Guar ( Guar Gum) : A New Profitable Crop

dear sir we like to cultivate cluster bean seed in 200 acres in tamilnadu under contract farming. Can you supply seeds. Shall we go for a buy back agreement. Please let us have an idea.
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GUAR cultivation-clarification needed

I understand that the guar crop fetch an average income of Rs.45,000/- after deduction of cost of cultivation which is mentioned to be Rs.5000/-per season.

Well. please provide cost of cultivation in split up as required below

1.seed cost ( as per your statement)- Rs.3000
2.Land preparation cost -
3.sowing cost ( labour )
4.Fertilizers cost
5.Fertilizer application cost
6.weedicide or manual weeding cost since the crop requires to be weed free .Further formative phase of this crop is slow
7.Pesticide and fungicide -input and spary cost
8.Harvest and processing and transport cost
I dont think the figure Rs.5000 as cost of cultivation is correct in the present scenario of farming.

May the crop provide fodder, vegetable for food, soil enrichment thro' nitrogen fixation is all secondary concern as for as poor farmer is concerned.What the poor farmer need is immediate cash on sale of his produce in the market.We never talk about invisible benefit out of these secondary things.

Further it is quoted here that average per acre yield is 8-9 qtl.This is not at all possible to get just with 3 irrigation after throwing seeds in the field.

The average yield in Rajasthan is learned to be given as 5 qtl/ha.So it is worked out to be around 2 qtl/acre.May be the yield is obtained from rainfed condition.
So here actual yield from the farmers field and gross income calculated from the prevailing market rate and actual cost of cultivation with split up details required to be posted( arriving at original net income per acre per season)

Further It is understand that all land , all climatic season will not provide same yield.

As for as this particular crop is concerned the postings should cover all aspect with threadbare details.

Whatever uses it may have with different buyers. Never mind.
The Buyer must enter into an agreement with the growers of guar clearly stating terms and conditions that the company purchase the produce in time and see that the company is prepared to pay the stipulated minimum expected profit of Rs.45,000/- in the event of unfavorable market for the produce on acre basis regardless of yield criteria.When market price is good like Rs.40,000/qtl, the growers are entitled to receive the ruling market price.
Because as per their version this particular product finds use in oil company which is making huge profit in the international market.

why I am stressing this point is that after all these poor farmers sweat and bleed under open sun.whatever the income the land fetch is spent for food,clothing, festival, childrens education,marriage and funeral in the family.
Anything unusual will badly reflect on the above aspect in their family.

Anything done in the Agriculture must hold real perspective and promote the interest of poor farmers.This is the primary concern as for as the discussion on the cultivation of the guar is conerned.


about guar gum cultivation

All concerned Member of this Forum please have a look at below information.
“Guargum” is a product which is made from Guar seeds. Guargum is being used in different industries in India and abroad, but now it is in Heavy demand due to its utility in Crude Oil Industry. India is enjoying the top position in production and export of this product in the world market, 80 % of global demand is met by India.
Guar is basically Simple, Short & Easy rain fed (No irrigation) crop and cultivated in Rajasthan & Haryana state, but it can be grown successfully in other states (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu) also.
We have taken trials of this crop in Vidharbha region of Maharashtra state in rain fed and irrigated conditions in summer.
Variety- 1. RGC 197 – Single stem, flat seed, 27 % Gum.
2. RGC 936 – With branches, round and pink color seed, 33% Gum.
Brief information of this crop.
1. Soil – Light or Medium and well drained soil.
2. Climate- High temp, full sun light and low rainfall.
3. Sowing – After 20 July to 10 Aug ( rain fed), in February (with irrigation)
4. Crop duration- 90 to 100 days.
5. Seed rate - 5 Kg. / acre.
6. Cost of cultivation – Rs. 5 to 6 thousand/acre. (Cost of seed Rs.2,500 – 3,000)
7. Production/ Yield – 400 to 600 Kg. /acre.
8. Market rate – Rs. 100 to 300/Kg.(Present rate is Rs.21,000/Quintal)
9. Profit- minimum Rs. 35 to 90 thousand/acre in 90 days.
We provide all concerned services like Quality Seed, crop agronomy and Assured “Buy back” support at different places. We also take up large Cultivation of 50 acres and above.

