Some people are giving opinion about the rate of Guar that. It will come down. This is time of harvest new crop will come in market. That will lead to moisture loss of around 8-10 %. Please don't hesitate to go for Guar crop. It is very much helpful for the farmers. But keep in mind in central, eastern , western and north India it is not the sowing time. because of low temperature. If the temperature remain around 32 degree in south India. You can go for Guar crop. It is same crop which is used as Green Guar vegetable.
As per people saying , IF we consider the rate of Guar 5000/Qt. I am taking an average production of 8-9 qt. It will come around 45,000/-/acre + Fodder of 10,000/- + Nitrogen fixation in soil 5000/- that will used in next crop.
IF you deduct the expenses for the cultivation 5000/-. Still it is giving you return of 50,000/Acre with in Three months. Your farm is free for other crop for rest 9 months. IF you take 2 crops of guar in a year. The net return for 6 months is 1,00,000 /-. deduct the Nitrogen saving 10,000/-.
There is Net 90,000/- return per 6 months/acre. With a investment of 10,000 only. with out damaging your soil and land.
It is lean time as new crop is suppose to come in market. The stockist activity is nil. There is no material in the market. First the seed will saturate the market then it will lead the stockist activity.
That will increase the demand of Guar seed.
The current year scenario.
1. Due to poor monsoon at initial stage , the crop was damaged.
2. In the late sowing there is no flowerings.
3. In the low temperature and high humidity there is disease attack on crop on major guar crop grown area.
4. New guar gum plants has established, all the plant will source the seed only from this crop.
5. As per the nearest alternate of gar gum is concerned, that was costlier than guar , when the guar seed rate was 7,000/ Qt.
In my prediction the Guar seed will reach up to 10,000/ Qt in the month of Jan/feb/march, the peak period of stocking.
At the rate of 7,000/Qt, Still the Guar is cheapest Concentrate for the milking cattle.
Why do you go for Guar only for earning, Why do forget its use as fertilizer, green vegetable, fodder, short duration, nitrogen fixation.......
It is crop of Poor................for cash, for fodder, for vegetable, for fertilizers..............with low investment.... I can challenge any one if there is any other crop, which is profitable more than Guar as equal cost of cultivation of Guar or less than this.