Goat Farm Solutions

Thanks for your quick reply,i was eagerly waiting for your reply.
Boer crossed female deliver kids at midnight,so no was was awake at that time.Next time i will surely take care at time of delivery and ask my men to keep watch on goats who will deliver kids even at night.
I ask my veterinary doctor to give this kid these medicines but he said me it will not work,rather than spending money on these medicines sold this kid to butcher at half price.Also he said he have asked their superior officers,they also told they same thing.So i have appointed a compounder and tells him to provide these medicines,last hope.Also i have attched the kids image below.
warm regards,
Thank you once again.View attachment 8147

goat farming help

I have treated my goat kid for three days as suggested by you Dr.shaikh.on first day after giving above medicines,there was no change in kid so on second day I thought not to give these medicines as it will not work again,but as the medicine had remained I thought to give it rather than wasting it on second day.By the end of day I see that there was an 25% recovery in kid,he looked some active.Then repeating on third day there was 50% recovery,he has started eating fodder and climbing has been stopped,but he is some weak now.Do I repeat medicines again for 3 days?
Thanks a lot Dr.shaikh,really you have extraordinary knowledge regarding goats,I have no words to express your thankfullness. God bless you.

I know that it will surely work.If you treat any goat or kid with right medicine,they will surely gets cure within 12hr- 24hrs,and if not treated with right medicines,surely there will be an mortality.
Now dont repeat the injectables, or there will be an overdose,so stop only injectables and provide that kid only calcium and phosphorus for 8 consecutive days after that stop it too.Weakness is mainly due to non eating of fodder in diseased condition and it usually happens,it will soon becomes healthier but it will take some time so have some patience.
International Goat Farm Expert

Assalamalikum Dr Shaik ,

We have 4 acres of Land near Gowribidanur , the Land is

1) 60% of Land for Plantation oif Mango
2) 25 % for Sheep
3) 10 % for Growing Feed ( based on yoru suggestions)
4) 5% for Servant Quarters & a stay House .

Pls suggest how many Goats / Sheep we can breed in 1 acre of land , Types of shed , Fodder for Goat /sheep & Best quality of SHeep .

Allah Hafiz

Dear Ilyas,
In 1 acre of land you can breed25-30 female goats.1 acre of agriculture land is required to fulfill the fodder requirement of 25-30 female goats along with its kids which will born, through out the year.
Elevated type of shed is always better for goats as compare to ground level sheds which are made on concrete and tiles.

Goat fodder is completely different as compare to sheep fodder,you cant breed goats on fodder of sheep's,it will totally be a failure and will have to suffer heavy losses.Even type of fodder depends on type of goat breed that you want to breed,that means fodder changes as the goat breed changes.There are 23 registered goat breeds in India,these goat breeds have different types of fodders as per there region.So first have to decide whether you want to breed goats or sheep's,if goats then fodder of it depends on which type of goat breed that you will breed.
For more details on shed,fodder vaccination you can refer my goat farm project report-http://goatfarm.co.in/goat-farm-project-report/

Awareness Goat Farming

Dear Sir

I have keen intensest in goat farming business for long time but unable to start it due to lack of information and practical training.

Please provide me the same asap.

Thanks & best regards,

Here you can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer you the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.Post your queries on forum only.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*Loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides you the loan
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only,and you will get your reply here,very soon.

International Goat Farm Expert
Osmanabadi Goat

Dear mumtazansari2003,
Presently i m conducting trainings for Veterinary doctors of various states and farmers through NGOs,for more practical knowledge on goat farming you can visit my goat farm,all practical details with live demos will be provided to you at my farm.For address visit my websites link-Contact Us - My website
International Goat Farm Expert


I am planning to start goat farm in my village in telangana, kindly let me know on the below

What are the Government schemes for goat farms
What Government subsidy can I get
Can I get loan for goat farm
What the required documents.
which bank provides u the loan
Suggest me variety of goats and their cost.

Kindly contact me on ksunil28@gmail.com

TE=smy82482;225553]Here you can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer you the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.Post your queries on forum only.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*Loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides you the loan
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only,and you will get your reply here,very soon.

