Goat Farm Solutions


eid goat prices

EID is almost one-month onward. Henceforth, There are 20% hike in goat's prices(Bucks). They will perhaps get double, 2-3 days before EID, check your local market. At least, 50% hike in goat's price is assured in any part of the country 2-3 days before EID.
This year seems to be great for a goat farmers for selling their bucks.
However, three years back the EID goat market was crashed due to slashing prices of sacrificial Eid goats by at least 50 per cent .check this article of midday posted in 2009 http://www.mid-day.com/news/2009/nov/281109-Bakri-Eid-slashing-prices-dealer-Imtiyaz-Shaikh.htm


Help regarding raising goats in cities or outer:

Asalamu Alaikam Dr. shaikh.
First of all I thank u for providing good help to our members.
Sir, I wish to ask a question which may benefit many living in city.

My question: whats your advice or tips for people who wish to raise
1 male & 1 female goat in their house in cities
(Eg. 1/2 ground land with house).

How to raise it.
What food to give.
Vaccinations help etc...
Any other tips to raise will be highly appreciated.

Please give detailed answer so that many may benefit.


Breeding goats in cities

Dear Basha,
Its a very good thought to keep 2 goats in cities.No need to keep 1 male(buck) and 1 female(does),keep both female.For mating purpose buck can be hired, as bucks are required for mating only that too once or twice a year.Also U have facility of artificial mating(Insemination) at every veteirnary hospital that too at very cheap prices(50-100rs/doe).So keeping 1 male for 1 female is not beneficial,so insted of 1 male and 1 female keep both female goats.
When you look In villages,each women keeps atleast 1 female goat with her for breeding purpose.This goat provides milk to his family(3 members) and a small income by selling goat kids.Goat is called as Milking Refrigerator,u can get milk from a goat at 24hrs when u want.
In villages people wont provide any specific or concentrated fodder for goats,even they wont provide them any veteirnary medicines,still they lives healthy for many years.
In urban areas,some families breeds goats in small numbers 2-5.They releases the goat at early morning in their local areas for grazing purpose.After grazing througouth the day,in evening goat gets returns to the same place(at owners house).
Here also goats are not provided any concentrated or specific fodder.Sometimes when these goats gets fall ill, they are taken to veteirnary hospitals or docs, as docs are easily available in urban areas.
While raising the goats in cities,you can even follow the same procedure.Release the goats at early morning,goats will return to same place at evening after whole day of grazing.
If you dont want to release the goats outside, then provide them any green vegetables(cheap),maize,corn,grass cuttings or vegetable cuttings which are usually thrown as waste part.You can provide any easily available green fodder to these goats.Also you can provide them pulp of pulses and grains,they can be obtain from nearest flour mill.
At milking period or at pregnancy u can even provide them 200gm-300gm DOC of groundnuts,soya,sunflower etc.

These goats must be dewormed twice a year as they eats any fodder.Anthrax,FMD,Enterotaxemia and PPR should be given once in a year along with their booster dose.
Wash the goats once in a month with any germicidal.

So breeding two female goats in cities will provide you a small but good revenue and enough milk for your family.Breeding goats is always profitable,its a boon given by Almighty to mankind.


Goat Farming


I planned to start Goat Farming in chennai could you help how to to prepare fodder and stall fed for goat.if any training on goat farming is available near to chennai.could you please help.

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goat farming shed


reg goat farming shed, would it be better to make shed with slabs of Aracanut and bottom stage also with same giving space in between so the urine and waste will fell in pit below that,. and roof to be made with what type of material ? can roof made with dried coconut leaf or dried grass. or shall it need to be done with clay tiles/asbetos sheet?

what are the intitial expenses to start goat farm apart from below

1) cost of raising green fodder
2) cost of goats
3) cost of shed



I planned to start Goat Farming in chennai could you help how to to prepare fodder and stall fed for goat.if any training on goat farming is available near to chennai.could you please help.

dear ravi,
u can cultivate napier,alfa alfa,punjab grass as green fodder for goats,they have high yield.for silage u can use sorghum,maize and corn,using silage reduces the concentrated feed cost.for more details plz read my previous posts.

