Guar ( Guar Gum) : A New Profitable Crop


We are providing you the buy back support. or you can find the buyer over internet. Initially there is a small production so now one knows the buyers. Once the production will increase the buyer will start to purchase it in AP. It is new crop for A.P. It is used in the petroleum industry, there is huge demand in export market.

Seed treatment for Guar Crop

Normally Guar is cultivated in the Rainfed area of western Rajasthan, South Punjab and west Haryana. but in the humid areas, where there are more chances of disease out-break, seeds are treated in the following ways.

i. Dry seed is coated with Ceresan or Thiram at the rate of 3 gm fungicide per kilogram of seed to kill the spores of fungus resting on the seed coat.

ii. Seed is immersed in hot water at 56 C for 10 minutes and then dried at room temperature before sowing. This kills all the fungus mycelium and inactivates their spores to spread disease in the crop. This treatment must be done unde r the supervision of expert .

iii to remove the diseased and unhealthy plants by putting it in the salty water the light , small and diseased seed will come on the surface. then after washout the seed and dry them under shadow.
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Seed Treatment of Guar seed with bacterial culture

Guar plant develops, nodules on its roots, in which a special kind of bacteria live and convert the free nitrogen of the atmosphere into a form of fertilizer which is absorbed by the roots of the plant.

This symbiotic relation of the bacteria and root nodules is useful in saving cost of nitrogenous fertilizers. Therefore, before sowing the seeds are inoculated with these bacteria so that their population increases in the soil, with the growth of the plant. This is done by preparing a 10% sugar or gur solution in boiling water. This sugar solution is allowed to cool.

On cooling 3 -4 packets of guar bacterial culture are mixed with solution to make a thin paste. This paste is coated over to the seed. Seed is dried under shade for 30 -40 minutes before sowing.

Farmers across India bet on guar as prices see a sharp rise

MUMBAI: Aplam Raju, a 37-year-old new-generation farmer near Agali in Andhra Pradesh's Anantapur district, has sown his maiden guar crop this year after the beans yielded a five-fold jump in returns over last year. Guar is mainly grown in Rajasthan, Haryana and the Saurashtra region of Gujarat.

"We too want to strike it rich in no time," exclaims Raju. He is not alone in this new venture. "Around 150 farmers in Anantapur district have approached us for help in sourcing seeds to grow guar crops on more than 300 acres," says Venkateshwara Rao, deputy director (seeds), agriculture department , Andhra Pradesh. Not just in Andhra, farmers across India are in awe of the humble bean. And not without reason.

Guar gum prices have jumped to Rs 30,000 per quintal from Rs 3,000 per quintal a year ago while guar seed prices have gone up to Rs 350 per kg from Rs 30 per kg. Guar gum is traditionally an ingredient for sauces, ice cream and confectionaries. But the stellar rise in its price is due to its use in the petroleum business.

The gum is used as a sealant in the hydraulic fracturing process used for extracting oil and gas from shale. "Farmers in UP, Karnataka and Maharashtra are calling us to understand crop patterns , yielding capacity and marketing methods so that they could sow the crop for the next season that begins in July," says PK Hisariya, president, All India Guar Gum Growers' Association.

Most of the crop is marketed to overseas buyers in Rajasthan but farmers in other regions of the country are ready to go the extra mile in hauling their harvest to the desert state. "The cost of growing the crop is almost a tenth of the export prices.

It's a big opportunity for us to shift to guar," says Mangat Patil, a farmer in Maharashtra's Jalgaon. He will be sowing guar beans for the first time on his one-acre land. India, the world's largest producer of guar beans and gum, exported more than 400,000 lakh tonnes till March 2011. Nearly 80% of exports are to the US, which has been buying from India as its own production is unable to meet the growing demand.

Article Author - Tapash Talukdar
Article Source - The Economics Times

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Please feel free to share your thoughts on the this article.


Dear Shweta,

There are two strong base behind the Guar crop. First the cost of cultivation of Guar crop is very low. Another, there is no any natural alternate/substitute of this crop as industrial input. If it is not making the farmer rich at the worst side, the same time it is also not making the farmer poorer. IF you go for a high investment crop. First the cost of cultivation will be very high if the crop doesn't give you return, then it will push some one in credit, ultimately it will make the farmer poorer.

