level.So don't fool the other breeders or farmers,when you wont manage the fodder and medicines rightly by yourself and don’t blame.
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really a great information

I m reading and following all your posts from one year.Really you shared an excellent information regarding goat farming;even one of veterinary friend follows your posts regularly as he has heard about you from veterinary university of parbhani and from your articles about goat farming in newspaper.Really you are a goat farming expert who had all solutions regarding goat farming,this conclusion is from my one years reading of all your posts. Great job Dr.shaikh

I m a vet.surgeon,as per my view 5 yr goats of any breed produces healthy goats,even I have seen goats of 9 years producing healthy kids.Healthiness of a kid completely depends on its nutrtion supplied to mother.If mothers have not feeded well during their pregnancy then there are chances of weak kidding.Its breeders responsibility to provide his goats additional nutritions at the time of pregnancy.

Thanks sandra1 for expressing views,as you see some of arrogant fellow(faizhll2013) wont accept my posts regarding proper nutrition to goats .Even an dumb village farmer can tells you that if you wont provide nutrition to goats they will not provide you results means healthy kids and enough milk for their nourishment,even many of goats gets aborted due to stress(malnutrition).So its your responsibility faizhll2013 to provide proper nourishment to mother goats.
Your districts veterinary director takes suggestion from me,regarding goat farming.There is an veterinary university at Bidar district of Karnataka,whose vet docs visits my farm for training.I have their records in my visiting book.Man i m in practical goat farming from last 13 years,not like other vet officers seating in their offices and theoretically giving advices.I m with goats only n not with cows,buffaloes,dogs,chickens etc as other veterinary handles cows,buffaloes etc more as compare to goats and that's why they treat the goats same as that of cows and buffaloes which further wont provide positive results in goats and the training by me for them is conducted for same.
Goats are yours,its your opinion to sale the goats for rs 2000 or 1000 or free.Now Goats are being sold for low price coz they have loosen their weight by 10kg-15kg bones of the goats now have been easily seen which were not at time of purchasing,due to improper and imbalance fodder,would have itching on skin loss of hairs from some part due to rubbing of their body with walls or other solids which has happened due to not spraying of chemicals to prevent them from leak,teak,they have become mentally retarded due to improper supply of minerals and vitamins.So these dull looking goats will be sold for low prices.
What a joke that i wont have any farm,then for which i have goat six awards from central govt and Govt of Maharashtra?Whose farm visited the commissioner of animal husbandry department of Maharashtra State,shown in visitors photos of my website www.goatfarm.co.in. also check our visitors page on same website,even MLA s of your state visited my farm.Whose farms video has been telecasted on SAM TV link given on first page saying that my farm has 300 goats,whose farm visited the goat and sheep minister of Maharashtra State in this video-[video=youtube_share;fVz6pwp3l-k]http://youtu.be/fVz6pwp3l-k[/video]
if i wont have farm then all these Honorable members of Govt are fake,Tv channels are fake, News Papers are Fake,All India radio is fake.All the photos have been already attached in this link-Achievements - My website
If you have listen me and have insure your goats as i always writes in my posts,you will not have faced this losses which has occurred due to your irresponsible management practices and by your workers.
Taking back ones sale goats will be never done by any seller or breeders.When you carry the goats,i don't know what you have done to them, how you have treated,my responsibility ceases at the movement as soon as the goat reaches your farm,its have been clearly mentioned on website.Your are trying to sale me your local goats by exciting me,which will never be happened.So don't fool and waste my time by your silly postings, keep your goats with you only.

faizhll2013 Thanks for your posting as readers will know more about my self,achievements,awards,visitors which i have never posted in my 2200 posts.This time i have to post it as i have to clarify my view.Thank you once again dear.Still there is lot to write.
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Like your goat farm videos and vistors page,thanks for posting dr.shaikh.May i know the person in above video,telling some information about various government schemes of goats.

We have buyed 200 goats from dr.shaikh last year but has never faces any problems.Our mens are providing goats different varieties of fodder,concentrated fodder and dry fodder and also vaccinating goats as chart given by shaikh.Goats are giving healthy kids which further are being sold in 6-7 months.Its truely very wrong to blame others for our manangement.

That's a great news relianceagro.Keep it up.
One more thing forgot to write in previous post,even an 1-2yr old young goats doesn't gives healthy kids if the fodder supplied to them is poor.All the goat farmers have to supplied their goats balanced nutrional diet to obtain healthy kids.Naturally there are chances of only first time deliver kids to be weaker even though healthy fodder is supplied to their mothers.TC.

Finally the fake member faizhll2013 has been banned as all his postings and messages founds to be fake after explaining by dr.shaikh.Thanks moderators for keeping thread clean.

I am really happy to see how calmly u are helping others gain knowledge. I have some query regarding goat delivery.
I have crossed boer male goat with my local female goats,one of kid is being dead at the time of delivery inside the mother,dead kid is born which is fully grown, may i know the reason?
Also one more thing,one of my goats kid 4 months old is climbing in air and is falling down like a mad,please suggest something as my doctors failed to make it healthy.Also eats fodder to little.
Also u can throw light in this regards because i must have not asked valid question and surely would have missed on something important.
Sorry to ask so many questions.

Dear Suraj,
The forehead of a boer male is wider as compare to your local male.Now the offspring's which are going to be born by crossing boer and local will contains 50% of genes of mother and 50% of father(boer male),so the forehead of new offspring will be slightly enlarged as compare to 100% local offspring which would have been born by crossing local male.Usually kids arises outside vulva from leg side.The forehead remains inside(acetabulum) at the time of delivery,when female goat tries to push the kid,the forehead gets stuck in acetabulum inner opening and if it has not been pushed manually it dies due to unavailability of oxygen for longer time as forehead gets stuck and unable to move forehead from opening due to increase of forehead size as compare to local offspring.
Its natural and there are 10% chances of mortality by crossing if offspring's have not been pulled manually(hands),that too in first time kidding goats.So at the time of delivery of goats one should present there and have to pull the legs manually which will decrease the mortality.
Climbing in air is usually a sign of ETV(enterotaxemia) or mineral deficiency disorder.If mothers have been vaccinated against ETV then it should only be a ETV disorder,if not vaccinated then it should be an ETV.In such condition only antibiotic will not work give him methylcobalmine and Vit A,D,3 inj 1ml per 10 kg live weight for 3 consecutive days along with liquid calcium and phosphorus10ml per 10 kg,surely it will work .
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