Dear abhisale,
1.Yes you can cross the osmanabadi goat breed with boer to achieve faster weight gain.But after crossing you will get only quantity(weight gain) and not quality(tasty lean meat),as boer has lesser taste for its meat as compare to that of osmanabadi.Taste of goat meat changes as the goat breed changes,every different type of goat breed has different taste for its meat as that of in poultry.
2.Hydroponic fodder has more vitamins and minerals as compare to natural fodder,so no doubt it will be helpful for kids to attain faster weight gain.The cost of per kg fodder produce by hydroponic method is slightly higher as compare to that of natural fodder,it will only be feasible for commercial levels and not for small scale farmers who are dependent of open grazing systems.
3.Begginers can kept 25% of male goats for Eid purpose,its totally not advisable to keep all male goats for EID purpose,coz EID goats will have demand only during Eid and all these goats wont get sale during EId than you have to keep these goats again for one year till next Eid arises.the maintenance cost(fodder and care taking) of these goats for one year will be very huge and it will not be profitable at all to sale these goats at next EID even though at 25% of raised cost to that of prvious year.Meat market has huge demand for meat goats for 365 days,so it will be advisable for new beginners to sale these goats for meat purpose on primary basis.
4.Presently not available.
5.Its not advisable at all,start with growing goats only for EID purpose.Keep only 25% of goats for EId purpose and rest of them sale the goats for meat purpose as soon as they attains tender meat body weight( body weight 22kg-30kg i.e meat weight 12kg-18kg)
6.To start a new goat farm first of all,all beginners should gain proper scientific knowledge on goat farming,have to know the right methods of feeding,vaccination, shelter coz lots of books and other contents has improper knowledge of goat farming in it as the writers of these books wont have any experience of practical goat farming,these books are written by referring other books and all books has nearly the same content,so i twill be better to seek the information of goat farming from such people who are actually involved in goat farming process from many years,have to visit their farms,have to listen them about their experience,their problems which they have been faced and their solutions hoe they have overcome it and many more.
Osmanabadi Goat
Dear Dr.Shaikh,
I have plans to start my own goat farm in near future,
I have learned a lot from your inputs/replies to queries.
I would like to know your views on my following queries,
1. For faster growth of buck, osmanabadi goat can be crossed with boar male buck? I learned it will produce 50, 50 % boar and osmanabadi goat. Is it advisable to do that for faster growth of goat kid for commercial level meat production?
2. I leaned from several YouTube videos about hydroponic fodder system, many farmers have set up their own plants by maintaining the proper climate condition in house terrace/covered sheds and they are successfully producing fodder for their animals. This is very much appropriated by few KVK's and it helped land less farmers. Is it the feasible option for beginners in goat forming?
3. Is it advisable for new beginners to stat breeding/growing the EID goats along with normal goats, is it advisable/fruit fool exercise in terms of profitably?
4. Is there any common forum available for new beginners to join this business in partnership and grow?
5. Can new beginner start with only keeping/growing EID goats initially and later start breeding with profits? Your views pls.
6. I do not own farm, but willing to take it on rent and start my venture with proper training. Do you have any advice of new beginners like me?
Thank you so much for your valuable advise in advance.