Guar is very good crop for the

Soil improvement,
Low investment,
Nitrogen fixation,
Drought resistant,
Cash crop,
No insect pest attack in storage,
Green vegetable,
Green manure,
Short duration,
Good quality Fodder,
Concentrate for milking cattle,
High return
Monopoly on India in production.

And Much More............
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Dear Shweta,

Can any one pls tell me whether Guar can be grown in Chiplun District of Konkan Region in Maharashtra. I have 5 acres land in spare for cultivation. Also, let me know whether any training is required to produce quality Guar.

Yogesh T.

Dear Yogesh,

You can grow it there. Make sure that there is no any water lodging condition in farm. at the time of maturity ( after 3-4 months ) the weather is open no cloudy. Training is not compulsory. If would be better if you take an exposure.

Exposure Tour Guar (Guar Gum) Crop September,2012

Guar as emerged as one of the major industrial crop. The crop has given very good return to the farmers of Western Rajasthan, (Totally Rain-fed and dry Area). This also a useful crop in many other ways like improvement in soil fertility, low cost of cultivation, Cattle feed, on the request of the growers we are organizing the tour of the Guar Crop Exposure. We are organizing two-three days tour program.

Tentative Date of Tour

• September,2012 :- 29th and 30th September
• October, 2012 :- 20th and 21st September

Tour Program For September, 2012 :- 29th and 30th September

First Day:-

1. First Half
• Break fast
• Visit of the Guar crop farm, we will discuss on following topics
• How to prepare the land
• How to do the sowing
• How to manage the water
• How to manage the weeds
• How to do the harvesting and threshing
• Other important aspect of guar crop in the field.
• Lunch
2. Second Half
• Visit of Historic place / or Discussion
• Dinner

Second Day

1. First Half
• Break fast
• Visit of the Guar gum factory, we will discuss on following topics
• Market and Use of Guar Seed
• Utilization of Guar seed.
• Processing of guar seed in the Cattle feed and Gaur Gum
• Export potential and process of the export of Guar Crop.
• Lunch
2. Second Half
• Visit of Tourist place / or Discussion
• Dinner

Tentative Schedule:-

• 28/09/2012: Arrival at Jaipur
• 29/09/2012:- First Day of Tour
• 30/09/2012:-Second Day of Tour, Departure from Jaipur


• Minimum 5 Person
• Rs 15,000 per head

Charges Includes

• Two night 28th and 29th Hotel Stay
• Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner of 28th 29th and 30th

We will also provide you the booklet of more than 115 pages detail about the gaur crop, In this Tour we will discuss on guar history,

 Current market of India,
 Major production area of guar,
 Cultivation of guar
 Storage of guar
 Guar making flow chart,
 Guar gum value chain,
 Global trade of guar,
 Quality standards,
 Documentation for export,
 Govt Schemes,
 Market potential,
 Market analysis of major market of Guar,
 Competitive analysis,
 Export data,
 Major Industries,
 Major aspects of Guar Crop

Please register yourself. The final schedule and arrangement of the stay will be notified after 23rd September, 2012. Please contact to the following address for the registration. You can download the registration form here as attachment

Dear Shweta,

There are two strong base behind the Guar crop. First the cost of cultivation of Guar crop is very low. Another, there is no any natural alternate/substitute of this crop as industrial input. If it is not making the farmer rich at the worst side, the same time it is also not making the farmer poorer. IF you go for a high investment crop. First the cost of cultivation will be very high if the crop doesn't give you return, then it will push some one in credit, ultimately it will make the farmer poorer.

Guar is very good crop for the

Soil improvement,
Low investment,
Nitrogen fixation,
Drought resistant,
Cash crop,
No insect pest attack in storage,
Green vegetable,
Green manure,
Short duration,
Good quality Fodder,
Concentrate for milking cattle,
High return
Monopoly on India in production.

And Much More............
Dear Mr. Prajapat,

The two strong base you mentioned about Guar crop is motivating for farmers to get into cultivation of this crop. But do you feel they can easily find the buyers for this crop? And will the industrial application of this crop going to stay in the market for long or is short-lived?