You will get national and international level goat farm trainig at CIRG Mathura U.P


goat farm shed


reg goat farming shed, would it be better to make shed with slabs of Aracanut and bottom stage also with same giving space in between so the urine and waste will fell in pit below that,. and roof to be made with what type of material ? can roof made with dried coconut leaf or dried grass. or shall it need to be done with clay tiles/asbetos sheet?

what are the intitial expenses to start goat farm apart from below

1) cost of raising green fodder
2) cost of goats
3) cost of shed


dear mathew,

Yes, you can make a shed with arecanut in such a way that rain water gets easily gushes down and also bottom with it, so that urine and droplets gets easily pass down. This helps to prevent the spread of disease, which further decreases the mortality among goats. For roof, it will be better to use that asbestos sheets that will last for long. Roof should be slightly elevated at the centre like a pyramid.wash the floor of shed with germicidal once in a week and spinkle some lime powder on it.this will help to exhaust the smell of ammonia(urine).its more likely called as traditional goat farm shed.in traditional goat farm shed, instead of asbestos(metal/tin) roof,coconut dry leaves or dry fodder or wooden roof was used earlier.
There is one concept in goat farming,more traditional/natural the goat farm(shed) more healthy will be the goats.
1.cost of rasing green fodder depends on number of goats that u want to breed.for 100 goats u requires 5 acres of land with high yielding green fodder crops like napier and punjab grass.the cost of single napier slip is around 30-40 paise,for 1 acre 16,000 napier slips are required,so according to it you can calculate the feed cost.napier requires plenty of water so water cost must be calculated,also worker wages should be calculated,as separate workers are require to grow and to cut the fodder throughout the year.if land is on lease its cost must be calculated.etc.
2.cost of goats depends on type of breed and locality.different goat breeds have different price rates,mainly price rates depends on per kg basis at goat farms and per piece in local markets which can be bargained.
3.cost of shed too varies on type of material that u use,it varies from 20rs/sqft-200rs/sq ft.20 rs sq ft is the cost of traditional goat farm shed like that of arecanut or coconut dried leaves.

Goat shed(floor) image attached below.

Osmanabadi Goat
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Goat Farming in Malaysia

Hello All,

I am murugan and doing goat farming in Malaysia.
presently we have 300 animal, and we are doing in commercial way.

We have huge demand for goat meat in Malaysia, thus we plan to expand pur buisness.

Presently we are looking for the invester to expand our buisness. we have clear buisness plan.

If anyone intrest, kindly contant me
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hi, planning to build a goat farm


this is sunny joseph from hyderabad completed my hospitality management, but i am very much interested to start a goat farm in and around hyderabad. what are the requirements to process a loan for 75 - 100 goats.

Here u can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer u the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only.N u will get your reply here,very soon.

Osmanabadi Goat

Goat farm expenditures

whats d minimum investment to start a goat-farm - imran, Nagpur

Dear imran,
the investment to start a goat farm depends on type breed,number of goats,owning land or lease land,water supply,workers wages or you will look care of it personally,type of shed.
The minimum investment with some of above norms for 10 females and 1 male for stall feed system is around 2 lakh and 1 lakh for grazing method, in Nagpur.However this cost decreases as the number of goats increases.

Bank loan


this is sunny joseph from hyderabad completed my hospitality management, but i am very much interested to start a goat farm in and around hyderabad. what are the requirements to process a loan for 75 - 100 goats.

Dear sunny,
YOU will get loan for goat farm from any nationalized bank,but You must have property whose mortgage must be greater than that of loan amount.This property is kept by bank with them and if u were unable to repay their amount,they will sold this property at any time and will collect their loan amount.If you are ready to keep the property with bank as secuirity,then you will surely get loan.
After getting loan you will get subsidy under NABARD ranging from 25%-50% as it depends on region(rural/urban) and on caste(open/reserved).
You will surely get subsidy only after you avail bank loan,you will not get any subsidy if bank wont provides you any loan.
So first visit your any known nationalized bank and convince the branch manager to provide you loan for goat farm.
You will also need goat farm project report to show how you will repay the loan amount.
For other documents plz read my previous posts.

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