Guar ( Guar Gum) : A New Profitable Crop

Water Management and Irrigation

Normally Guar is crop of Rain fed area. It can survive in the rainfed conditions. The kharif season crop grown during rainy season as a rule, does not need any irrigation if rains are adequate and well distributed.

If rains are too heavy, the excess water should be drained off promptly. For dry season crops, irrigation. at fortnightly intervals in the early summer and at ten days intervals later are given. Normally the crop requires 3-4 irrigation.

Pacific herbs,


How to get the seeds for guar first thing, secondly after three months how to deliver the material upto to you. pls reply immediately.

First We are not Pacific Herbs. This is a discussion form . We will provide you seeds by courier and You will deliver production by transport. The transport cost to deliver the material to me will cost you maximum Rs 7-8/kg. You can mail me for the other detail like cost of seeds and bank account . Please mail me to my mail ID.



Ice Cream/Dairy Products
Provides smooth and creamier texture.
Prevents formation of ice crystals.
Prevents quick meltdown.

Bakery Products
Improves texture.
Increases shelf life.
Improves moisture retention.

Pet Food
As a viscosifier.
Soups & Gravies
As a viscosifier.

Better sheet formation.
Improves moisture retention.
Improves texture.
Improves machine runnability, thereby increasing production.


Cosmetics - As conditioner cum viscosifier.
Pharmaceuticals - As water binding agent & rheology modifier.


Water binding agent for aqueous slurry explosives.


As thickener for direct as well as discharge printing.
As flocculating agent for purification.
Wide range of tailor-made products based on printing styles,
types of fabrics and dyes, as well as types of printing machines.


As flocculating agent for purification.
As fluid-loss controlling agent.
As additives in fracturing fluids.


As wet-end additive.
As sizing agent.
As retention aid.
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Guar gum and Coleus plantation.

Pacific herbs,
How to get the seeds for guar first thing, secondly after three months how to deliver the material upto to you. pls reply immediately.
Dear, Sakahmed123
Seeds (Certified, early, short duration)are available in our Hyderabad office (Ph. 040-4020 1340), we will collect the prduct at Hyderbad office so need not to worry.

The Future of Guar Seed Rate in coming time

Thing At the time of harvesting there is more that 20 % moisture in the crop. After the 6 month the moisture come around 8-10 %. Another it is the time of supply, the farmer will start to harvest the crop after 20-25 days, new commodity will come in the market. At the time of supply the rate are always Low. You can say there is low demand. after 4-5 months the material will start adjust and the demand will increase slowly and slowly. IF the situation goes same the rate may go again up to 35,000/Qt. But we are expecting a regular rate around 15000-20000 per Qt. That is good return on low investment.

Crop Rotations for Guar Crop

Crop rotation means the sequence of crop in a year one after one after the harvesting of the crop. Like we take different crop in "RABI". We change the crop in "KHARIF" season season.

Guar is a leguminous crop it improve the soil condition , thecrop rotation is a system of growing crops in such a way that the same field does not get the same crop year after year. This helps in controlling diseases and pests of the crop and also in maintaining soil fertility. A number of crops of the same season like bajra, guar, cotton, rice, sorghum, sugarcane etc, are put in crop rotation sequence. Some common crop rotations which are used in India with guar are given below.

Rice -cotton -guar -bajra
Guar -rice -sorghum
Sorghum -guar -cotton
Cotton -guar -rice -sorghum


Intercroping means taking two or more crop in the same farm or Plot. It doesn't mean taking two crop in separate separate plot.

Guar crop is taken for different different purpose. Like fodder purpose, grain purpose, green manure purpose. As per the use it is taken as intercrop with different crops.

