Bhumiamla, Dayjasmin
Bhumiamla is 4 month plant it can be grown two times in a year, yield will be 1.5- 2 ton per acre, seeds are the planting material. It can be grown during February- may; June - October.prepare nursery, transplant seedlings,maintain in the main field and then harvest.
DayJasmin: it is a shrub it will be maintained for 5-6 years. The leaves will be harvested periodically.initially nursery will be prepared using seeds. after 2- 3 month seed lings should be transplanted in the main field or in hedges of farms or as an intercrop in tree will grow up to 6-7 feet should be planted at 2-3 feet distance. periodically manure should be applied irrigation also advisable.2- 3 ton dried leaves can be obtained from one acre crop per year.