Totally Risk Free, 90 Days, Low input cost Agri Project.
Guargum, (Guar Cultivation) make up to Rs.1,00,000/- from one acre of land in just 90 days by investing just Rs.6,000/-. It’s almost risk free, even if one get 2 quintal yield (average 4) and get the rate of Rs.5,000/- (will not be less than 10,000) per quintal still one can make Rs.4,000/-. It’s a rain fed crop (No irrigation required in monsoon/kharip), you can even sow it in February if irrigation is available and double your profit in one year time. It’s a sturdy plant and easily comes up even on marginal land, requires less rain fall, doesn’t require much attention as compared to other crop. Last year rates went up to Rs.32,000/quintal and at present its above 25,000. Rates in coming season will depend on the Monsoon in Rajasthan, if good rain comes the rate may go down to Rs.15,000 and if it fails the rate may bounce to record high, may be Rs.40,000/quintal.
All the concerned services are available.

Andhra Pradesh has more feasible environment for the production of Guar beans as per Department of Science and Technology.
The Department of Science and Technology has announced that Andhra Pradesh has more feasible environment for the production of Guar beans. It also explained the necessity of formation of Guar gum industries in Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh is importing about 200tonnes of Guar gum from northern states every month. Out of this, mosquito coil industry alone consumes 50tonnes of Guar gum. It is observed that the demand for Guar gum is growing steadily about 8-10% for every year all over the world. The national demand is also growing at the same rate. Guar beans can give a steady production.

Hello sir..
I am from Andhra pradesh. i want to know about the guar gum cultivation.i have 10 acers of land with medium water facility.Where can i get the guar gum seeds,and where can i sell it in Andhra pradesh.Please provide all the details of guar gum cultivation.

Guar seed


we are having guar seed which is harvested in october november we can give near about 50MT can you advoice good mandi are buyier on cash and carry basis
Guar can be cultivated in the rainfed conditions. It requires very less water if you give three irrigations you can cultivate the Guar easily. If the current rate continue you can earn up to 1,00,000/acre after three months.. If the rate goes up just like last month you can earn up to 3,00,000/ acre. It needs very less investment, Just 5000/ Acre. You have to put the seed in the farm let it grow you have to do just two three irrigations. You can get very good profit
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Guar Gum

Hi All

We are planning to set up a Guar Gum production set up. To initiate we require the following information:

- How much seeds in kgs can be we get from 1 ton Guar.
- How much gum is produced from 1 ton seeds.
- What about the % of wastage in 1 ton Guar or Seed.
- Can we produce Gum used for Textile, Food, Oil drilling with the same seeds to require some grading difference.

If any can help us in getting the above information will be highly appreciated.


sir i have land in maharashtra and i m intrested in cultivating guar will you please tell me the seed name and quality and fertilizer to use and please tell me the name of market for ell guar seed in marathwada or Andhra for best price
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Need suggestion on Gaur prodution

Hi Mr.Ganesh.

My name is Shyam and i have 3 acres of land in Chittoor Dist of AP.Where rainfall is less.I am interested in producing Gaur in that land as it is Rain fed crop.I just want to know how can i find whether Gaur can be cultivated in that land or not?

If yes,will you assist us in cultivating of Gaur? And selling the produced goods?



Guar (Guar Gum):

A true story of hard work. The 80 % of total Guar of India is cultivated in the rain-fed Area of the Rajasthan. The rain fed area of Rajasthan is most drought hit location of India. You don't have any other alternate except being a farmer. A farmer means one of the simple, kind hearted, god faith and helpless person. After sowing of seeds every day he looks toward the sky and pray that God please don’t make me hopeless. He not only thinks about him, he also pray to God please don't give me but don't let the animal to die. If there is no rain then no waters no fodder. He comes from one of the helpless communities in the world. No water no life. But he has not left to do the hard work. He is dipped in sweat like other hard worker. This year the rate has Guar has gone up. In the western Rajasthan he is cultivating the Guar In the extreme adverse condition for Agriculture. This time the guar has pumped money in this region.

The Guar crop play Four roles in western Rajasthan.

First Role It makes the soil fertile. Guar is one of highly nutritive green manure in the world. It fix the nitrogen in the soil. It increase the organic content.

Second role :- Source of the green vegetable for Human. The guar pod is cooked as regular vegetable in the western Rajasthan Kitchens during the whole guar growing Period, with different method and combination. Test you cant compare any POD with Guar pod in taste.

Third Role :- Dry fodder. The crops residual after the harvesting is collected and stored it is used as fodder for the cattle animals. It is higly digestive and nutritive. The Camel ( ship of Rajasthan) eat it in priority.

