Search results

  1. ponsanthan


    Medicinal Herbs- Cultivation. You can cultivate medicinal plants in a planned manner and earn reasonable revenue. We are promoting, Kalmeg- Andrographis paniculata – siriyanangai 1.5 tons /acre in 120 days. 30-40/kg (Cost of seed Rs 350/kg) Tulsi – Ocimum 2-3 tons /acre/year/ Rs...
  2. ponsanthan

    Mucuna seeds

    We need 50 tonn each of Mucuna seeds and Boerhavia diffusa aerial part.Genuine suppliers please send private message. Punarnava usually collected from agricultural lands after harvest of rainfed crops. interested collecters can collect chop and dry. dried material is having market value of Rs 20...
  3. ponsanthan

    Need details for Tulsi & Guggal farming

    Uses of guggul Guggul contains steroidal compounds, it helps in cholesterol control and in weight management. It is largely used in the perfume stick industry, the gum resin helps in producing perfume kg of resin is having the value of Rs.300. In some ayurvedic, siddha formulations...
  4. ponsanthan

    Need details for Tulsi & Guggal farming

    Tulsi and guggal Tulsi can be cultivated using seeds. Nursery should be prepared and 500 g -1 kg seeds should be used per acre. We will give buy back for Tulsi, give private message. Guggul rooted cuttings/ seed lings should be planted and maintained for 5 years to get well grown plants to...
  5. ponsanthan

    Open Discussion - What do you feel about investing in Agriculture ?

    Agriculture investment Planning and experience fetches nice returns.As you quote there are people with gradient of 0- 100 with respect to knowledge and resource. Even then one should appreciate the people who all venturing in to agriculture.As the ancient proverb says if you calculate the...
  6. ponsanthan

    Nir Brahmi (Bacopa) cultivation

    Wanted to cultivate Nirbrahmi (Bacopa monnieri) in 5 acres. Interested growers having land near reservoir, lake or river willing to grow bacopa (Nirbrahmi - Bacopa monnieri) please give private message. Bacopa is propagated through cuttings, it needs frequent watering, it can be maintained...
  7. ponsanthan

    Trees that can be grown in black cotton soil

    Trees Bangalore and Mysore climate is suitable for several important commercial trees . Timber trees like Melia dubia, Teak, Pterocarpus, Rose wood, Jack, Rose apple can be grown.Other medicinal trees like Terminalia arjuna(Bark- cardiac drug), Lagerstroemia speciosa(Leaf - Diabetes drug), Red...
  8. ponsanthan


    Rudraksha requires humid climate and evergreen forest or shola atmosphere. Places like western ghat where the rain fall is high and thick forest without much disturbance by human activities. it can be grown areas with annual rainfall of 200 to 300 cent meters. Mostly wild rudraksha meets our...
  9. ponsanthan

    Re: Madhunashi Plant

    Madunashini - cultivation practice Gymnema cultivation not yet taken large scale, only few people are growing, it needs to be propagated through cuttings. During March, April months seeds also can be collected from forest areas , near villages and it can be used for propagation. Plant can be...
  10. ponsanthan

    Cost of the medical plant

    Medicinal plants for gift Several medicinal plants can be give as gift.some choices 1) Tinospora cordifolia- Amruthavalli, guduchi, it is a climber similar to money plant. this can be grown lke jasmin. the fruits are lke grape. Birds will eat it, the stem is chopped and decoction is used as...
  11. ponsanthan

    Grow Bhumiamla, Dayjasmin

    Bhumiamla, Dayjasmin Bhumiamla is 4 month plant it can be grown two times in a year, yield will be 1.5- 2 ton per acre, seeds are the planting material. It can be grown during February- may; June - October.prepare nursery, transplant seedlings,maintain in the main field and then harvest...
  12. ponsanthan

    Punarnava- aerial Part

    Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa )- Aerial part, Leaf , stem with flowers and fruits free from soil particles,(if possible chopped) sun dried required around 50 ton, genuine suppliers send private message. Price will be around Rs14/kg, material should be supplied to Hosur Tamil Nadu.
  13. ponsanthan

    Re: Madhunashi Plant

    Madunashini Gymnema sylvestre - Gurmar, it is climber, if you eat just half leaf of this plant, after few minutes if you take sugar , you will not feel the sweet taste of sugar.
  14. ponsanthan

    Medicinal farming consultancy required

    Medicinal plants- Rajasthan Commiphora mukul - guggul plant is one of high value and long term crop, gum guggul is used for cholesterol control and in perfume industry.It can be grown in large scale. intercrop can be done with this. Aswagandha is also a suitable crop for Rajasthan, similarly...
  15. ponsanthan

    Long pepper, Peper Longum retrofractum

    Long pepper Pippali- Piper longum- grows only at the ground level up to 3 ft height gajapippali - Piper retrofractum- climber like pepper and betel vine Cost wise Piper longum costlier, the root of Piper longum is also used in medicine in large scale and it is called kandam pippali. Piper...
  16. ponsanthan

    Tulsi plantation

    Tulsi We are giving buyback guarantee for Tulsi plant, you can get nearly one lakh per acre/year buy growing tulsi by organic means, you can get seed material also at subsidized price, for further details please give private message
  17. ponsanthan

    anti diabetic plants

    andidiabetic medicinal plants Evergreen medicinal plants for diabetes mellitus are Gymnema sylvestre - gurmar - Leaves Phyllanthus amarus - Bhumiamla Syzygium cuminii - Jamun - Seeds Momordica charantia - Karela- bitter guard- fruit, Coccinea grandis- Leaf, fruit, root tuber Coctus sp...
  18. ponsanthan

    guideline and input materials to grow medicinal herbs

    Asparagus racemosus Asparagus racemosus needs to be grown at least for two years then only one can get good quality tubers.Even 50- 60 tubers with one meter length can be obtained from a single plant. The demand for the tuber is high; it is an aphrodisiac, galactogogue(increases milk secretion...
  19. ponsanthan

    guideline and input materials to grow medicinal herbs

    Proper instruction and necessary input materials available for growing important medicinal herbs, marketing also assured, give private message for necessary input
  20. ponsanthan

    Grow Bhumiamla, Dayjasmin

    we need interested growers under contract farming to grow Bhumiamla and Dayjasmin(Cestrum diurnum) each in up to 100 acres. There is a guaranteed revenue.
