Goat Farm Solutions


need advice

Goat farm solutions

I would like to start a Goat farm ,

A.I do not have any Farm land but does bank take residential land as collateral ?
B. will Nabard provide subsidy based on this ?

residential Property is worth 30 lac and i planing for starting with 500 goats .
Will take 2 acre land on lease and start the farm is this possible?

Will i get Farm Loan and Subsidy from Nabard?

Kindly advice

nabard scheme

Dear vertical,
If u are trying to get loan under NABARD,U Cant get loan against your residential land.NABARD scheme is strictly for farmers who have their own agriculture farm land.So u cant get any subsidy on loan amount.
There is another scheme called as industrial development scheme,under that u can avail loan against secuirity of your property,but you will get subsidy of 25% only on loan interest rate and not the loan amount.
For 500 goats u need 25-30 acre of land on lease to cultivate their fodder.In 2 acre of land u can keep maximum of 35-40 goats.More than this its not profitable in anyway.
No u cant get loan under NABARD in anyway unless u have your own agri land.
NABARD provides u a maximum of 5 lakh loan with 50%subsidy on loan amount even u have 100 acres of own agri land.
There is other scheme of NABARD which is same as that of industrial development scheme,means u will get 25% subsidy on loan interest rate and not the loan amount.The maximum limit is of 1 crore,also bank keeps u farm land for secuirity purpose which must be of 1.5 crore.The only advantage in this scheme is, loan is sanctioned immediately with minimum documents.

With regards,

Zero grazing

Dear vertical,
If u are trying to get loan under NABARD,U Cant get loan against your residential land.NABARD scheme is strictly for farmers who have their own agriculture farm land.So u cant get any subsidy on loan amount.
There is another scheme called as industrial development scheme,under that u can avail loan against secuirity of your property,but you will get subsidy of 25% only on loan interest rate and not the loan amount.
For 500 goats u need 25-30 acre of land on lease to cultivate their fodder.In 2 acre of land u can keep maximum of 35-40 goats.More than this its not profitable in anyway.
No u cant get loan under NABARD in anyway unless u have your own agri land.
NABARD provides u a maximum of 5 lakh loan with 50%subsidy on loan amount even u have 100 acres of own agri land.
There is other scheme of NABARD which is same as that of industrial development scheme,means u will get 25% subsidy on loan interest rate and not the loan amount.The maximum limit is of 1 crore,also bank keeps u farm land for secuirity purpose which must be of 1.5 crore.The only advantage in this scheme is, loan is sanctioned immediately with minimum documents.

With regards,
we provide you the best osmanabadi goats at reasonable prices

I saw your other post which said i can manage 1 acre 300 goats if i am going to have Stall fed system , is that possible?

and say for 300 goat i would need 1000kg of green fodder every day which mean if i go for a fodder system which can give me 1ton out put a day with solar power system will it work out ?, i am able to bring down the fodder system which can produce 1000 kg per day at 16lac cost on machine and 1800 per day expense in producing 1000 kg green fodder which is effectively Rs.1.8 per kg of green fodder.The system works on solar power.

kindly advice.
NOTE: if i buy 1 acre farm land and invest totally on the project will i get subsidy alone from nabard ?

how much will your osmanabadi goat cost? 250 female and 50 male Age 1 month+ vaccinated .
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goat farm information

hi sir i am vishnu from pollachi.. i like to start a goat farm ..i need to know wheather the government is providing subcidy and what are the procedures to follow.and i also want to know how to maintain it and also about the feeding,medicens..

nabard scheme for goat farm

Dear vertical,
ya it can be possible.In 1 acre u can manage that,but u have to depend on readymade cheap fodder.
Cultivating fodder with solar power system increases your project cost.If u can manage the maintenance of solar power system it will be profitable.Solar power system has subsidy by govt.
Regarding loan,i have already cleared in my previous posts,that in case of NABARD ,first u have to take loan from any nationalized bank.First u have to agree the bank that to provide u loan,and bank keeps the land for secuirity purpose and not NABARD.After loan is sanctioned by bank then only NABARD provides u subsidy.So first visit any knowing nationalized bank and submit your project,if they agrees u to provide loan then NABARD also provides u subsidy.First If NABARD agrees to provide u subsidy and your bank doesnt agrees to provide u loan then u even cant get any subsidy from NABARD .So first u must have to agree your bank to provide u loan.
Note that, to provide loan bank always asks for secuirity.They will ask u to provide them 150% of secuirity for 100% of loan.
Breeding goats with 1 month of age is not profitable.Goat kids requires goat milk for atleast 2 months.Better to buy pregnant breeding goats.For price quote mail us at smymbbs5372@rediffmail.com
With regards,

