Goat Farm Solutions


To Start Goat Farm

Hi Dr Sheikh,

I would like to first thank you for answering my questions. I have a plan to start a Goat Farm in a small investment as I am not in a financial position to start in a big way. If you can give me a suggestion how I can apply in Govt Schemes and get Govt Subsidy. I am based in Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu. I have 7 Acres land and can you tell me from which bank can I obtain and the Documents required for applying loan? overall can you tell me how to start a goat farm

Kenny Peter

Here u can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer u the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only.N u will get your reply here,very soon.

blog:we provide you the best osmanabadi goats at reasonable prices

Goat farm schemes

Dear kenny peter,
You will get 25% of subsidy(open caste) on total Project amount under NABARD.The main condition of Nabard is that,first u must get loan from any nationalize bank,then only nabard provides u subsidy.
So first visit any nationalize bank that u know very well or that u have good relations with that bank and ask them to provide u loan.U must submit them goat farm project report.If the bank manager gets satsified,After reading the report then he will surely provide u loan.
Documents needed:
*security(bank keeps your farm land or home or any other property equivalent to project amount as security)
*nationality,voter id,pasport photos,no duce certificate.


We have land near palanpur in gujarat state which is 140 kms from ahmedabad.

Land is available with us.
Soil is sandy to sandy laom soil and rain fall is 400 to 800mm.
Temperature in summer is heigher during daytime up to 47 and during winter minimum temperature goes to 4 to 8 degree.

We wanted to start well managed goat farm mainly for meat purpose because demand is high in this area.

We want to start in phase wise.

Pls giude us following points
@ which breed is best for this area
@ Best variety of goats
@ Ratio for male and female
@ Government schemes and subsidy
@ Type and requirement of fodder
@ area for grassland
@ area for goats
@ Vaccination details and cost
@ manpower
@ Availbility of pure breed goat with 100% gurranty
@ Insurence
@ Initial invesment for goat and other inputs.
@ Best time to start goat farm
@ Any free grazing require
@ variety and type of grass to be cultivated.
@ any dry fodder required
@ loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
@ which bank provides the loan
@ Any other guidelines if mores
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Here u can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer u the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only.N u will get your reply here,very soon.

blog:we provide you the best osmanabadi goats at reasonable prices
dear smy82482 . . . .
how profitable is goat farming
starting from 100 how to increase to 500 breeds (like time wise increase)
what will be the feeding cost per gaot per day how to minimise the feeding cost . . .

Goat farm answers

Dear mmbihari,
*As per meat and climate osmanabadi pure line breed is best in that region.
*Best variety are osmanabadi,sirohi,jamunapari,totapari,surti etc
*ratio 1:1
*presently only 1 scheme of NABARD for goat farming with 25% subsidy for open caste.
*Napier,lucerne are the green fodder requirement.
*Minimum of 5 acre area for 100 goats
*essential vaccinations are PPR,ETX,FMD,T.T
*At least 1 labour for 24hrs for 100 goats,but it will be better to keep 2.
*For 100% guaranteed pure breed u have to purchase the breed from registered goat farms like us.
*Insurance is 3% of goat cost in private and 1.5% of goat cost from government.
*Investment varies as goat numbers.
*U can start at any time.Better at november.
*No for stall feed there is no need of free grazing.
*Napier and lucerne grass are enough in green fodder.Maize,pulses and corns for dry fodder.
*For loan documents check my previous posts.
*Any natationalize bank will provide u loan,if u have good relation with bank or if u have enough land which can be kept for secuirity purpose.
*For more guidlines,do visit regulary our site www.osmanabadigoat.com


Goats fodder cost

dear smy82482 . . . .
how profitable is goat farming
starting from 100 how to increase to 500 breeds (like time wise increase)
what will be the feeding cost per gaot per day how to minimise the feeding cost . . .

Dear kareem,
Goat farming is most profitable when it is done on commercial basis.
While breeding 100 goats keep the female kids with you and sale only male kids.
Male to female ratio is 1:1.
A goat gives kids twice a year.Sirohi,jamnapari,surti,boer will give you 2-3 kids in 1 yr,whereas osmanabadi 4-8 kids in 1yr.So increasing from 100 to 500 depends on type of breed.If you breed osmanabadi u will achieve it in shorter time as compare to other breeds.
Feeding cost depends on type of fodder that u cultivate on land.Its lesser for napier and lucerne.Also if u have enough water on field u will get low fodder expenses.feeding cost varies from rs3-rs10/day per goat depending on soil condition,water,crop etc.
U can minimise the feeding cost by planting high yeilding crop like napier.
Also by using silage.Feed goats only chaff cutted fodder so that there will be no wastage of fodder.

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agriculture foe goat farming

get your goat farm queries solved here.

i have a land in Dist:mahad village sandoshi konkan region is it possible to grow napear grass,lucerne grass,jowar,bajra,african tall maize in this land as the land is in the hilly ares wants to start up goat farming business and have taken training for goat farming in pune.

Rahul Gosavi
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Goat fodder cultivation

Dear rahul,
First make a soil testing at your nearest agri department.They will tell you the minerals that to be added to grow the crops.
Napier,lucerne requires fertile land and plenty of water same as that of other seasonable crops.
Beside these crops you can also cultivate gajraj grass or maize,as they can be easily grown in semi fertile land of maharashtra.

Dear Sir,

I have acquired land and on the process of starting up with fodder cultivation in tamilnadu. I have no proper person to fabricate the shed.
I would like to know if there are any fabricators to do up a high raised shed in villupuram district Tamilnadu.


can you please provide me the all details of goat farming or any webling from where i can get the all the information of the goat farming from starting point to till the marketing.



Goat shed

Dear meggies,
goat farm doesnt requires a specific shed as that of poultry farm.
Make an incline at the top with proper ventilation on all four sides.Half of shed is open so that there will be enough sunlight and half of shed is covered for protection against rain.Make a proper drainage system for goat urine.Clean the shed everyday with germicidal and dry it properly with an dryer.
The minimum cost to raise a 100 goat shed is around 70,00-1lakh.No need to expense more than that on shed.

Goat website

Dear dattay,
we wont accept the information that provided on web,coz most of the informatiom provided on net is only by non-practioners of goat farm or non vet docs.So we dont reccomend such websites.
