Goat Farm Solutions

Re: sheep/goat

Dear sir,
I want to start the sheep or goat farm. but i have little bit confusion i.e which one is profitable . please clarify.
Basically i belongs to andhra pradesh, hyderabad.

Goat farm vs sheep farm

A Goat farm with pureline osmanabadi goat breed is 10 times more profitable than sheep farm.
Sheep gives birth to 1 kid in a year whereas goat 2-8 kids in a year(in goats Kidding depends on type of breed that u select to breed).
Maturity period of sheep is of 390 days whereas goat matures in 300 days.
Goats are highly resistants against diseases as compare to sheep.So mortality of goats is less as compare to sheeps.
Goat meat has very high demand as compare to sheep meat.
Marketing of goats is very easy as compare to sheeps.
Goats requires less fodder as compare to sheeps.

The only plus point with sheeps is that,they produces wool 2-3 times in a year.But just considering the wool profit u cant go with sheeps,just think of above points regarding goats.
In the end the profit obtain by selling goats is much higher than that obtain by selling wool and sheeps.

With regards,

Dear sir,

I would like to ask how many female goats we need to keep in goat farming, if we like to sell average of 1000 kg live goat meat per month. how may acres of land we need to have a green fodder to maintain that average throughout the year. looking for ur reply thank you.

goat meat

Dear sure192,
for selling 1000kg live goat meat you requires nearly 35 goats of 30kg live weight each.Means u need 35 goats very month.Means in a year u requires 420 goat kids for meat purpose.
Getting 420 goat kids per year from your breeding goats depends on type of breed on your farm.
If you are breeding with jamunapari, you requires 250 female goats and 15 male goats for mating.
Same with sirohi.And for boer 200 female and 10 male goats.
With osmanabadi you need 120 osmanabadi pureline female goats and 6 pureline male goats.
For 100 goats of any type of breed you required 5 acre of land.
goat farm expert.

Here u can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer u the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only.N u will get your reply here,very soon.

blog:we provide you the best osmanabadi goats at reasonable prices

Dear sir /mem i want Government schemes for goat farms pls tel me

Government schemes for goat farms

dear vittal85,
presently there are two schemes for goaat framing
1.for farmers having their own farm land
2.non farmers

Thanks for your kind reply

Dear Shaik,

Thanks for your kind reply.

If you don't mind shall you please provide the address for training, and also i heard in mysore some people had already running this. If you have that information can you please provide address of that farm, will go and visit that farm.

Thanks in advance.

Dear dr.shaikh,

I have some queries regarding Goat Farm, i am planning to run Goat Farm(50 Goats) along with 6 Cows.

My queries are mentioned below:

1. I have a land of 2 acre, is it enough for the above mentioned animals to run business.

2. Information regarding shed for 50 Goats. (Dimension of shed and kind of roofs, floor).

3. Estimation for 50 Goats(Osanmbadi breed).

4. Estimation for Shed.

5. Tips for fodder to grow in our land. What kind of fodder to grow.

6. What is major issues is there to run. Will concentrate on that (ex: Man power, veternary help, self marketing)

7. How can i get loan for goat farm and subsidy for that.(Mysore Location)

8. Estimated amount for 50 Goats Farm (Without Loan).

For getting brief information please provide your phone number to contact you and what time is better to contact you to speak briefly.

Expecting your kind reply soon.

Thanks in Advance.

Goat farm training

Dear Shaik,

Thanks for your kind reply.

If you don't mind shall you please provide the address for training, and also i heard in mysore some people had already running this. If you have that information can you please provide address of that farm, will go and visit that farm.

Thanks in advance.

For goat farm training visit your nearest livestock development office or veteirnary hospital and ask any vet.doc,they will definately provide you training centre adress.Every district conducts goat farm training,just we dont know that coz we never visit any of above office.
U can visit krishna rao's goat farm at mandya district.We have provided them goats.

Goat farm knowledge

Dear dr.shaikh,

I have some queries regarding Goat Farm, i am planning to run Goat Farm(50 Goats) along with 6 Cows.

My queries are mentioned below:

1. I have a land of 2 acre, is it enough for the above mentioned animals to run business.

2. Information regarding shed for 50 Goats. (Dimension of shed and kind of roofs, floor).

3. Estimation for 50 Goats(Osanmbadi breed).

4. Estimation for Shed.

5. Tips for fodder to grow in our land. What kind of fodder to grow.

6. What is major issues is there to run. Will concentrate on that (ex: Man power, veternary help, self marketing)

7. How can i get loan for goat farm and subsidy for that.(Mysore Location)

8. Estimated amount for 50 Goats Farm (Without Loan).

For getting brief information please provide your phone number to contact you and what time is better to contact you to speak briefly.

Expecting your kind reply soon.

Thanks in Advance.

1.For 50 goats and 6 cows you need 4 acres of land to culivate fodder.This fodder is enough to feed these animals along with their kids througout the year.
2.Goat farm doesnt requires a specific shed as that for poultry and diary farm.Just make an proper drainage of urine.For 50 goats 2000sqft shed is enough.Half of shed roof must be open so that sunlight directly enters the shed and half of shf must be coverd to protect against rain.Shed must be at a 3-4 ft high from ground level.There should be fencing on all four sides.
3.Estimate depends on type of breed that you want to keep on your farm.For price quote of osmanabadi breed mail us.We cant give quote publicaly.If we give quote here it will remain here for many years.And after 2-3 years if it gets read by any internet surfer they will call us and asks to give them goats at this price.But after 2-3 years,it will not be affordable to us to provide goats at present price rate.So to avoid misunderstanding we wont publish ours and others(other breeds) price quotes.
4.Estimation of shed also varies from place to place and depends on material quality and type of shed that you are constructing.
5.U can grow napier,alfa alfa,maize,corn etc for feeding goats and cows.
6.Major issue is of fodder,as 70% of total project cost have to expense on fodder fr6 2nd year.
7.You will get subsidy by NABARD only when bank agrees to provide you loan for goat farming.
8.Answered above(3)

contact details are on our website www.osmanabadigoat.com

Farm Visit

Dear Dr.,

This is Chandrakant from osmanabad.

can i visit your farm in october???

please let me know where your farm is located.

goat farm

ya you can visit our farm in october.
email me at smymbbs5372@rediffmail.com to to recive our appointment,so that we will be free to give you time when you visit.


Dear Dr Thanks for your help and you are helping our country to grow providing free information on Goat farm. God bless you.
I have few question

I am planing to have Goat farm In Goa, but I don't have my own land but I am going to lease the land for Goat farm for 10 years and I got the land which suitable for Goat farm which have water and electricity. I have following question.

is it possible Government schemes for goat farms on lease land

*Government subsidy for lease land

Since I dont have my own land if it possible for loan

*which bank provides the loan

please name the Bank

Is it possible to purchase the Goat from local farmer and start the Goat farm.

I hope you will reply my Question

goat farm loan

dear arjun77,
thanks for your apppreciations and compliments.

Bank doesnt provides you loan for lease land,you must have your own
farm land to avail the loan from bank and subsidy from NABARD.
Even if you have your own farm land there are very less chances that a
bank will provide you loan for goat farm,unlees you have good relations
with bank,like heavy transactions or the bank manager knows you
very well.you can avail subsidy for goat farm only under Nabard,and Nabard
scheme is strictly for farmers which have their own farm land.
