Goat Farm Solutions

SIR I HAVE to know about following

1) How & which department permission require for goat farm start??
2) Government schemes for goat farms
3) How much Government subsidy for this project
4) How to get Loan for goat farm required documents for the same ??
5) which bank provides you the loan?

Please kindly reply me for the same.
email : - shailu46676@gmail.com

Dear Dr.Shaikh,

I have plans to start my own goat farm in near future,
I have learned a lot from your inputs/replies to queries.
I would like to know your views on my following queries,
1. For faster growth of buck, osmanabadi goat can be crossed with boar male buck? I learned it will produce 50, 50 % boar and osmanabadi goat. Is it advisable to do that for faster growth of goat kid for commercial level meat production?
2. I leaned from several YouTube videos about hydroponic fodder system, many farmers have set up their own plants by maintaining the proper climate condition in house terrace/covered sheds and they are successfully producing fodder for their animals. This is very much appropriated by few KVK's and it helped land less farmers. Is it the feasible option for beginners in goat forming?
3. Is it advisable for new beginners to stat breeding/growing the EID goats along with normal goats, is it advisable/fruit fool exercise in terms of profitably?
4. Is there any common forum available for new beginners to join this business in partnership and grow?
5. Can new beginner start with only keeping/growing EID goats initially and later start breeding with profits? Your views pls.
6. I do not own farm, but willing to take it on rent and start my venture with proper training. Do you have any advice of new beginners like me?

Thank you so much for your valuable advise in advance.

Dear abhisale,
1.Yes you can cross the osmanabadi goat breed with boer to achieve faster weight gain.But after crossing you will get only quantity(weight gain) and not quality(tasty lean meat),as boer has lesser taste for its meat as compare to that of osmanabadi.Taste of goat meat changes as the goat breed changes,every different type of goat breed has different taste for its meat as that of in poultry.
2.Hydroponic fodder has more vitamins and minerals as compare to natural fodder,so no doubt it will be helpful for kids to attain faster weight gain.The cost of per kg fodder produce by hydroponic method is slightly higher as compare to that of natural fodder,it will only be feasible for commercial levels and not for small scale farmers who are dependent of open grazing systems.
3.Begginers can kept 25% of male goats for Eid purpose,its totally not advisable to keep all male goats for EID purpose,coz EID goats will have demand only during Eid and all these goats wont get sale during EId than you have to keep these goats again for one year till next Eid arises.the maintenance cost(fodder and care taking) of these goats for one year will be very huge and it will not be profitable at all to sale these goats at next EID even though at 25% of raised cost to that of prvious year.Meat market has huge demand for meat goats for 365 days,so it will be advisable for new beginners to sale these goats for meat purpose on primary basis.
4.Presently not available.
5.Its not advisable at all,start with growing goats only for EID purpose.Keep only 25% of goats for EId purpose and rest of them sale the goats for meat purpose as soon as they attains tender meat body weight(Avg.live body weight 22kg-30kg i.e meat weight 12kg-18kg)
6.To start a new goat farm first of all,all beginners should gain proper scientific knowledge on goat farming,have to know the right methods of feeding,vaccination, shelter coz lots of books and other contents has improper knowledge of goat farming in it as the writers of these books wont have any experience of practical goat farming,these books are written by referring other books and all books has nearly the same content,so i twill be better to seek the information of goat farming from such people who are actually involved in goat farming process from many years,have to visit their farms,have to listen them about their experience,their problems which they have been faced and their solutions hoe they have overcome it and many more.
Osmanabadi Goat
Dear Dr.Shaikh,

I have plans to start my own goat farm in near future,
I have learned a lot from your inputs/replies to queries.
I would like to know your views on my following queries,
1. For faster growth of buck, osmanabadi goat can be crossed with boar male buck? I learned it will produce 50, 50 % boar and osmanabadi goat. Is it advisable to do that for faster growth of goat kid for commercial level meat production?
2. I leaned from several YouTube videos about hydroponic fodder system, many farmers have set up their own plants by maintaining the proper climate condition in house terrace/covered sheds and they are successfully producing fodder for their animals. This is very much appropriated by few KVK's and it helped land less farmers. Is it the feasible option for beginners in goat forming?
3. Is it advisable for new beginners to stat breeding/growing the EID goats along with normal goats, is it advisable/fruit fool exercise in terms of profitably?
4. Is there any common forum available for new beginners to join this business in partnership and grow?
5. Can new beginner start with only keeping/growing EID goats initially and later start breeding with profits? Your views pls.
6. I do not own farm, but willing to take it on rent and start my venture with proper training. Do you have any advice of new beginners like me?

Thank you so much for your valuable advise in advance.