Dear Shweta,

The first concern is the buyer

Buyer for the Guar crop is not a problem. The crop is farmer friendly crop you need not to sell out in the open market if you dont have sufficient quantity to sell out ( truck load). Just grind it and give the feed to cattles after cooking in water. This is highly nutritive concentrate. Of five six farmer can make a group with the sufficient quantity to sell out. negotiate the rate. IF the commodity will start to come in grain market the buyer will start to buy this from the farmer. might be the it will take a time in regular trend. But it will develop. I am giving assurance just load the material any transport the charge will not come ore than 6-7 Rs /kg. farmer can sell to me. Till the regular purchase start in the local market.

This is not a product which is used in one industry . It is used in more than 10 different different industries. food processing, food preservation, printing, radioactive, petroleum, paper industry.

Yes for a beginner it will require some extra affords . But the crop will give return. the basic fact is that cost of cultivation is very low, so the rate of return is very high..

Nutrient Management for Guar Crop

Even guar can be cultivated in any type of the cultivated land. It will give return even in poor nutrient soil/ low fertile soil.

Guar crop needs 10-12 tonnes of well decomposed farmyard manure, especially when it is being cultivated on poor sandy soils, or after taking an exhausting crop. This well decomposed manure is applied a month before sowing.

If some one want to go for the commercial cultivation of Guar , and want to take the good production. In that condition he can do the nutrient management by application of the fertilizers.

Nitrogenous fertilizers are applied only in small quantity (about 20 kg of nitrogen) because most of nitrogen to the crop comes from the atmosphere through bacterial action. Phosphatic fertilizers about 60 kg, potassic 20 kg per hectare along with 20 kg of nitrogen are applied as basal dose as the time of sowing, with the help of pora just 4 -5 cm below the seed. Spray the crop with 0.15% solution of sodium molybdate after 30 days of sowing after the seedling emergence increases the yield of both fodder and grain.

Halliburton is leading company which play leading role for the use for Guar Gum in the petroleum industry.

Research Analysts’ Weekly Ratings Changes for Halliburton (HAL)

September 12th, 2012 -

Several investment firms have updated their stock ratings and price targets on shares of Halliburton (NYSE: HAL) in the last week:

Halliburton had its “outperform” rating reaffirmed by analysts at RBC Capital. They now have a $38.00 price target on the stock.

Halliburton was upgraded by analysts at Zacks from an “underperform” rating to a “neutral” rating. They now have a $34.00 price target on the stock. Zacks‘ analyst wrote, “Following Halliburton’s second quarter earnings beat and the easing costs for guar gums – a key component in the company’s market-leading hydraulic fracturing’ procedure -, we are recalibrating our investment thesis on the oilfield services behemoth to Neutral from Underperform. Houston-based Halliburton recently reported better-than-anticipated June quarter results on the back of higher activity in the international markets. The company also stands to gain from the declining prices of guar gum. Moreover, at current multiples, which are significantly lower than peers, we have a difficult time justifying an Underperform rating. While being incrementally more positive on Halliburton, the increased pricing pressure in its North American operations keeps us on the sidelines. “

Halliburton is now covered by analysts at Credit Agricole. They set an “outperform” rating and a $38.00 price target on the stock.

Halliburton had its price target lowered by analysts at Societe Generale from $51.00 to $50.00. They now have a “buy” rating on the stock. They wrote, “HAL announced that weakness in NAM drilling activity combined with further price concessions in frac will weigh on 3Q’12 revenue and margins. These headwinds will be partly offset by tax restructuring initiatives and the burn down of high cost guar inventory in 2013+. We now forecast 2012/13/14 EPS of $3.20/$3.95/$4.90, down from $3.35/$4.00/$5.00. Our lowered EPS trim our HAL target to $50 from $51…HAL previously announced that it was undertaking an international tax reorganization initiative to lower its average income tax rate. The company reports that initial restructuring efforts designed to move some earnings offshore are expected to result in a 200-300 bp reduction in HAL’s tax rate in 2013+. HAL’s current 30%-32.5% tax rate compares to the 33%-33.5% for peer BHI, and 23.5%-24% for its peer SLB which has more International leverage where tax rates are generally lower.”

Halliburton had its “overweight” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Barclays Capital.

Halliburton had its “positive” rating reaffirmed by analysts at UBS AG.

