Goat Farm Solutions


Beware of fraud goat sellers

Goat sellers are doing lot of false things like tatooing a goat with names like "Allah" "786" "Quran" etc to sell their Eid goats at very high rates to earn a high revenue, so beware of these goat sellers when you enter the local market to purchase the Eid goats.A buck with above names are sold for 1-5lakhs.
check this article of times http://articles.timesofindia.indiat...aipur/30368895_1_goat-minimum-price-customers

and midday article showing a video of a 5.5lakh rs Eid goat http://www.mid-day.com/news/2009/nov/281109-Bakri-Eid-slashing-prices-dealer-Imtiyaz-Shaikh.htm
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goat farming schemes

1.Name of scheme:Centrally Sponsored Scheme - Integrated Development of Small Ruminants and Rabbits

Where to apply for scheme
All Scheduled Commercial Banks
All Scheduled (Primary) Urban Cooperative Banks
All RRBs/ADFCs/SCBs/SCARDBs(National)


under NABARD
a)10% for rearing of goats and sheeps,10% is margin money(10% of total project cost have to be deposited by self).
b)25% for breeding of goats and sheeps (for open category) and 33.3% (reserved caste),25% is margin money.

reply here with your district and state to know your NABARDs adress.

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We deal with goat farming software

Software Solutions for Goat farm management
Successful Goat Farming needs complete record keeping. To do this in professional way and for better utilization of records for improvement of the farm we need a computerized software.

Using Software for Goat Farm Management
 Tracks complete record of all the events of goats individually, such as Birth, Death, Crossing, Deworming, Vaccination etc.,
 Generates essential reports, monthly/weekly for Trouble shooting and Treatment Planning.
 Executes specific tasks as per Reports for improvement of the Goat farm.


We provide this Software as an online Version. We arrange Demo training for those interested in buying this software in a Training hall in our farm.
The Demo will be charged with Rs.500 , which will be deducted on purchase of the software.
To register for Demo training classes and for further clarifications about software pricings contact us by
Mobile no : 8903471006


this is not an advertising thread,so please dont advertise here.IF YOU HAVE ANY FREE CONTENT THEN ONLY POST HERE

Goat help and schemes

Dear Dr.Shaikh,
Thanks Dr.Shaikh for your valuable answers.You are really doing a great job.God bless you.
I want to know the Nabard office of hydrabad as one of my friends needs it to start a goat farm.
Once again thank you very much.
With best regards,
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First of all, Thank you for praising my work.
Here is NABARDs office address of hyderabad-
Shri K. R. Nair
Chief General Manager
Andhra Pradesh Regional Office 1-1-61
R.T.C ‘X’ Road Musheerabad
Hyderabad – 500 020
Tel: (91) 040 27612640
Fax: (91) 040 27611829
Email: hyderabad@nabard.org
Hope you will find it helpfull.
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Goat farming schemes

2.Goat farming scheme of Gram Panchyat.
Where to apply:Livestock development office/Animal Husbandry Department/Collectors office of gram panchyat at respective district.
Under Gram panchyat there is a 10+1 scheme(10 female and 1 male goat) are insured and supplied to small farmers at taluka places.
The farmer then has to repay the goats amount in small installment for 3-5 years that too interest free.Here there is no subsidy and no margin money.
Present scheme varies from state to state.



Hi Dr Shaikh , Is it a good idea to milk the meat goats, if so what are the possible by products of goat milk and is there a market for it?

Kind Regards

Milking Goats

Dear shrikant,
Milking Goats for commercial use is only profitable for a large goat farm,say about 1000 goats.
Presently there is no local market for selling goat milk like that of cow or buffalo milk.But there is a commercial market for it.The main commercial buyers of goat milk are the pharmaceutical companies as goat milk is widely used in cosmetic products.
The other market is for by products of goat milk like goat milk powder,goat butter and goat chesse.These markets are mainly situated in Metro cities.