goat farm schemes

Dear vishnu,
ya government is providing 50%subsidy for a maximum loan of 5lakh.And 25% subsidy on interest rate for a maximum loan of 1 crore.For secuirity of bank plz read my previous posts.
Regarding fodder and medicines u must have to undergo goat farm training or have to follow the goat farm project reports,it will provide u complete knowledge on goat farm.Here we can tell you about one specific disease or fodder.
With regards,

please replay

Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

Dear gatta,
there are 2 schemes
1.NABARD-a)maximum upto 5 lakh loan with 50% subsidy on loan amount.
b)maximum upto 1crore with 25%subsidy on loan interest rate for open caste and 33% subsidy for reserved caste.The subsidy is only on interest rate and not amount.Farmland is required for secuirity of bank.
2.Industrial development scheme-25% subsidy on interest rate,here farmland is not required but bank keeps u r other property for secuirity purpose.

For documents check my all previous posts.

Any Nationalised bank provides u loan for NABARD.And any co-operative,private bank provides u loan for industrial development scheme.

For vaccination and fodder check my previous posts.

Best variety of goats are osmanabadi,sirohi,totapari,boer and sannen.

With regards,

Project Report

Best of goat farm solutions for your farm.

Hi Dr.,

Good Morning.

Sir, can you help me to prepare Project Report on 100+5 Goat Farming. If yes what will be the cost.

I am planning to start Goat farm in Sarola vilage, 11 KMs from Osmanabad.

Also would like to know is it a right decision to start the same here? is there market here? I can spent 4 to 6 lakh from my pocket. i do not have any agri land. but can I acquire 4 to 5 acres on rent or like that.

require your valuable advice on the same. I would require your assistance on the same

you can mail me

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Goat farm

Dear seacnair,
For project report visit our website www.goatfarm.20m.com

If you are from sarola u can start u r farm there.Ya u can start there goat farm,market is very high there.Before starting a goat farm u must have complete knowledge regarding breeding of goats,otherwise u may face sievere loses.Ya surely i assit u.

With regards,

Here u can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer u the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only.N u will get your reply here,very soon.

we provide you the best osmanabadi goats at reasonable prices

dear sir
i have three acres of land near tumkur karnataka.
in this three acre
1)what quantity of goat can be bred?
2) what will be the min investment?
3) provide me with loan details and documents required?(the property is in my fathers name)
thank you please reply

Dear roopeshbs,
1.You can breed 60 goats in your 3 acres of land.
2.Investment depends on type of breed that u want to breed.For boer goats it requires heavy investment where as talacherry goats requires low investment.Also investment depends on type of goat farm stallfeed,semi and grazing.
3.For loan details and documents check my previous posts.If land is in your fathers name then u have to take loan on your fathers name under NABARD.u wont get loan on property of your fathers.U must have to take loan on your father's name.

goat farm vs sheep farm

We are researching about starting goat/sheep farming in Chitoor Dist, and working on project reports. I have found few reports/analysis about goat farming but we are looking for sheep farming, and pros & cons of sheep farming vs goat farming.

Please share your expertise..

Thanks for you help...


Dear jangamjaya,
Goat farm is 10 times more profitable than sheep farm.
Sheep gives birth to 1 kid in a year whereas goat 4kids in a year.
Maturity period of sheep is of 390 days whereas goat matures in 300 days.
Goats are highly resistants to diseases as compare to sheep.
Goat meat has very high demand as compare to sheep meat.
Marketing of goats is very easy as compare to sheeps.
Goats requires less fodder as compare to sheeps.

The only plus point with sheeps is that,they produces wool 2-3 times in a year.But just considering the wool profit u cant go with sheeps,just think of above points regarding goats.
In the end the profit obtain by selling goats is much higher than that obtain by selling wool and sheeps.

With regards,