Fourth :- Cash Crop in comparison to other crop the guar play a role as cash crop. The farmer get money form the market. The good thing with guar is that there is no any storage pest attack on guar. The guar seed is used as concentrate for the milking cattle.

The guar run the western Rajasthan. Last years the a lot of research was conducted on the property of Guar. The Guar Gum emerged as highly industrial product . This leaded to the demand of the Gaur. The Guar seed is source of the Guar Gum. The Guar seed is processed in the Guar Gum. Fortunately the Indian is growing 80 % Guar of the world and Western Rajasthan in growing 80 % Guar of the India. The demand of guar gum leaded to the high price rise of guar seed. Last month teh farmers enjoyed the rate of 35000/ quintle. The money was dumped and pumped in the western Rajasthan. Guar emerged as one of the most returning commodity of the world lacking behind the Gold.

The Gaur Gum is highly industrialized product. It is used in Petroleum industry, Polymer industry, textile industry, plastic industry, Food preservation industry, bakery, juices, Noodles, Ice cream, printing industry.

I will suggest to Indian farmer please try at list on 5 % area of your agriculture farm. It is green manure if you dont get any thing from guar, you can sell it in market as vegetable in green form, you can store as a cattle feed, you can earn money if the current market trend continue.

Please try don't hesitate. It is low water requirement crop, Low insect pest susceptible crop, It is short duration of 90 days crop. It can be grown in any land.

For futher information you can contact us.


let me know the reason about down fall of guar seed rate

Guar ( Guar Gum) The golden hen has killed

The oil companies are no more demanding the Indian Guar Gum. As per the current information the company has find out the possible alternate of guar gum. One of these alternate is natural and another alternate is synthetic.
The oil companies were expecting the guar gum rate come down.

They found it better to invest in R& D instead of paying huge amount to Indian exporters. The Indian govt took right step to de-list the guar Gum, but some profit centric people miss leaded the farmers and asked the farmers to not to supply the guar gum in the local market. This condition leaded to the dead lock. The farmers were not selling and the buyers were not buying.

This dead lock condition leaded to the exporter toward the not buying the guar gum from India. The guar crop could have given best result to the growers in long term. But it was a suicide step by the speculators and farmers. Now the Oil industry will totally make the guar gum away from the industries.
For a short profit centric artificial supply shortage leaded to this condition. Guar was a golden Hen which was killed by its owner. This is also a warning for other industries also.

Not the farmer and stockist will face a huge loss. It is expected that very soon the the rate of guar gum and Guar seed will comes its normal level.

The last natural level of guar seed was INR Rs 3200/qt before demand from the Natural gas industry


If any need to know about guar then i am always ready to explain to go any field near KARUR,NAMAKAL,SALEM , if any body need to help then please contact me.

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Sir, you are saying that Last month teh farmers enjoyed the rate of 35000/ quintle. The money was dumped and pumped in the western Rajasthan. Guar emerged as one of the most returning commodity of the world lacking behind the Gold.

But sorry to say that farmers get only 17000/- maximum rate per quiental and p urgent rate is. Rs.13000/- qt.

and no body is knowing that what will happen so that they have to stored at houses only. please suggest any good idea to sale guar with in the satisfactory rate.

This rate Rs 35,000 was in last year the thread was started in last year. Any price you are getting above 5000/ qt is good enough. The current level of Rs 13000 is best one in comparison to the other commodities.

There is no any positive sign of deadlock from farmers. Under the influence the farmers are not selling the commodity. The price was expected to grow in natural way. But the deadlock condition can harm the farmers in the long term.

The deadlock of farmer is moving toward the political movement. The politics and economics are two different things. In this condition the no investor would like to pure the fund in the industry. If the gold is being sold slowly at gold price that is OK, but if the Iron is not being sold at gold price that is questionable.

I always put the guar crop profitable for farmers still it is profitable for farmers, But the situation which is has been created on this point that is point to worry.

Farmer has right to sell its commodity at a particular price. But if the farmers are not selling the commodity at a particular price that is not good sign and point of investigation.

Business doesn't mean the cutting the supply line. It is all about to balance the demand and supply. What ever height is there to balance the demand and supply, that is understandable.

Buyer is not a foolish, he is studying each and every activity of supplier.

Ethics always matter in any type of venture for a sustainable long term growth. Playing good is justified but holding the ball is not going to make champion to the farmers.

