Long pepper, Peper Longum retrofractum

I am interested to know about Long peper (peper longum Retrofractum) i.e. "Gaja tippili" or "Yanai Tippili" in Tamil.

I want to know where in South India it is grown commercially. Or is it grown in South East asian countries such as Malaysia, Indinasia or Thailand.

Also want know how does it gives yied Season wise or through out the year?
and yield particulars.

General growing practices and biology

Best regards


kirti s

Well-Known Member

Indian long pepper is propagated through stem cuttings or suckers.
The field is prepared to good tilth by ploughing twice, harrowing and planking. 10 - 15 tonnes of farm yard manure, 250 kg of single superphosphate, 65 kg of muriate of potash and 25 - 50 kg of zinc sulphate per hectare are applied basally.
Planting is done during rainy season. Stem cuttings 30 cm long having at least 3 nodes are planted in 15 cm deep holes leaving 1 node above the ground at a distance of 60 - 90 cm between the rows and 15 cm between the plants (74,000 - 1,11,000 cuttings / hectare). The crop is irrigated at 15 - 20 days intervals during non - rainy periods.
Interculture - Fertilizers

The field is weeded periodically and kept wee dree.
Generally the crop is fertilized with manures only. Application of 150 kg urea in 3 equal splits is suggested for good yields.
Spraying of micronutrients and growth regulators is also proposed for good results.

Hi Kirti S
Thanks for your reply. As I mentioned earlier I want to know wether this Long peper yields regularly or only in season. What is the usual yield? and where can I get the cuttings?


Senior Member
Long pepper

Pippali- Piper longum- grows only at the ground level up to 3 ft height
gajapippali - Piper retrofractum- climber like pepper and betel vine

Cost wise Piper longum costlier, the root of Piper longum is also used in medicine in large scale and it is called kandam pippali.
Piper retrofractum is grown in kerala, Indian institute of spices Research Calicut will give cuttings.
Piper longum is grown in Maharastra, Karnataka and northern states. GKVK, Bangalore will also give cuttings of Piper longum. Price wise per kg long pepper costs Rs.300.00
