Goat Farm Solutions

Where to start?

I am trying to transition from the military to goat farming and I am trying to figure out where to start. I have some knowledge on goat farming, but still lack a great deal of knowledge. I would like to do this large scale.
For locations I am looking at North Carolina and I am considering dairy goats as well as meat goats.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

goat farm

Dear conneryn,
Thats a very good decision.Yes got farming presently a most sucessful business and its further more profitable when it can be done on commercial basis.
In north carolina united states the best breeding goats for meat are savannah and boer.
You must go for savannah,
They have greater net profit in low input costs,low mortality rate and higly resistant to disease,they use pastures that other breeds cannot,they requires less labours and supervisions.

For dairy sannen breed is best.It yields 5-6 litrs of milk per day.Also u can go for goat cheese production as it has very high demand in america.

With regards,

I am keen in setting up a got farm. I have some questions, can some one help me out on it??
A. In initial stage what unit size is affordable?
B. When shall we expect return from a goat farm?
C. Best breed to be handled?
D. When a calf is born, on which age it is ready to sale? What will be the wait at that time(aprox)?
E. In tamil nadu goat meat cost around RS: 350 to 400. What would the affordable rate in which a goat can be sold in live to a butchler.?
F. For a 100 got farm, How much land is required for green fooder cultivation?

income of goat farm,profit

A.At initial stage only 100+5 unit size is affordable.
B.You will get returns at the end of 1st year. your investment amount+ 10%-20% profit at end of 1st year,only with pure osmanabadi breed as per my experience

C.No doubt osmanabadi breed is the best to handle.
D.When a kid is born at the age of 6 months its ready to sale
E.The affordable rate of 6 months kids should be 250-280 rs/kg.And any butchler is ready to buy kids at that rate.
F.5 acres land is required with co4 grass.And 8-10 acres with other grass.

with regards,

Goat disease help

I have 10 local goats with 6kids of 2-3 months on my farm.
Kids are not going for grazing,they are not active,after few hours saliva starts coming from their mouth,also they have fever.
Many of my goat kids are died after showing these symptoms.Veterinary doctors are not helping me at all.Plz help me dr.Shaikh.Thank you.

Goat disease

Dear shafi111,
symptoms that u have written are of RVF,rift valley fever an acute viral disease of cattles,it was firstly observed in south africa.It mainly occurs due to biting of insects and spreads rapidly among kids.In this disease kids refuses to eat,have abdominal pain.Thats why they are not active due to abdominal pain.Other symptoms are salivation,diarrhoea and inflamation of intestinal linings.Postmortem report shows Lungs and livers are sieverly damaged.

Keep your affected kids separately.Presently there is no specific vaccination against rvf thats why veterinary doctors are not helping you.
If you have been intially vaccinated your Goats and their kids,you would not have face these problems.Imunnized goats and kids are highly resistant to RVF or any viral disease.
Now u cant imunnize your goats after outbreak of disease.Imunnization is to be done prior to disease.

Firstly dont make your goats pregnant for atleast 3 months.Vaccinate them properly and then allow them for pregnancy.
For kids give them a single dose of viral t.t .I think it wont work as all resistant power is collapsed but try it.

So my advice to all goat farmers is to vaccinate your goats and kids from time to time so that u wont face any problem like shafi111 has faced.Just go to governments animal husbandry hospital and vaccinate your goats.Vaccines are very cheap from 3rs-10rs/goat.Also u must have to insure your goats at each year.There is 50% subsidy for goat farmers to insure their goats.
With regards,

Thank you very much dr.Shaikh.
Your reply was very helpful too me.Really you are doing a great job.I m afraid that now i cant do anything to my goat kids, wish i would have vaccinate them.But now as u told i will vaccinate all goats and make insure of them.Once again thanks a lot for your valuable answer.I m very thankfull to you.

iam from hyderabad i wnat below details

*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats

What do you think of hydroponic fodder system if you are having a 500 goat farm. You think it will work out cheap? by reducing labour required? What is you view on this?

hydroponics fodder

Hydroponics fodder is produced by hydroponics machine.In india presently a single hydroponics machine produces 100-120kg of fodder.So for 500 goats to feed them totally on hydroponics fodder, you requires 15 machines.Now the cost of single machine is around 7lakh rupees,also single machine daily requires 18kg of seeds and and constant supply of electricty for 24hrs and room temp not more than 25 degrees.So now think the total project cost of hydroponic fodder system for 500 goats.Definetly is very high than that of cultivated fodder cost.So its never going to be profitable for small goat farmers.
No doubt that,Hydroponics fodder as high moisture content and very high in nutritive values,which further enhances the growth of goats.But its very costly.Instead of hydroponics fodder u can feed CO4 and Napier to your goats.They will provide u same results.

With regards,

Hi Sir,
I am planning to Start goat farm, I dont have much knowledge on Goat Farming.
I like to know. Space required for 100 goats, daily expenditure, fooder and infrastructure cost.

Goat farm

Dear hemanth,
for 100 goats 5 acre land is required.Daily expenditure on each goat is rs 10 inclusive of vaccines and fodder.For kids 5-6 rs perday.Infrastructure cost depends on type of breed that u want to start with.


hi sir this is vishnu..sir i like to start a goat farm but i dont have any ideas about it.my native is pollachi.and i also want to know about the subsidy provided by the government.it will be a great pleasure for me if i get your guiddence..

loan for goat farm

Dear vishnu,
First of all u have to gain complete knowledge regarding goat farm.U can get its training at krishi vidnynan kendra or at animal husbandry department of your district.
U can get subsidy under NABARD in two ways.
1.Subsidy on loan amount,it has maximum limit of 5 lakh with 50% subsidy on loan amount and 10% is margin money(money that u have to deposit in bank).
2.Subsidy on loan interest rate.It has maximum limit of 1crore with 25% subsidy on interest rate and not on loan amount.Here also 10% is margin money,means u have to self deposit 10% of project cost.
In both cases bank requires secuirity of farm land.Also bank takes 3%-4% of project cost as processing fees.For other details plz read my previous posts.
With regards,