As-salamualiakum Shaikh Bhai
I want to start Goat forming in jabalpur (M.P.) i want your help like milk Breed, meet breed and Bank processes , How long will it take for a goat to be marketed, How to market the same
Thanks & Regards
Ahfaz Ahmad
From Jabalpur (M.P)

Dear Ahfaz Ahmad,
For milk Breed, meet breed and Bank processes.you requires Goat Farm Project Report
Time duration of goat that has to be marketed for slaughtering purpose,depends on type of goat breed and its fodder which has to be feed to achieve more weight gain.The slaughtering age duration of goats is different for each type of goat breed.Usually it takes 5-8 months,depending on goat breed.In India there are 23 registered goat breeds.
As-salamualiakum Shaikh Bhai
I want to start Goat forming in jabalpur (M.P.) i want your help like milk Breed, meet breed and Bank processes , How long will it take for a goat to be marketed, How to market the same
Thanks & Regards
Ahfaz Ahmad
From Jabalpur (M.P)


I am planning to start a Goat farm initially with 30 goats in Tamilnadu (Stall Fed Method).Kindly give your valuable inputs regarding the following:
1) Planning to go for Agricultural land for lease (3 acres ).
2) Is it wise to purchase Goats (Thalacherry & Boer cross) from farms meant only for breeding purpose since i have heard that buying goats from farms selling for meat will result in getting goats of inferior quality.
3) Planning to use hydroponic methods as well Azola type for fodder requirements. Pls provide the cost involved.
4) Need to know any Government Schemes for purchasing goats (Since I am from IT industry I just wanted to know the eligibility).

Dear yogi84,
1)Agriculture land depends of number of goat breeds that you want to breed.For 100female and 5 male goats minimum of 4 acre of land is required to cultivate the fodder and fulfill the requirements of these goats along with their kids.Additional one acre will be require along with shed and other fodder storage places,labour(worker) house etc,so it is always better to have 5 acres of agriculture land for breeding 100 female goats and 5 male goats along with shed,storage place,labour house etc.
2)Tallacherry-boer cross goats will be costlier as compare to pureline tallacherry goat breeds.If you want to go for cross breeding then purchase pureline breeds means pureline tallacherry female goats and boer male goat and cross breed it in your farm.Getting inferior quality of goats shows that the parent breeding stock is of inferior quality.If you have good quality of parent stock,surely it will provide you superior quality of offspring's(kids) for selling purpose.So instead of buying cross breed goats,it is always better to buy pureline variety of each breed and cross breed it in your farm to get superior quality of offspring's.
3)The fodder produce by Hydroponic method is costlier as compare to that cultivated in land.It will be profitable if you are going with lease land.Azolla contains more amount of protein,so it is one of the healthier fodder for goats to achieve more weight gain in lesser time.But azolla has more moisture,so it is not much like by the goats,have to provide it in low amount initially and gradually have to increase it as they gets habituate to it.The costing of azolla is less as compare to that of hydroponic fodder system.The cost of hydroponic fodder system and azolla unit depends on how much fodder you want per day,means the bigger or smaller unit.For actual costing of your desired unit,contact your nearest agriculture department or animal husbandry department.
4)Presently one available all over India under NABARD its 25% subsidy for open and 33.3.% for reserved category,but the main condition for it, you must have to avail loan from any nationalized or corporate bank.
DR.Shaikh (International Goat Farm Expert)
Osmanabadi Goat

I am planning to start a Goat farm initially with 30 goats in Tamilnadu (Stall Fed Method).Kindly give your valuable inputs regarding the following:
1) Planning to go for Agricultural land for lease (3 acres ).
2) Is it wise to purchase Goats (Thalacherry & Boer cross) from farms meant only for breeding purpose since i have heard that buying goats from farms selling for meat will result in getting goats of inferior quality.
3) Planning to use hydroponic methods as well Azola type for fodder requirements. Pls provide the cost involved.
4) Need to know any Government Schemes for purchasing goats (Since I am from IT industry I just wanted to know the eligibility).

Great information, i never thought a goat farming can be done in this way. Really great help for those who wanted to start goat farm business

Thanks kumarrames.
Yes goat farming can be done in this way,with modern techniques and advance methods goat farming is the most viable and feasible business nowadays,but it has to be started with enough practical and theoretical knowledge and by choosing right goat breed.