Anyway still Guar is the profitable crop in context to cost of cultivation, time of maturity, low disease and insect attack, good for storage , land improvement, fertility increase, low water requirement.
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Guar gum exports to fall as drillers seek substitutes

India’s exports of guar gum, a thickening agent used for oil and gas extraction, may drop for the first time in three years after a record surge in prices forced drilling companies to seek cheaper alternatives.

Shipments may decline as much as 30% in the year that began on April 1 from 650,000 tonnes a year earlier, said P.K. Hissaria, president of the Indian Guar Gum Manufacturers Association. Exports in the six months through September were about 100,000 tonnes and sales will accelerate from this month with the arrival of the new crop, he said.
Falling exports may weigh on prices, which have slumped about 63% since reaching a record in March, lowering costs for oil and gas drilling services companies including Halliburton Co. and Baker Hughes Inc. Lower prices will allow food companies easy access to a raw material that’s also used as an ingredient in food emulsifiers, additives and thickeners. “Low demand and high supply translates into lower prices,” said Charlie Blanchard, an analyst with Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Guar gum rallied more than ninefold in one year to Rs.95,920 per 100kg on the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange Ltd in Mumbai, forcing the commodity market regulator to suspend futures trading in March. The rally boosted costs for Halliburton, the world’s largest provider of hydraulic fracturing services, chief executive officer Dave Lesar said in a conference call with analysts on 17 October.

Halliburton and Baker Hughes help companies drill and complete oil and gas wells using a pressure-pumping technique known as fracking, which blasts water mixed with sand and chemicals underground to free trapped hydrocarbons from shale formations. Guar is made into a thickening gel used to carry sand down a well and into the cracks created from fracturing.

India accounts for more than 70% of the global production of guar, which means cow food in Hindi, according to the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. The seed is also grown in Pakistan and the US.

“Spot prices have slumped to $6,500 a tonne since India banned futures trading and on expectations of a bigger crop,” said Mitul Shah, managing director of Rama Industries, India’s third largest shipper. Oil and gas drilling companies will use guar only if prices were about $5,500 a tonne as alternatives such as carbon methyl cellulose were available at lower prices, he said.

Higher inventories with the drilling companies and slowing drilling activities had reduced demand for Indian guar gum supplies, Shah said.

“Moving into next year, we expect a reduction in guar costs as we take deliveries of new lower-cost inventory, which we believe will translate into a tailwind to our PE margins in 2013,” Halliburton’s Lesar said. Halliburton has developed an alternative to guar gum called PermStim that’s highly competitive in the event of future guar cost escalation, Timothy J. Probert, president for strategy and corporate development, told analysts.
Guar seed production may climb to as much as 2.5 million tonnes this year, enough to make at least 600,000 tonnes of guar gum, from about 1.5 million tonnes in 2011-12, manufacturers’ association’s Hissaria said. “The harvest has begun and arrivals will gather pace from the end of this month,” he said. Bloomberg

Reg Seeds And Marketing the crop

iam from andhraprdesh Krishna district, i have a 20 acres land, we are planing for Guar Gum farm, Between Jan-Feb is suitable for cultivate guar gum in our area. we want seeds and crop buy back.

iam from andhraprdesh Krishna district, i have a 20 acres land, we are planing for Guar Gum farm, Between Jan-Feb is suitable for cultivate guar gum in our area. we want seeds and crop buy back.

whom to contact for sale the crop

Dear All,

This is Jeevan from Hyderabad, Andhra pradesh.

I am planing to cultivate Guar Gum in my land near Nalgonda & Warangal districts. could you please provide me an information regarding the weather suitable for Guar Gum crop and availability of it's seed and Rate etc?

once we got the crop whom to contact for sale or where to export ???
How to avoid brokers, is there any direct sale????

your help wil be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Productive Land available for Contract Farming

Hello Sir,
We can provide 2000-5000 acre productive Land (highly fertile black soil with water) on Seasonal/annual contract basis in Madhya Pradesh, for any company on very economy rates.
If you consider that you can sell Guar-gum between 15000-25000/Qntl. in Local Grain Mandi, we hold a profitable venture for you.

Piyush Jain
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Guar Gum


Can you please advise what type of soil test should be carried out before sowing Guar seeds.


