Goat Farm Solutions

I want to start goat farm in Ratnagiri in konkan area. In Ratnagiri it is heavy rainfall, cold in winter, hot in summer. It is usefull to do goat farm . I want to start with Osmanabadi goats.
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I want to start goat farm in Ratnagiri in konkan area. In Ratnagiri it is heavy rainfall, cold in winter, hot in summer. It is usefull to do goat farm . I want to start with Osmanabadi goats in konkan.

Osmanabadi goats gets easily adaptable to any climatic conditions,no matter of hot or cold climatic conditions and even rainy too.For more details on goat farming visit my websites or email at contact@goatfarm.co.in .It will be better to follow my goat farm project report.
International Goat Farm Expert.
I want to start goat farm in Ratnagiri in konkan area. In Ratnagiri it is heavy rainfall, cold in winter, hot in summer. It is usefull to do goat farm . I want to start with Osmanabadi goats in konkan.

Sir I am new to this but plan to open a mixed use farm with goatery as part of this. I have followed this and other threads on goat farming. I want to do farming for meat, but will select a breed like betel / Osmanabadi/ Sirohi Does with Boer Bucks so that there is also some additional milk production. There are few questions to which I have not found an answer in any thread (or anywhere in internet) and would highly appreciate a reply/clarification:

1) Male Kids we keep for meat, but what about female kids? Some we can keep to replenish breeding stock, but what to do with the rest?
2) Is female goat used anywhere for meat purpose? I know its eaten in Caribbean, but is it eaten anywhere in India, and is there a market for it?
3) What is the productive life span of above breeds (betel / Osmanabadi/ Sirohi) and after that life-span what to do with the breeding females?
4) Does it make better business sense to sell live goat, or to invest in small scale abattoir and sell meat?

Thank you in advance and hope to hear about these issues from your expertise point of view?
Aditya B

1.Female kids are also sold for meat purposes,they too have the best quality of meat till 7-8 months of their age.These goats too have a high demand as they have the lean meat.Their meat quality is similar to that of male,but before 7-8months of their age.
2.yes its being eaten in India in all parts of the country.sometime,Butchers sales this meat by mixing it with male meat as both have the similar quality.
3.The productive llifespan of female goat is around 8 years.After that they are sold for meat purpose.The meat of old goats is not as tastier as compare to young male and female goats.Meat of old goats is sold at lower prices by butchers to most of the hotels,dhabas and restaurants in India and is widely exported from India to gulf countries.These hotels ads lots of spices to this old goat meat to make it tastier.
4.Selling live goats which are breeded in your farm is much more profitable as compare to opening abattoir and selling meat by purchasing goats in market.Beside that you can breed the goats in your farm,and sale that breeded goats in your abattoir,that will be again more profitable.
International Goat Farm Expert

Hello Dr Shaikh, i am Adwait Parab from Sindhudurg in Konkan. i want to ask whether hydroponics feed is better than conventional feed in regard to overall health of the goat, and is it profitable for weight gain of the animal for meat production.

Yes hydroponics feed is better than naturally cultivated feed,its dust free and has more moisture content,has high nutritional value.It also helps in weight gain(fattening) of goat for meat purpose.
The cost of hydroponics machine is too high and per day expenditures,so the fodder obtain per day from hydroponics machine is at higher rate as compare to that obtain naturally by cultivating it on farm land.So to make this business commercially profitable one has to reduce the feed cost on goats per day.
There are other low cost methods to produce the hydroponic fodder.Visit your nearest agriculture department or university to know about it.
International Goat Farm Expert(Ph.D in Goat Farming)

Dear Dr Shaikh,
Your reply has been really helpful and cleared all doubts. I thank you very much. I am at a learning stage and may again come up with some query. I appreciate your patience with novices like me. I also respect your dedication to educating everyone and every query on this topic.
With greats regards, sincerely,
Aditya B

*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*Loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides you the loan
*Best variety of goats

dear smy82482,

i am IT-prof. interested in goat farm nashik (away 100-150 km ) OR mumbai (away 200km). i do not have any idea before as i am from mumbai born. kindly advice pls. also which breed is good / profitable around these cities mention. thnks

Thanks for your appreciation.
Dear Dr Shaikh,
Your reply has been really helpful and cleared all doubts. I thank you very much. I am at a learning stage and may again come up with some query. I appreciate your patience with novices like me. I also respect your dedication to educating everyone and every query on this topic.
With greats regards, sincerely,
Aditya B

All the points has been previously discussed.please read my previous posts to know more about it.
International Goat Farm Expert
Ph.D In Goat Farming.
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*Loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides you the loan
*Best variety of goats

Hello Sir,

Mr.Rishi pal from Rajasthan wants to have information about goat farming .His contact number is 0-9785308050

Dear Mr. Mohsin,

I am planning to start a goat farm in Maharashtra, so do we have to obtain any license from government or license is not required at all. we will be doing commercial farming as well as eid goats also. so do we have to complete any other formality regarding permission from any local governing body. please help us on the same issue

Goat farming is an agriculture business,for agriculture it doesn't requires any documents or license from government in Maharashtra or any other state.Presently there is lots of shortage of goats for meat every year,also there is an vast demand for goat meat which is increasing day by day as human population increases,which further leads to scarcity of goats for meat purposes and that's the main reason for hike in goat meat prices every year.So to meet the demand of meat(protein) all the state governments are motivating farmers to start goat farming by providing various schemes,free vaccinations,free feeds etc
So there is no need to register your goat farm unless you export goats to other states.For this you can register your farm under ATMA,to know more about it visit your nearest agriculture departments.
For selling goats at EID doesn't requires any license or permission from any government.
International Goat Farm Expert.(Ph.D in Goat Farming)
Dear Mr. Mohsin,

I am planning to start a goat farm in Maharashtra, so do we have to obtain any license from government or license is not required at all. we will be doing commercial farming as well as eid goats also. so do we have to complete any other formality regarding permission from any local governing body. please help us on the same issue

Dear dr.shiakh,one of my goat is suffering from loose motions,please adivice me the right medications.
Very thankful.
Pinto siraj

In stall feed goat farming,loose motions(diarrhoea) are very common but they are not too serious unless they are seen with nasal discharge,high temperature,loss of appetite and some time frothy bloat,these are some of the symptoms of viral infection in goats.Loose motions(dysentery) associated with above symptoms have to be treated quickly with an antibiotic.
Only loose motions are seen in goats due to change in climatic conditions,change in feed,change in water etc.If goats are having only loose motion and no other symptoms,then use norfloxcin tininidazole bolus,half for adult goat and one fourth for kid along with electrolyte powder as they feel dehydration due to excess loss of water from motions.In severe cases use Trimethoprim with Sulfamethoxazole or Sulfadiazine bolus or powder,if you have veterinary nearby you can ask him to inject tridox injection 2ml for adult goat.
International Goat Farm Expert.(Ph.D in Goat Farming)
Dear dr.shiakh,one of my goat is suffering from loose motions,please adivice me the right medications.
Very thankful.
Pinto siraj