The guar for forage is generally grown mixed with jowar or bajra. This makes a well balanced, nutritious and palatable feed for cattle. Intercropping guar with other kharif season crops like cotton, sorghum, maize, etc serve dual purpose. It provides additional and timely returns and improves the soil fertility for the partner crop. Guar crop can also be taken as intercrop in sugarcane crop but be aware the ware logging condition may harm the Guar Crop.
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Weed Management in Guar Crop

Guar field in kharif season is always full with a number of weed plants, Hoeing and weeding in the initial stages of plant growth with the help of khurpi, tined harrow reduces the weed-crop competition and increases soil aeration for bacterial growth. The application of Basalin at the rate of 1.0 kg a.i. per hectare as pre- planting dose suppresses the growth of grasses and other weeds. The manual practices must be preferred over the chemical practices.

Disease Management in Guar Crop

Guar is torant to many disease and pests. The common diseases of guar are wilt, bacterial blight, powdery mildew, and anthracnose.


This disease is caused by Fusarium monolifonne. The pathogen is soil- borne and, therefore, its damage is of localized nature. It causes infection to the base of plants including roots and seedlings. The roots show dis-colouration and plant wilts. Poor emergence of seedlings is the first symptom of the disease. The seedlings rot before or soon after emergence.


1. Mixed croping of guar with sorghum reduces the damage up to 55 per cent.
2. Addition of organic manures also reduces the disease incidence.
3. Seed treatment with Agrosan GN or Thiram or Captan at the rate 3 g/kg seed prevents the disease spread during germination and seedling emergence.

hello..need info

hello.., i am from rishikesh, uttarakhand.. can i grow this crop in my state.. i have 4 acres of land..
please let me know about this in detail.. or any other cash crop..

gautam thapliyal,

Guar (Guar Gum):

A true story of hard work. The 80 % of total Guar of India is cultivated in the rain-fed Area of the Rajasthan. The rain fed area of Rajasthan is most drought hit location of India. You don't have any other alternate except being a farmer. A farmer means one of the simple, kind hearted, god faith and helpless person. After sowing of seeds every day he looks toward the sky and pray that God please don’t make me hopeless. He not only thinks about him, he also pray to God please don't give me but don't let the animal to die. If there is no rain then no waters no fodder. He comes from one of the helpless communities in the world. No water no life. But he has not left to do the hard work. He is dipped in sweat like other hard worker. This year the rate has Guar has gone up. In the western Rajasthan he is cultivating the Guar In the extreme adverse condition for Agriculture. This time the guar has pumped money in this region.

The Guar crop play Four roles in western Rajasthan.

First Role It makes the soil fertile. Guar is one of highly nutritive green manure in the world. It fix the nitrogen in the soil. It increase the organic content.

Second role :- Source of the green vegetable for Human. The guar pod is cooked as regular vegetable in the western Rajasthan Kitchens during the whole guar growing Period, with different method and combination. Test you cant compare any POD with Guar pod in taste.

Third Role :- Dry fodder. The crops residual after the harvesting is collected and stored it is used as fodder for the cattle animals. It is higly digestive and nutritive. The Camel ( ship of Rajasthan) eat it in priority.

Fourth :- Cash Crop in comparison to other crop the guar play a role as cash crop. The farmer get money form the market. The good thing with guar is that there is no any storage pest attack on guar. The guar seed is used as concentrate for the milking cattle.

The guar run the western Rajasthan. Last years the a lot of research was conducted on the property of Guar. The Guar Gum emerged as highly industrial product . This leaded to the demand of the Gaur. The Guar seed is source of the Guar Gum. The Guar seed is processed in the Guar Gum. Fortunately the Indian is growing 80 % Guar of the world and Western Rajasthan in growing 80 % Guar of the India. The demand of guar gum leaded to the high price rise of guar seed. Last month teh farmers enjoyed the rate of 35000/ quintle. The money was dumped and pumped in the western Rajasthan. Guar emerged as one of the most returning commodity of the world lacking behind the Gold.

The Gaur Gum is highly industrialized product. It is used in Petroleum industry, Polymer industry, textile industry, plastic industry, Food preservation industry, bakery, juices, Noodles, Ice cream, printing industry.