Halliburton had its “outperform” rating reaffirmed by analysts at FBR Capital.

Halliburton had its “overweight” rating reaffirmed by analysts at JPMorgan Chase. They now have a $43.00 price target on the stock.

Halliburton is now covered by analysts at Jefferies Group. They set a “buy” rating on the stock.

Shares of Halliburton traded up 1.02% during mid-day trading on Wednesday, hitting $35.71. Halliburton has a one year low of $26.28 and a one year high of $40.60. The company has a market cap of $33.130 billion and a P/E ratio of 11.07.

Halliburton Company is an oilfield services company. The Company is provider of services and products to the energy industry related to the exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas.

I came through article published two days before.

The area of guar cultivation is increasing days by day there is huge demand of the crop. The farmer of Punjab has opted it basically for three reason, low water requirement, Improvement of soil fertility and good market price.. Some where the farmers are assured about the return. Nor only the return the crop will also give the fodder, it will increase the fertility, crop require low investment....

Area under guar registers 10-fold increase :-Indian Express

Good prices seem to have forced Punjab farmers to increasingly opt for guar crop. While traditionally farmers grow guar on 3,000 to 4,000 acres, this year, there has been a ten-fold rise with nearly 50,000 acres being dedicated to the crop. The primary reason: good prices.

Experts say that apart from producing highly nutritive green manure, the crop also makes soil fertile by fixing the nitrogen and increasing organic content.

After harvesting it is used as dry fodder for animals. It is also used in the petroleum industry, polymer industry,

textile industry, plastic, printing industries, food preservation industry, among others. In some parts of the country, it is even cooked as regular vegetable.

“A farmer can earn around Rs 1 to 1.5 lakh from an acre depending on the rate and there is no storage pest attack on guar,” said Dr Naresh Gulati, deputy director, Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA). “Even if farmers grows it on small portion of their agricultural land its green manure will help in improving the fertility of their land,” he added.

“Guar is essentially an easy rain-fed crop cultivated mainly in Rajasthan and Haryana but it can be grown successfully in various parts of Punjab including Bathinda, Faridkot, Ferozepur, Mansa, Fazilka and Abohar,” said Dr Atam Singh, chief agricultural officer, Faridkot.

He added that the crop required low rainfall and is sown between the second week of July to second week of August. It is a 90 day crop and needs 5-6 kg of seed per acre. Atam Singh further said that the cultivation cost ranges between Rs 5000 to Rs 6000 and the yield is around four to six quintals per acre.

“Depending on demand, its rate varies from Rs 100 to Rs 300 per kg. Last year, the rates went up to Rs 35,000 to Rs 40,000 per quintal and at present it is above Rs 15,000 while the harvest is only in October,” said Dr Gurvinder Singh, agricultural officer, Punjab Agriculture Department, Chandigarh.

Please go through the article.
Area under guar registers 10-fold increase - Indian Express

Dear Shweta,

The first concern is the buyer

Buyer for the Guar crop is not a problem. The crop is farmer friendly crop you need not to sell out in the open market if you dont have sufficient quantity to sell out ( truck load). Just grind it and give the feed to cattles after cooking in water. This is highly nutritive concentrate. Of five six farmer can make a group with the sufficient quantity to sell out. negotiate the rate. IF the commodity will start to come in grain market the buyer will start to buy this from the farmer. might be the it will take a time in regular trend. But it will develop. I am giving assurance just load the material any transport the charge will not come ore than 6-7 Rs /kg. farmer can sell to me. Till the regular purchase start in the local market.

This is not a product which is used in one industry . It is used in more than 10 different different industries. food processing, food preservation, printing, radioactive, petroleum, paper industry.

Yes for a beginner it will require some extra affords . But the crop will give return. the basic fact is that cost of cultivation is very low, so the rate of return is very high..
Dear Mr. Prajapat,

India accounts for 80% of total world's production of guar gum. Out of this how much is consumed in the country and how much is exported?


Want to harvest guar gum in 4o acrs.

Dear Mr. Prajapat,

I heve 40 Acrs of land in AP it's combination of red and black soil and water is available through out the year. I want harvest Guar Gum in that.
Could you please guid me on the below things

1) what is time period.
2) Cultivation process.
3) Average rate of 100 kg's.
4) Process of marketing.
5) Medicines beeing used.
6) How many seeds sowing for acar.