International Goat Farm Expert
Osmanabadi Goat

Dear Dr.shaikh now it has been over two months for my last comment,and now my kid is of six months which was saved by you by suggesting right medicine.Recently my nearby farmers have demanded me that kid,as its looking so attractive and healthy.They asked me for 5000 rs,but i have not sold it i will keep it and allow him to grow further.Thanks a lot for this,the whole credit goes to you,i have no words to express your thankful ness.
I have posted pic of this kid which is looking very agressive and even not standing at one place to to take photograph.Once again thanks a lotView attachment 8996
I know that it will surely work.If you treat any goat or kid with right medicine,they will surely gets cure within 12hr- 24hrs,and if not treated with right medicines,surely there will be an mortality.
Now dont repeat the injectables, or there will be an overdose,so stop only injectables and provide that kid only calcium and phosphorus for 8 consecutive days after that stop it too.Weakness is mainly due to non eating of fodder in diseased condition and it usually happens,it will soon becomes healthier but it will take some time so have some patience.
International Goat Farm Expert

Thank you agrifarming for your feedback.
First of all i must clear that,it was not me who save your kid,its the GOD who save your kid,I have only suggested the right medicine required and shared the knowledge which i have gain from my 13 years of practical goat farming experience and researches.Kid is looking too healthy as you kept your patience,which i have said to you in my last reply for you.Best of luck for future.


Are Napier co4 grass good for feeding goats . I have read on few places that 1 Acers can support produce 100 tone / per Acer / per year .

With my limited knowledge i quess that it should be enough for 100 goats .

For 100 how many acres of Land will be required ?

Dear faizkhan,
Yes you can feed Napier CO4 grass to goats,Napier belongs to family of monocot.It is always better to feed goats with monocot and dicot fodder,to achieve a balance and faster weight gain.Along with napier feed goats with lucern,which is i dicot grass.
If you are breeding 100 female goats,soon their will be kididngs in female goats and these kids too requires fodder.So if you want to breed 100 female goats,four acre of agriculture land is required to feed these goats and their kids through out the year in stall feed goat farming method.


Thanks for your Reply .

4 Acres will would be able to support 100 Female Goats and Their kids .

Getting in to more details about kids fodder requirement I have couple for question

1) How many Batch of Kids ( 1 or 2) in oe year can be supported ?

2) with 4 Acers till what age kid can be supported ?

Dear faizkhan,
Yes you can feed Napier CO4 grass to goats,Napier belongs to family of monocot.It is always better to feed goats with monocot and dicot fodder,to achieve a balance and faster weight gain.Along with napier feed goats with lucern,which is i dicot grass.
If you are breeding 100 female goats,soon their will be kididngs in female goats and these kids too requires fodder.So if you want to breed 100 female goats,four acre of agriculture land is required to feed these goats and their kids through out the year in stall feed goat farming method.

1.2 batches of kids gets easily supported,if you have plenty of water supply for your fodder crops.At least twice in a week.
2.Kids along with their mothers can be feeded for 6 months with four acres of agriculture land.Till one month of kids age,all the kids will be completely dependent on milk.After that they slowly starts eating fodder,say 10 gm a day and gradually they increases.It takes 3-4 months to get completely off from milk and completely on on fodder,depending on type of breed,age and growth of kids.

Dear Dr. Shaikh

What will be optimal water requirement for 4 Acer ?

Another one question is that I have another 10 acre of plot . if grow fodder and the transport it to goat farm will it have any negative impact its 2 hours far from the farm house

At least you have to provide water once in a week for fodder crops which are cultivated in 4 acres of land.Fodder crops doesn't requires too much watering,they can be well raised in minimum water supply too.
There will no be no impact on fodder,only your transportation charges will raise.Also You have to transport the fodder 365 days,in rainy, winter and in summer.Calculate the transportation charges which are going to be expense through out the year,two year or for five years.It will surely cut your profit rate.

For transporting of goats for longer distance say above 1000 km,you requires skillful persons who has some experience of previous transporting of animals for longer distance.Transporting of goats below 1000 km is not a bit problem and doesn't requires any special documentation of carriage of animals, any one can travel the goats without any previous experience.But above 1000 km you requires the document(permit) to carry the animals.You will get the animal carrying permit at RTO office at minimal cost.
The cost of transportation of animals depends on type of vehicle and distance.
Yes transportation of goats is possible via railways too.If there are large number of goats,railway department will arrange an extra compartment for placing of goats.Just visit your nearest station,and inquire about it to an experience officer.
International Goat Farm Expert

How to buy goats from other states??? how to transport it???what wud b the cost to transport in small no and large no???is it possible through railways???:confused: plz help:rolleyes:

Dear Mohsin Shaikh Sahab,
I always read your queries/answers which are very honest, sincere and to the point. I feel that, we are very lucky that we getting a readymade information from the people like you who are an expert in the field of Goat Farming. Your answers are very informative I had learned too many things from you and from your Answers that you are giving to the people.I have learn lots of things about goats which i have never heard in my life or would have been not learn if i wont have read your posts.Thanks alot,really very awesome posts.