Guar introduction

1. Introduction
1.1. Guar Gum History
Guar is a native to the Indian subcontinent. Guar is grown mainly in India, Pakistan, United States and also in some part of Africa and Australia.In old times, Guar was only used as rich protein to feed cattle. It is also used as green vegetable in India. After Second World War there was major shortage of locust bean gum which adversely affected the textile and paper industries. At that time Guar Gum was found as the most suitable substitute for scarce locust bean gum. In 1953 the extraction technology of guar gum was commercialized in USA and India after decade of period.
1.2. Guar Plant
The guar plant is an annual plant known as 'Cyamopsis Tetragonaloba'. The important source of Nutrition to human and animals is The legume, it regenerates soil nitrogen and the endosperm of guar seed is an important hydrocolloid widely used across a broad spectrum of industries.The guar plant flourishes in extremely drought resistant and semiarid regions where most plants perish. It grows best in sandy soils. The ideal areas for farming are West, Northwest India and parts of Pakistan. The major processing centers of Guar Gum are in the North Western states in India. The guar plant grows from 2 feet to 9 feet high. The plant’s flower buds start out white and change to a light pink as the flower opens. The flowers turn deep purple and are followed by fleshy seed pods which ripen and harvested in summer.The seed pods grow in clusters giving guar the common name cluster-bean. A gum extracted from the guar beans forms a gel in water, commonly referred to as guar gum. Guar is extremely drought Agri resistant and thrives in semi-arid regions where few plants thrive. When limited moisture is available the plant will stop growing but does not die. Guar gum is also known as guarkernmehl, guaran, goma guar, gomme guar and galactomannan.
2. Guar gum
Guar gum, also called guaran, is a galactomannan.. Guar gum is an extract of the guar bean, where it
acts as a food and water store. The guar bean is principally grown in India and Pakistan, with smaller
crops grown in the U.S., Australia, China, and Africa. The drought-resistant guar bean can be eaten as a
green bean, fed to cattle, or used in green manure. The guar seeds are dehusked, milled and screened
to obtain the guar gum. It is typically produced as a free-flowing, pale, off-white colored, coarse to fine
ground powder. Indeed Guar is vegetable, India is native of guar or cluster bean where it is used as a
vegetable. For hundreds of years Guar has been used as vegetable in India. It is also used as a cattle
food, and as a green manure crop in agriculture.
Guar gum comes from the endosperm of the seed of the legume plant Cyamopsis tetragonoloba; an
annual plant, grown in dry regions of India as a food crop for animals. There are various grades of Guar
gums pure or derivative. Guar gum is a white to creamy colored, free flowing powder and free from
extraneous matter. Its ability to suspend solids, bind water by hydrogen bonding, control the viscosity
of aqueous solutions, form strong tough films have accounted for its rapid growth and use in various Agri Exchange industries. For example guar gum is used in paper, textile, oil drilling, mining, explosives, ore flotation and other various industrial applications.
2.1. Guar harvesting period
A growing season of guar is 14 to 16 weeks and requires reasonably warm weather and moderate
flashing rainfall with plenty of sunshine. Too much rain can cause the plant to become more 'leafy'
resulting thereby reducing the number of pods or the number of seeds per pod which affects the size
and yield of seeds. The crop is generally sown after the monsoon rainfall in the second half of July to
early August and is harvested in late October early November. The Guar is a naturally rain fed crop.
Depending on the monsoon rainfall the total size of Guar crop varies from year to year. After
harvesting, when the pods become dry through sunlight, they are beaten off and during this process,
the seeds come out of the pods.
2.2. Seasonality
The seed is normally sown during the second half of July to August after the monsoon rainfall starts,
and harvested during October and November. The crop requires 3-4 spells of rain during seed setting
and maturing, which is during September first week and the end of September.Sowing Crop growth Peak arrivals Lean arrivals Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
2.3. Areas of Cultivation:
Guar is a crop of semi arid–sub tropical areas spread over the North and North West of India and East
and South East of Pakistan. Guar is grown in arid zones of Rajasthan, some parts of Gujarat, Harayana,
Madhya Pradesh. Jodhpur City in the North Western state of Rajasthan in India is the most important
processing centre of Guar Gum and contributes approximately 40% of the worldʹ s Guar Gum supply.
This crop is a drought‐tolerant, warm‐weather, deep‐rooted summer‐growing annual legume. It grows
well in soils of low fertility in the arid and semi‐arid areas of the tropics and subtropics where the
rainfall is summer‐dominant. The main areas of cultivation of Guargum in India are Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana , Punjab , Uttar Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh , Tamil Nadu , Maharashtra , Karnataka , Andhra Pradesh Agri Exchange
