Goat Farm Solutions

Help in goat farming

Thank you for starting this thread its really usefull for people like me ..

1.Are the any government schemes or subsidy for goat farming ?

2.Best type of goat for milk,meat,fiber in maharashtra state ( konkan region ) ?

3.What are Eid goats? Type of Eid goats ?

4.Can goats make a regular income before they are used for meat purpose or before getting matured ?

5.Can commercial trees be grown among the goats ?

6.Are boer goats consumed in India ?

7.Konkan krishiv vidhyapeth performed cross breeding with boer goats but failed.Can they be grown in maharashtra by breeding with its own kind ?

8.How to buy young goats? What are the current market rates ?

9.What rates should be put on Eid ?

10.How are rates of goats decided when you sell them ?

11.Any training centre for learning goat farming ?

12.Can dogs be used to protect them ?

13.Can female goats be sold for meat purposes ?

14.Should Farming be started using kids or older goats ?

15.Initial number to start goat farming with.Got 2-3 acres of land ?

Sir really appreciate your hard work for this.Your answers are very scientific and true. Thank you .
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Dear sagar,
first of all thanks for appreciating my work.I m always ready to help goat farmers without any intention.

1.Yes there are schemes and subsidy for goat farming.U can get subsidy only when u have farmland.Bank keeps that land for security purpose.U can get maximum of 5lakh loan under nabard for which 50% is subsidy and 10% is margin money.For documents to avail scheme check my previous posts of this thread.
2.Best type of breed is osmanabadi goat,no doubt in that.Its best all over india and has a high demand.It has excellent meat and skin quality.Easily gets adapted in any condition,highly resistant to diseases,mortality rate is very low,has high reproductive and milking capacity.I m not telling this coz i m dealing with osmanabadi but the survey made by CIRG says.
3.Eid goats are 1 year male goats used for slaughtering at time of bakrid eid.If 1 year goat is sold at 10,000 at other period, then at eid same goat is sold for 15,000-20,000 check your local market at eid.
4.Yes ofcoz goats makes regular income.Its the most profitable business nowdays.U can use goats for meat at 5-6 months of age.
5.U cant grow commercial tress for stall feed goat farming among goats coz u requires more land for cultivation of fodder.So its better to plant in other area and can supply goat manure at that place.
6.Yes boer goats are consumable in india.But the expenditures on boer goats are very high which in turn makes their meat more costly.Also the cost of pair of boer goat is very high.
7.Ya they can be grown in maharashtra.Infact in india they are first imported in maharashtra from australia.
8.Goats are buyed by inspecting them by an expert.Stall feeding breeding goats are best to buy coz at goat farm only the owner says the performance of goats.Even the expert at goat market cant say on the spot regarding performance of goat.It can be said only by keeping them at farm for 1 month.Current market rates of goats depends on goat meat.Meat varies between 300rs-350rs/kg depending on area.
9.The rates depends on market,surely u will get 40%-70% of extra income at eid time.
10.Rates of goats to be decided on live weight/kg.At selling.If your local market is based on per piece price rate(bargaining method) initially sale like that coz u are dependent on that.Afterwards as your production increases sell it by kg basis.Even u can import goat meat by slaughtering them at your farm.But it requires bulk quantity.
11.Yes there are lots of training centres.Govt.is conducting trainings at krishi vidnyan centre,animal husbandry departments and at employment offices of your district.
12.For stall feed no need of dogs.For grazing method u can keep.
13.Yes female goats are to sold for meat purpose but at a slightly lower rate.And older age goats too.
14.Farming should be started with goats and not with kids.If started with kids it requires 18-24months for output(income) and with goats output is in 6 months.
So with kids u have spend 2years without any income.
15.Initial number is 50goats with 2-3 acres of land.Later on you cain raise upto 500goats in same land.

With regards,

Sir appreciating your work a lot.Shows how much you are interested in spreading the awareness about goat farming.Thank you very much for your help. Ill keep using this forum started by you for my queries and even share my bit of knowledge .

Goat Farming Fodder

Dear Sir,

i would like to know if we send the goats for grazing whole day along with shepeard then how much green fodder should we need to provide to the goats, as i know the thump rule that we need to provide 10% of goat weight, is it for stalled feed goat or also for full grazing goats

Looking forward for your kind reply


Fodder for grazing goats

Dear kaleem,
for grazing goats theres no need to provide green fodder.But u must have to provide dry fodder 300gm-500gm each day for milking goats.And trace of minerals with fodder to kids for faster body growth.
With regards,

respected sir

please give me the green fooder chart and concentration chart for a 3 to 12 months does and bucks for a goat farm and what are the green fooder is suitable for tamilnadu and what is ratio of the concentration method and if we go for silage which additives is best for silage

best regards

I have the chart of green fodder and concentration of dry fodder written on my diary prepared by myself with my experience in field with goats.To post it i have to prepare it in wordpad and then have to post,to do this it requires lot of time.Presently i m busy and will prepare the chart as soon as i got some free time.So have patience.