I will suggest to Indian farmer please try at list on 5 % area of your agriculture farm. It is green manure if you dont get any thing from guar, you can sell it in market as vegetable in green form, you can store as a cattle feed, you can earn money if the current market trend continue.

Please try don't hesitate. It is low water requirement crop, Low insect pest susceptible crop, It is short duration of 90 days crop. It can be grown in any land.

For futher information you can contact us.

Disease Management in Guar Crop


This disease is caused by Colletotncum capsici. The disease is more severe in high rainfall subtropical to temperate areas than in tropical areas. The fungus is seed -borne and symptoms may start as early as in seedling stage. The most characteristic symptoms of the disease are black, sunken, crater like cankers on the pods, stem or cotyledons. The lesions remain isolated by yellow -orange margins. They give out a dull salmon conloured ooze from the centre when humidity is very high.


1. Use healthy seed
2. Avoid excess watering
3. Give wider spacing
4. Use hot water treated seed
5.Spray fungicides like Dithane M -45 or Dithane Z- 78 at the rate of 2 kg in l000 litres of water per hectare.

Powdery mildew

This disease is caused by Oidium ~pp. White powdery growth occurs on leaves, spreading to cover the stem and other plant parts. In severe cases, the entire plant dries up.


1. Dusting with sulphur powder
2. Spraing with systemic fungicides Benlate or Bavistin and Calixin gives effective control of powdery mildew.
3. Sowing healthy seed after treating with Thiram.
4. Follow a crop rotation to reduce the soil- borne innoculum of the fungus.

Bacterial blight

This disease is caused by Xanthomonas cyamophagus. The disease is characterized by irregular, sunken, red to brown leaf spots surrounded by a narrow yellowish halo. Several spots coalesce to from irregular patches. The spots may also develop on pods.


1. Grow resistant varieties .
2. Treat the seed with thiram at the rate of 3 gm/kg seed. Also adopt hot water treatment at 560 C for 10 minutes.
3. Eradicate affected plants and burn them.

Leaf spot

This disease is caused by Myrothecium roridum. Dark brown round spots appear on leaf. In case of severe infection. Several spots merge together and leaflets become chlorotic [/B]and usually drop off. If plants are infected in the early stages of growth, there may not be any flowering.


Spray with Dithane Z- 78,0.2% at the interval of 15 days, twice or thrice.
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Dear Readers,

Please note that Editors are no longer moderating this topic. If you wish to discuss further on this topic please free to contact the members directly via private message or by posting a new topic in the "Q & A" forum.

Shweta - Editorial Team

Some people are giving opinion about the rate of Guar that. It will come down. This is time of harvest new crop will come in market. That will lead to moisture loss of around 8-10 %. Please don't hesitate to go for Guar crop. It is very much helpful for the farmers. But keep in mind in central, eastern , western and north India it is not the sowing time. because of low temperature. If the temperature remain around 32 degree in south India. You can go for Guar crop. It is same crop which is used as Green Guar vegetable.

As per people saying , IF we consider the rate of Guar 5000/Qt. I am taking an average production of 8-9 qt. It will come around 45,000/-/acre + Fodder of 10,000/- + Nitrogen fixation in soil 5000/- that will used in next crop.

IF you deduct the expenses for the cultivation 5000/-. Still it is giving you return of 50,000/Acre with in Three months. Your farm is free for other crop for rest 9 months. IF you take 2 crops of guar in a year. The net return for 6 months is 1,00,000 /-. deduct the Nitrogen saving 10,000/-.

There is Net 90,000/- return per 6 months/acre. With a investment of 10,000 only. with out damaging your soil and land.

It is lean time as new crop is suppose to come in market. The stockist activity is nil. There is no material in the market. First the seed will saturate the market then it will lead the stockist activity.

That will increase the demand of Guar seed.

The current year scenario.