Please guide me on this it will be great helpful for me. Thanks in advance.


the India accounts for 80% of total world's production of guar gum. Out of this how much is consumed in the country and how much is exported?
Guar (Guar Gum):

A true story of hard work. The 80 % of total Guar of India is cultivated in the rain-fed Area of the Rajasthan. The rain fed area of Rajasthan is most drought hit location of India. You don't have any other alternate except being a farmer. A farmer means one of the simple, kind hearted, god faith and helpless person. After sowing of seeds every day he looks toward the sky and pray that God please don’t make me hopeless. He not only thinks about him, he also pray to God please don't give me but don't let the animal to die. If there is no rain then no waters no fodder. He comes from one of the helpless communities in the world. No water no life. But he has not left to do the hard work. He is dipped in sweat like other hard worker. This year the rate has Guar has gone up. In the western Rajasthan he is cultivating the Guar In the extreme adverse condition for Agriculture. This time the guar has pumped money in this region.

The Guar crop play Four roles in western Rajasthan.

First Role It makes the soil fertile. Guar is one of highly nutritive green manure in the world. It fix the nitrogen in the soil. It increase the organic content.

Second role :- Source of the green vegetable for Human. The guar pod is cooked as regular vegetable in the western Rajasthan Kitchens during the whole guar growing Period, with different method and combination. Test you cant compare any POD with Guar pod in taste.

Third Role :- Dry fodder. The crops residual after the harvesting is collected and stored it is used as fodder for the cattle animals. It is higly digestive and nutritive. The Camel ( ship of Rajasthan) eat it in priority.

Fourth :- Cash Crop in comparison to other crop the guar play a role as cash crop. The farmer get money form the market. The good thing with guar is that there is no any storage pest attack on guar. The guar seed is used as concentrate for the milking cattle.

The guar run the western Rajasthan. Last years the a lot of research was conducted on the property of Guar. The Guar Gum emerged as highly industrial product . This leaded to the demand of the Gaur. The Guar seed is source of the Guar Gum. The Guar seed is processed in the Guar Gum. Fortunately the Indian is growing 80 % Guar of the world and Western Rajasthan in growing 80 % Guar of the India. The demand of guar gum leaded to the high price rise of guar seed. Last month teh farmers enjoyed the rate of 35000/ quintle. The money was dumped and pumped in the western Rajasthan. Guar emerged as one of the most returning commodity of the world lacking behind the Gold.

The Gaur Gum is highly industrialized product. It is used in Petroleum industry, Polymer industry, textile industry, plastic industry, Food preservation industry, bakery, juices, Noodles, Ice cream, printing industry.

I will suggest to Indian farmer please try at list on 5 % area of your agriculture farm. It is green manure if you dont get any thing from guar, you can sell it in market as vegetable in green form, you can store as a cattle feed, you can earn money if the current market trend continue.

Please try don't hesitate. It is low water requirement crop, Low insect pest susceptible crop, It is short duration of 90 days crop. It can be grown in any land.

For futher information you can contact us.

Please contact to my mail id I will provide you all the information to your email id. If you will check this thread from starting you will find all the answers. Any specific question please put it here.

Method of sowing

Traditionally guar crop is sown by the broadcast method. Normally it is called "CHHIDAKA". If you want to go for broadcast method, then there must be sufficient soil moisture during the beginning of the rainy season. The field is roughly divided into long stripes of convenient size. The seed is evenly spread by hands over the surface of the field, while walking through the long stripes of the field. The field is ploughed after spreading the seed.

This method does not ensure proper spacing and creates problems while hoeing, weeding and removing excessive rain water.

The grower will also face problems in the intercultural operations.

Line sowing with the help of tractors by seed-drill is useful in sowing. We can maintain the proper spacing and depth. This results in better seed germination. Line sowing is also useful for carrying out hoeing-weeding and removing excessive rain water.

In some area Guar is taken as mixed cropping the seeds are mixed with other crop. Normally in the Western Rajasthan it is taken with Bajara and Jwaar. The seed of pulses like Mung( green gram), chickpea is also mixed.

It can be also used as inter-cropping with clear separate row between other crop rows.