Silage additives includes urea,ammonia,inoculants,bio-fertilizers,spraying chemicals,pesticides etc.Their main function is to improve the quality of silage,increase its nutritional value and to protect it from insects and decrease its degradation %.ecosyl 100,DM found as best additives for silages.However it depends on climatic conditions,ph of soil.Use plastic drums or pits in soil or plastic bags to store silage for maximum time period(2yr).Silage is very helpful in heavy rainy days and during scarcity of fodder.At that time u can use silage as best fodder for goats.Otherwise at other time provide them only green fodder.Note there is at least 15%-20% of fodder is lost when it is stored to use as silage.As u are in tamilnadu where there is heavy rainfall for 4-5 months,u must store your fodder as silage to feed goats in these days as the availability of green fodder is more in these rainy days which further will decrease your fodder cost in summer season when there is scarcity of fodder.For tamil nadu green fodder suitable are hybrid napier and lucerne.
With regards,

Hello Shaikh,

Can you help me on the below points:

*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

schemes for goat farm

Presently NABARD Provides u loan for your goat farm with 25%-50% subsidy.
But first u have to agree your local bank to provide u loan under this scheme.Also there is 10+1 goats scheme,by which u will get 10 female goats and 1 male goat for breeding from animal husbandry department.
Documents includes voter id,school or college leaving certificate,mortgage of land as bank keeps land for secuirty purpose,no dues certificate from society of farm land & bank and grampanchyat,character certificate from gramsevak,and a bankable project report.
Only nationalised bank provides u loan Under NABARD.
Vaccination varies from season to season.Main vaccinations are tetanus,ppr,enteroteximia.For more plz read my previous posts in this thread.
CO4 and lucerne are best fodder for your goats that contains high protein ratio which enhances the growth of kids in lesser time.Also lactating goats shoud be provided with dry fodder that includes wheat pulp,sorghum,maize,groundnut oil cakes to enhance their milking capacity.
Best variety of goat is osmanabadi as it can accomodate in any climatic condition
has higher reproductive capacity and milking performance.Gestation period is very less,only 5 months.Out put is in 6 months.This is in brief.There are other lot of specialities of osmanabadi goat.U can check those on my site.

With regards,

I want your advice whether Solar Fencing is suitable for Goat Farming agriculture land where we grow fodder and the goats come out of stall for exercise and sometimes grazing. In Andhra Pradesh there is 25% percent subsidy if a farmer goes for Solar Fencing. Your valuable advice is solicited

Solar fencing is modern technique to restrict the cattles in their grazing areas.It protects cattles from predators and thefts.It gives sharp but safe shock to intruder.
But the main disadvantage of solar fencing is that it requires huge capital investment.Solar panel and installation charges are very high.Solar panels requires fossil fuel inputs for their production.This will further increase the capital cost.So beside using solar fencing use metal wire fencing and hire 1-2 labours on yearly payment basis to keep watch on goats while grazing.Also they will do other work of your farm in same payment.Dont look for subsidy,subsidy is on interest and not loan amount.Subsidy on loan amount is only under NABARD Scheme below 5lakh.
With regards,

fodder for goats

Dear milind,
u can grow napier(co4) grass on your farm land.U have to plant co4 slips to produce napier on your farm.For 1 acre of land 16000 slips are required, each slip costs u 0.40 paise.
Also u can grow lucerne grass,for that u have to grow lucerne seeds.Lucerne seeds will cost u 400rs/kg.15-18kg seeds are required for 1 acre.

Help in goat farm

Hi smy82482,

also i am planning to start a either poultry farm or goat farm.

but i am confuse about which is safe and min. budgeted. can you please help me in this. which will give me higher returns in minimum risk.

profitable goat farm

Dear seacnair,
regarding your query about safe, then its no doubt that goat farm is 100%safe and goats can be insured at minimal rates.
Regarding budget,goat farm requires heavy budget than that of poultry farm,you can say 10 times greater than that of poultry farm.But the earnings are 20-30 times greater than that of poultry farm.
Goat farm is the most profitable business nowdays as meat prices are riching sky due to shortage of goats.According to survey report by cattle census,if all goats of india are slaughtered then also,it completes only 20% of goat meat requirement of country.So u can consider the fact of shortage of goat meat.
Yearly 10% of goat meat that is slaughtered in india is exported to gulf countries.There is a lare demand of indian goat meat in gulf.
So its clearly indicates that goat farm is the most profitable business.High earnings in less time.

With regards,

profitable goat farm

Dear Dr.,

Thank you for your quick replay. i read all 10 pages of your Thread: Goat Farm Solutions..

i really appreciate your help to new comers like me.

thanks for the same Sir.

profitable goat farming

Dear Dr.,

as i am new in this, please help how to start farm.

kindly share information regarding farm from beginning to running farm.

Chandrakant Nair

Goat farm starter

First of all you must have to read project report on goat farm prepared by a goat farmer,as it will provide you complete details on goat farm from begining to end.Its not possible for me to provide here all complete details from begining to runing goat farm.

With regards,

Goat housing ?

Sir Ill mostly start my goat farming with 100 goats including bucks. Can i get somewhere the housing chart or a plan ..or just some usefull pic for 100 goats..a detailed one will be very usefull ..thank you ..