Milking goats for small goat farmers is not profitable always,lets look how:
1.To get extra amount of milk from goats to sell it in market,extra amount of dry and concentrate fodder has to be feeded which further increases the cost on fodder.
2.There is no local market for selling goat milk,so selling milk 365 days is a bit problem.Goat milk is not readily sold as that of cow or buffalo milk in local market.
3.To milk meat goats we have to feed large amount of concentrate fooder which makes the goat fat(cholesterol content rises) and fat goat(local goat breed) is not good in laying kids,becoming fat decreases the kidding capacity of goat as fat gets accumalated in the kids developing pouch (uterus) so there will be every little space for development of kids in embryo, also the kids obtained after pregnancy are of under weight.Fat goats are good only for milking purpose as that of sannen goat breed of switzerland which produces 8-10lit of milk per day.

The milk obtained from goat without feeding extra concentrate and dry fodder is required for goat kids.So feed all the milk to goat kids which will enhance their body growth and will also decrease the fodder cost of kids.

So while starting a goat farm your aim should be either on meat or milk.
The demand for goat meat is far more than that of goat milk.

Note:Here fat goat means having high fat content in body than that of meat(protein) content.I have explain it in brief so that it can be easily understood to readers,it requires a very deep knowledge to understand the concept of fat goat and that can't be explain here.If you want to know the concept,you must have to know the biology of goat(scientific knowledge of goats body and chemical reactions).

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help me in following points:
*how to obtain loan for goat / Sheep stallfed farm , required documents.
*which bank will provides me the loan
*Best variety of goats / Sheep
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bank loan for goat farm

Dear ram55555,
For how to obtain loan for goat farm and subsidy,please read my posts on page 25.And for documents read my older posts of this thread.

Any Nationalised Bank will provide you loan by keeping your property for secuirity purpose.You must have to conveince the bank manager to provide you loan and have to show him how you will repay Banks loan amount (project report).
Some nationalized banks wont provide loan even after having enough property for secuirity,so its better to apply for loan where you have existing Bank account and have made heavy transactions or turn overs there.
Some Nationalized banks provides loan without keeping any secuirity only for their old customers,which makes heavy transactions on their account at every month/year.
So,It merely depends on bank wheter to provide you loan or not.

Best goat breeds are the osmanabadi,jamanapari,sirohi and thalacherry.Osmanabadi is the most profitable goat breed for farmers.

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smy82482 : Thanks for your valuable tima

I am from Hosur TN....

I am planning to place a Goat Form starting with (50+2) and this is for breeding (Sirohi)...

Can you please let me know where can i apply for Susbcidy and for aother consulting services....

I also wanted to know about where can i buy the goats for breeding.....i almost complated shed construction...

Subsidy for goat farming

Dear mannizz,
Thanks for your appreciation.

For 50 does(female goat) you requires 3 bucks(male goat),so if you want to start with 50 does,keep 3 bucks for 50.
Subsidy is for only loan burrowers.So to avail subsidy, first you must have to obtain loan from any nationalized bank.
You wont get any subsidy if you start your farm without any loan.
After getting loan from nationalised bank,apply for subsidy at NABARD Office.
Check my previous posts for documents required to avail loan and then subsidy.

For consulting you can approach CIRG of Mathura,U.P.

Sirohi is native breed of rajasthan (sirohi district),so it will be better to buy goats from a native seller.


Goat Milk vs Cow Milk

Goat Milk vs Cow Milk
Here are 5 reasons goat milk is better than cow milk.
1. Goat’s milk is less allergenic.
2. Goat’s milk is naturally homogenized.
3. Goat’s milk is easier to digest.
4. Goat’s milk rarely causes lactose intolerance.
5. Goat’s milk matches up to the human body better than cow’s milk.

According to ScienceDaily (July 31, 2007) — Researchers have carried out a comparative study on the properties of goats' milk compared to those of cows' milk. They found reason to believe that goats' milk could help prevent diseases such as anemia and bone demineralization. Goats' milk was found to help with the digestive and metabolic utilization of minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.


Here u can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer u the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only.N u will get your reply here,very soon.

Osmanabadi Goat

Dear sir,
I have 7 Acer land near Sikar, Rajasthan and want to start a goat farm.
please send me the full details about that.

Thanks & Regards
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I wish to where can i get training about Goat/Sheep training & dairy/Cattle farming
i wish to know in karanataka state
As i am looking in to start,before that i wish to train myself before i start
So request i will get some information from your side


Here u can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer u the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only.N u will get your reply here,very soon.

Osmanabadi Goat
