Goat Farm Solutions

goats kidding year

Dear kaleem baig,
Female goats (does) gets mature at 10 month of age which has gestation period of 5 months(plus or minus 5days).So the female goat starts kidding at the age of 15 months.
A pure osmanabadi goat breed gives 4 kids in 10 months.
Except pure osmanabadi goats,other local goats start kidding at the age of 18months to 24 months,and 1-2 kids in a year.
With regards,

Buying of goats from market

Article on Buying of 1-2 goats from your local goat market.

1.First of all u must have to decide which goat breed do you want to buy from market coz market contains mix type of goat breed.U must have to know its specifications means how its body,ears,nose,height,weight,colour,toes,tail,hairs,teeths and tongue.U should easily distinguish between your breed and other breed.
For example,you want to buy osmanabadi breed,then u should easily distinguish between osmanabadi pure and hybrid osmanabadi breed,jamunapari or sirohi.

2.The market contains 90% of useless goats.The goat farmers are selling them coz that goat is not yielding milk or kids or have disease problem.Suppose if u are a goat farmer and u have 10 goats on your farm and u are selling one goat out of 10 ,coz u want some money,so which goat u will sell.Definetly the goat which yields less,coz u r not geeting to much profit from it.Same case with the farmers.Only 10% goats are the best breeding goats.So u shouldn't buy 20-30 goats at a time.Buy it in steps.
Now the farmers have become very clever,before selling them their goat in market,they wash them properly and puts some hair oil on their skin and massages them,so the goat shines and looks very attractive and the buyer buys them at any cost without knowing the disease or other problems that goat has.By Buying of this goat you will definetly be in loss.
So for more profit u have to buy healthy disease free goat.
U will not know the problem(disease,milking ability,kidding ability) that goat has only just by seeing it.Even a veteirnary doctor cant say its milking ability or kidding ability just by seeing it,he has to breed goat in his farm for atleast 4-5 days then he will knows that.The milking ability is known only when its starts milking and same with kidding.U can detect minor diseases even major diseases are not detected just by seeing the goat.
Means when u are buying goat,from goat market u have to buy it blindly and now its your fate wheter the goat yeilds or not.

Here are some of the tips of to buy a healthy goat.
*look for the standing appearance of goat.She should stand properly on four legs and walk with no difficulty.Back legs should be of slightly slanting.
*above the nostril there are little little drops of water,the diseased goat has dry nostril.
*last 2 ribs can be easily seen from behind
*both the mamary glands should be of same size not uneven.Most of the farmers keeps their goat unmilking for 1 day before selling them in market.Due to this the mamary glands gets enlarge in size,and the buyer gets easily fooled by seeing such huge mamary glands.So beware of it.
*goat should move her tail and ears freely.
*look for teeths and tongue
and around mouth if she has some symptoms of mastits.
*look for skin,for itching or has any injury or dog bite.
*place some fodder infront of goat and look wheter she eats or not.A goat with high fever and influenza doesnt eats that.
*look for normal stool(pills,droplets).Loose faeces shows signs of endotexmia,diarhhea.
*ask some questions to seller when its vaccinated,how much kids its yield,how much time got previously pregnant,how are the kids born.The seller must have to answer all questions without any hesistations.This proves that the goat is of his own and not steal or buyed from other farmer for comission or cut.
When u enter the market,lots of people will ask u what u want?And These are the agents/brookers/dalals
They will tell you that they have lot of knowledge regarding goats and will provide u the best breeding goat at low cost.But all is fake,they just want their cut or comission.They take cut from two sides one from you and the other from farmer.So dont look at them and dont take them with you while buying a goat.Some agents wont take any cut from you,but after selling goat they takes it from farmer.So beware of brookers/agents while buying a goat.

More updates will post u soon.
With regards,

Dear sir,
I have 30 goats which are local and for feed we will take them to forest .
I am also planning to buy some more good quality goats but i dont know quality and vaccination please kindly give the all the details.
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goat type

Dear kishanb,
which type of breed do u have now,kindly mention it so that i will tell the qualities of that breed.
Dont take your goats at forest,the best way is to allow fodder in their place (stall feed method),a lot of energy is wasted by goats in travelling and searching the food.If you provide them food at their own place lot of energy will be saved and all food will be utilized in production of milk or growth of kids in stomach(embryo) or growth in mass(meat).
If you are looking for good quality of goats,then surely u must buy osmanabadi goats.It has excellent meat quality(male goats) and has high reproductive(4kids per year) and milking capacity.Surely a goatfarm with osmanabadi breeding goats is always profitable.
Vaccination includes mainly of enterotoxaemia,goat pox,PPR,FMD,HS,anthrax,mastits,ET.

with regards,

Goat Certification

Dear Sir ,

Do we have any wayt o get certified pureline goat Breeds .