1. Due to poor monsoon at initial stage , the crop was damaged.
2. In the late sowing there is no flowerings.
3. In the low temperature and high humidity there is disease attack on crop on major guar crop grown area.
4. New guar gum plants has established, all the plant will source the seed only from this crop.
5. As per the nearest alternate of gar gum is concerned, that was costlier than guar , when the guar seed rate was 7,000/ Qt.

In my prediction the Guar seed will reach up to 10,000/ Qt in the month of Jan/feb/march, the peak period of stocking.

At the rate of 7,000/Qt, Still the Guar is cheapest Concentrate for the milking cattle.

Why do you go for Guar only for earning, Why do forget its use as fertilizer, green vegetable, fodder, short duration, nitrogen fixation.......

It is crop of Poor................for cash, for fodder, for vegetable, for fertilizers..............with low investment.... I can challenge any one if there is any other crop, which is profitable more than Guar as equal cost of cultivation of Guar or less than this.

Pest of Guar Crop and their Control

As Guar is a rainy season crop, that's why, a number of insect pests feed and grow on its leaves and pods. Some important ones are described here.

Hairy caterpillars

Ascotis imparata and Spilosoma obliqua, Amsacta lactinae and Euproctis scintilans are the insects that cause heavy damage. The adult lays eggs in clusters over the surface of the leaves. The larvae cause characteristic skeletonisation of leaves during the early gregarious stage and later they completely defoliate the plant. The pest can easily be controlled by systematic collection of larvae during the early gregarious stage or spraying with Endosulfan @ 0.07 percent.

Empoasca fabae, Empoasca Kraemeri and Amrascakerri are serious pest of the crop. The nymph are wingless and found in abundance on the lower surface of the leaves. The nymph and adult pierce the plant tissues and suck the cell sap. Leaves become yellow at the margin. They can be controlled by: (i) soil application of systemic granular insecticides such as Aldicarb 10 G at the rate of 10 -15 kg per hectare. (ii) spray of Endosulphan 35 EC at the rate of 2litres in 1000 litres of water, or (iii) dusting of BHC 10% dust at the rate of 20 -25 kg per hectare.

First Thing... I am not promoting Guar only for Oil drilling. I promoting it for poor farmer and low investment for multipurpose. Low investment. Low investment means low risk, Means there is nothing to loose and many thing to earn. The fundamental of crop are solid more than stone.

Who ask these oil company to feed their profit to Guar Purchase, If there was a ready alternate then why these company went for stocking at higher price. Might be we don't know, but these companies are having some demand that's why they stocked it and now they want it to come down, so that they can purchase it further.

With in 12 month at any time there can be peak demand of Guar Seed, that can also lead to sudden rise of rate of Guar seed.

There are other uses of Guar except Oil extraction.

As per the fodder is concern that is your production. You can feed you animal. If i talk about poor farmer he must have some cattle for their Milk requirement. They don't need to sell it , they can consume it for their cattle.

Ask the people who run the brick Kline. They will purchase the crop residual.

In North India in the month of march and April you can go for Guar crop just after harvesting the Rabi Crop. That is best time for cultivation. IF you have good amount of water, please see the result under the sun heat.

It is also expected that future trading will also open through commodities exchange that will also lead to high price.

The crop was suppose to come in Market in mid October. There is not the arrival of single bag of in the market of new crop. It is expected to come in Mid November. That is not a good sign and time for Bumper crop.

I am again saying ..................... It is crop of Poor................for cash, for fodder, for vegetable, for fertilizers .............. with low investment.... I can challenge any one if there is any other crop, which is profitable more than Guar on equal cost of cultivation of Guar or less than this.

Advice for North Indian farmers for Guar cultivation. It is not the best time for the guar cultivation . Please wait up to the February/March. Due to the low temperature The seeds will not germinate.

Dear Readers,

Please note the Editors are no longer moderating this topic. If you wish to discuss further on this topic please free to contact the members directly via private message or by posting a new topic in the "Q & A" forum.

Shweta - Editorial Team
