Search results

  1. ponsanthan

    About Organic tulsi

    organic tulsi We grown tulsi using organic fertilizers, leaves healthy and chemical content also good. We got yield of 1.2 tons dried twigs per acre per year.If one takes more care and the soil is alluvial mixed the yield may increase. our soil is red sandy. we grown as irrigated crop.seedlings...
  2. ponsanthan

    Research purpose herbs

    Herbs for Research purpose available in 500g - 5 kg quantities. Research community who all need such samples can send private message.
  3. ponsanthan

    part time assistant

    Wanted a part time assistant to collect/process/ cultivate medicinal herbs. Post graduate botany interested in learning about general and medicinal herbs and willing to visit interior villages and forests of southern states. interested persons can give private message
  4. ponsanthan

    Mevanelli (Phyllanthus maderaspatensis)

    Dried aerial part of Mevanelli (Melanelli) - Phyllanthus maderaspatensis required in bulk. wild collectors/suppliers/ cultivators please send sample, quote price send private message.
  5. ponsanthan

    Diary farm

    Dairy farm Good thing, you have to take care of your animals like your children, plan for some green fodder at least half acre, source local cheap feed like tapioca starch, rice bran etc. leak proof shed with stone or cement floor (500 sq ft), one person to take care of the animal at leas once...
  6. ponsanthan

    Tester of PA Ratio of Patchouli Oil

    patchouly oil testing Patchouli oil can be get tested any where in the govt approved analytical labs, Gas chromatography is used for the purpose. the charge will be around 500 rupees per sample.
  7. ponsanthan

    bhumiamala seeds/dried herb

    We need Bhumiamla(Phyllanthus amarus) dried herb 10 tons and 10 kg seeds, genuine suppliers please send private message, herb should be good quality, free from sand and soil particles, leaf and stem should in equal proportion, please send sample and quote price. Please contact....
  8. ponsanthan

    More demand for medicinal herbs

    Dear members/guests nowadays the demand for medicinal herbs is increasing, the price of the herbs also increasing multifold, our community can take lead and actively participate in propagation and effective utilization of resources. people should get awareness about the herbs around them and...
  9. ponsanthan

    wanted job

    BSc (Botany) graduate with two years experience wanted suitable job. Please give private message
  10. ponsanthan

    Medicinal herb garden

    Thank you for your interest in setting up a medicinal garden. I am in Bangalore. i will visit the place, plan and initiate. Thanks Dr.P.Santhan
  11. ponsanthan

    Medicinal herb garden

    Medicinal herb garden with very good collection of important medicinal plants will be established. For details Please send private message. well known medicinal herbs, shrubs, climbers and trees collection will be established and it will be a good source of reference material for seed bank...
  12. ponsanthan

    root anatomy

    root antomy I am an anatomy specialist, what detail you want kindly send me private message, plant anatomy by K. Easua will give details. ayurvedic pharmacopoea, medicinal plants publications of AYUSH, ICMR will give some details.
  13. ponsanthan

    medicinal herbs for south

    Medicinal herbs suitable for southern states Ocimum sanctum - Tulsi - Leaf Phyllanthus amarus - bhumiamalaki - aerial part Centella asiatica - Goyukola, vallarai - leaf Coleus forskohlii - coleus - Root Asparagus racemosus - Shatavari - Root Momordica charatia - bitter guard - Fruit...