Is there any agency which deals with certification.


Certified goats

Dear ujualkumart,
no there is a no way to certifiy pureline goat breed.Veterinary doctors only can tell u about local certified breed.Certification of goats is only provided by the research centres.For more information visit any goat/sheep farm research centre of your state or the nearest states.
with regards,

Goat Farm New - Info

Dear Dr. Sheikh,

I am planning to start an integrated farm in Tamil Nadu, primarily concentrating on stall fed goats. I intend to raise 100+ to start.

I would appreciate if you could share your valuable experience and points to be taken care while starting a new goat farm venture.

Best Regards,
H. Md. Ali Jawhar
hmajawhar@yahoo. com
Phone : 9382335964

Hello Dr.,

this is Chandrakant Nair,

Dr., I visit goat market in Mumbai - Deonar in last week, my experience was horrible. how can we say it is a profitable business.

The system of market i. e. gawal, dalal, trader is very horrible.

The rate are very low. 30kgs live weight goat is giving only Rs. 2500 to 3000/-.

in the market nobody is ready to buy goat on live weight. the rates are depends on brokers and traders.

kindly guide me on marketing of the goats.

how to to marketing of goat??????????

Chandrakant Nair.

goat farm suggestions

Dear Dr. Sheikh,

I am planning to start an integrated farm in Tamil Nadu, primarily concentrating on stall fed goats. I intend to raise 100+ to start.

I would appreciate if you could share your valuable experience and points to be taken care while starting a new goat farm venture.

Best Regards,
H. Md. Ali Jawhar
hmajawhar@yahoo. com
Phone : 9382335964

Dear md ali jawahr,
we will surely help you in your goat farm.For any suggestions or queries plz mail us at smymbbs5372@rediffmail.com

Marketing of goats

Hello Dr.,

this is Chandrakant Nair,

Dr., I visit goat market in Mumbai - Deonar in last week, my experience was horrible. how can we say it is a profitable business.

The system of market i. e. gawal, dalal, trader is very horrible.

The rate are very low. 30kgs live weight goat is giving only Rs. 2500 to 3000/-.

in the market nobody is ready to buy goat on live weight. the rates are depends on brokers and traders.

kindly guide me on marketing of the goats.

how to to marketing of goat??????????

Chandrakant Nair.

Dear chandrakant nair,
I have clearly mention in my project report is not to sale or buy your does and bucks through agents,dalals or brookers.
There is an article on buying of goats in this thread,where i have inform the goat farmers to be aware of dalals/brookers.
In local markets generally the selling is on the basis of per piece.I dont know of mumbai,but i have seen lot of local goat markets of maharashtra,andhra,karnataka,kerala and tamilnadu where the farmers easily guess the weight of their does or bucks and fixes there goat price according to their areas meat price.U must visit other nearby local goat markets and you will know the thruth.Also you are mistaken in juding the accurate weight and age of does or buck,u were just guessing the weight that it should be 25-30kg,weight it on scale.A 15kg buck is costing more than 3000rs now days.If i m getting a 30kg of buck or does at 2500-3000,surely i will buy 1000 of it per day.Once again check your local nearby markets.
For other options of marketing of goats,plz check my website www.goatfarm.20m.com all details are given there.

With regards,

Dear Dr.,

Can we sale our does and bucks without dealing through the agents or paying them royalty. I have came to know that we have to pay them royalty or need to deal through them. Is it true? I am fearing about marketing. can I meet you before starting my farm. can you help me to how to do the marketing near by you at Osmanabad or Latur. please suggest time so I have to take leave for the same.


marketing of goats

Dear seacnair,
you are always welcome.
Remember one thing,marketing of goats is very easy than any other animals and birds(chicken,buffaloes,emu),just survey your different nearby local markets,definetly you will get the idea how to sale them.Also at time of eid there is a great demand for bucks,all the market bucks are readly sold at higher rates.So dont get hesitate regarding marketing of goats.Once u start your farm,the buyers and butchlers will reach there to buy your goats,coz osmanabadi goats has a very high meat taste and high yielding performance.

With regards,

Thanks Dr.,

The Amt for Project report is transferred to your account. please send the report ASAP.

also I am coming to Osmanabad this weekend. pls suggest if can we meet to understand more on it.

Thanks again.

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