Hi Dr.Shaikh.
Do you remember me,this is santosh from nagpur an It production Mannager,visited your farm recently to earn some knowledge regarding goat farming.I m really very thankful to you for explaining me the practcical details of goat farming,which i have never got in my life while searching at many places from last 3 years.Seriously i never got such information and real facts of goat rearing from any one before you in my life,even though i have travelled from delhi to kanyakumari.Hats off to you for your practical goat rearing experience,and deep knowledge of 351 goat breeds of world.Me and my father really got impressed and learn many things after visiting your farm.You are really a goat guru and you deserve the honour of International Goat Expert.
Santosh R Chavan

Yes santosh,totally agree with you.I have learn lots of practical things after my visit to Dr. Shaikhs farm and from his project report,really an man seen with an awesome knowledge on goats,not only of Indian but even of whole World>i Like his simple style of explaining practical details by giving day to day examples in our life.I really like the concept of his shed,where goats with their kids gets easily adaptable in rain,winter and summer season.People who wants to start goat farming must visit his farm and have to take his suggestions,no matter of goat breed that they want to breed.If you wont once meet this person,you will surely loose something(losses) which i cant express here.
Best of luck and GOD bless you for your blessing work and social work of awareness of spreading the real things of goat farming,which other peoples wont have express it even having experience of goat farming from many years.

Dear sir,

please tell me about hydroponic food for Goat. what is the quantity we have to give to goat. female Male & kids also.



Hydroponic fodder is grown with power(energy) of water without soil.For goats you can use hydroponic fodder produce from maize or wheat.For goats and kids you can feed hydroponic fodder upto 50% of their daily diets requirement and remaining 50% with other dry feed.
Osmanabadi Goat

Dear DR.Shaikh,

Thanks for sharing details information on goat farming.

I do not have own land and the availability of Land in my area for growing fodder is nearly not possible. I am planning to take rental place in near place where few agriculture shades available on rent.
My biggest worry is for fodder for goats. As no land is available for growing fodder and purchasing green fodder daily would not be profitable venture. Request you to please advise on solution. As I leaned from your interview on SAM TV, you have also started with rental place and grew at this stage.

Thank you.
Warm Regards

Dear abhisale,
The largest day to day expenditure in goat farming is on their feed.So less the expenditure on feed more will be the profit earn.In goat farming you cant purchase the whole fodder of goats from market,as that in poultry farming and if you purchase the whole fodder from market,you will be under loss.So if you wont have enough fodder to feed the goats you should not go for goat farming.In profitable goat farming only the concentrated feed is purchased and the remaining feed is cultivated in our own agriculture land.
In commercial goat farming(Breeding goats on larger scale),if you cant cultivate the fodder,then you have to take the goats for grazing purpose in near by barren or hilly areas,where enough trees and bushes are available, as of traditional goat farming system.Otherwise you can take agriculture land on lease and can cultivate fodder for goats.Also you can feed the left vegetables from vegetable market,if you have any vegetable market in your nearby areas.
Osmanabadi Goat

need help in goat farm

i want to start a goat farm i dont have land and i want to take loan from governement
iam fresher to this field plz suggest your your ideas,

plz provide me your contact details

Goat feed and Feed cost in Stall fed System?

Dear All,

I am from Tamilnadu, India. I am planning to start a Goat farm, I have attended some goat farm trainings. However still I have Queries on Goat feed and Feed cost.

In Goat farm trainings they said about 3 types of Feeds.

1. Green Feed
2. Dry Feed
3. Concentrate feed

Green feeds include - Tree, plant and grass variety

Tree Varieties - Subabul, Gliricidia sepium, Agathi, Neem, Kodukapuli etc..
Plant varieties - Velimasal (Desmanthus virgatus), Kudirai masal (alfalfa), Soundal etc..
Grass variety - COFS29, CO4, Guinea Grass, Corn etc..

Dry Feed:

Dry feed includes - COF29, ground nut leaves, Corn etc.

Concentrate feed:

Concentrate feed Includes - Maize, Wheat bran, Oil cakes, Pulses, Salt, Mineral mixture.

My Queries are..

Query1: What is the best and cheap concentrate mix (ingredients) that will be converted to good meat ratio in goats?. What is the percentage of the ingredients to be?. What will be the concentrate feed cost for it per goat (Kid, Growing, Lactating & Pregnant) per day?

Query2: Is there any alternate feed (Green or Dry) for concentrate feed which will give the same energy, vitamins and minerals etc...

Query3: What is the best green feed mix (ingredients) to give goats and what is the proposition of the ingredients?

Query4: What is the best Dry feed mix (Ingredients) to give goats and what is the proposition of the ingredients?

Query5: What is the ingredient in mineral mixture and the ingredient percentage in mineral mixture?

Kindly advice me in this regard.


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Dear lramkumar,
1.The best concentrated feed with low costing is your farm residue.You can use husk of any pulses.Concentrated feed cost varies from kid to adult goat.Kids eats very less where as adult will eat more.
2.Alternate feed can be used are silage and hydroponic fodder.
3.The best green feed includes-green maize,subabul,alfa alfa(lucern) and co4,ratio 25% of each.
4.Best dry feed- remains of jowar or wheat or rice or any pulses.
Phd in Goat Farming.
Osmanabadi Goat
