Search results

  1. ponsanthan

    Want to know about medical crops in uttarkhand'hill ?

    medicinal plant for nainital area Following medicinal plants can be selected depending upon the climate and altitude. Names bolded are having more market value and can be selected for cultivation Vijayasar, Arjun, Bhilwa, Varun, Gambhari, Kutuj, Tejpatra, Priyangoo, Danti, Sarivah, Shwet...
  2. ponsanthan

    What can be cultivated in Black soil ?

    medicinal crops You please find the possibilities of growing Shatavari ( Aspargus racemosus 24 month crop, ponkorandi - salacia chinensis tree like small 5 year term - used in diabetes (root and stem). you can also grow siriya nangai - 6 month crop.
  3. ponsanthan

    Shadow grow medicinal plants reg

    Shade loving medicinal plants. Shade loving medicinal plants. Following plants can be grown under shade 1. Andrographis paniculata - Kalmegh 2. Centella asiatica - brahmi 3. Rauvolfia serpentina, sarpagandhi 4. Plumbago zeylanica - Chitrak mool 5. Alpinia galanga - kolanjan 6. Hedichium...
  4. ponsanthan

    Cultivation Of Aquatic / Aquarium Plants

    Aquatic plants Most of the aquatic plants available in singapore will be available in india also. what is the necessaty of importing from there. If it is a common plant, plant quarantine inspection is required from authorized authority from government of india.
  5. ponsanthan

    shade loving medicinal plants

    Shade loving medicinal plants. Following plants can be grown under shade 1. Andrographis paniculata - Kalmegh 2. Centella asiatica - brahmi 3. Rauvolfia serpentina, sarpagandhi 4. Plumbago zeylanica - Chitrak mool 5. Alpinia galanga - kolanjan 6. Hedichium spicatum - Kapur kachri...
  6. ponsanthan

    Orchid plantation

    Orchid cultivation Epiphytic orchids like Dendrobium, Vanda, Coelogyne needs to be cultivated under shade net on wood logs supported with mass or coir pith. Water sprinkling is required.Terrestrial orchids like Eulophia, Spathoglottis can be cultivated in normal pots filled with sand manure and...
  7. ponsanthan

    Gmelina arborea root

    We need 50 kg dried root of Gmelina arborea tree.(Shivani), Gummala (Tamil), ghumar (Hindi), Ghumartek(Tel). Kumulu (Kan).This tree is common in hilly areas, during flowering the tree will not have leaves. The wood is also more useful. Possible supplier please quote the price and address by...
  8. ponsanthan

    Atropa belladona

    Dear friends we need few kg of Atropa belladona (Hindi - Angur shefa) (Solanaceae) dried root / leaf/ fruit for research purpose. If any body is having the material kindly give a private message to me. Thank you.
  9. ponsanthan

    GYMNEMA(Gudmar) demandble crop

    Gymnema cultivation GYMNEMA can be cultivated as a rainfed crop in unused land also. it can be retained as a permanent crop like jasmin. Leaves can be collected 2-3 times in a year. As the plants becomes big the yield will be more. If we take care we can get good revenue. In future one kg dried...
  10. ponsanthan

    how to maximise coconut yield

    Coconut yield Plase submit 4-5 soil samples of your garden for analysis and apply the inputs as per the report of the testing lab. you need to apply red soil to the clay field, clay soil to the red soil field. organic manure, fertilizer, mineral supplements etc
  11. ponsanthan

    what can be grown in black soil?

    crops for block soil Block soil is a fertile soil, it contains clay in it, its water retaining capacity is more, Vegetable crops like Lady's finger, brinjaal , fruits like water melon, will grow nicely, black soil is well known for cotton. Medicinal herb ashwaganda (Withania somnifera) will...
  12. ponsanthan


    Fencing please use, Vasaka (Ahatoda vasica) cuttings to make a live fence. which form a good fence, This can be collected and sold as a drug. Henna (Lawsonia inermis) - Mehendi seeds can be sown and plants can be raised as a hedge which will be a good live fence and leaves can be sold for...
  13. ponsanthan

    punarnava - boerhavia diffusa

    Punarnava cultivation. Punarnava likes open sunlight and monsoon rain. In coconut gradens it will grow as a weed. The seedligs of this can be uprooted and planted wherever necessary, initially it needs to be irrigated during dry seasons. The root stock of punarnava will persist for several...
  14. ponsanthan

    Medicinal Plants, bright segment in agriculture.

    medicinal plant cultivation Dear friends we are encouraging the cultivation of medicinal plants by giving buy back agreement and planting materials and cultivation guidance. I have given the list of plants. Please contact us by Private message for further details Plant promoted for...
  15. ponsanthan

    Opinion White Sandalwood V/S Red Sandalwood

    sandal wood Dear friend White sandal wood is the real sandal wood it is called Santalum album Red sandal wood is called Pterocarpus santalinus- it is used in medicine and carving work. It is an endemic plant and restricted its distribution to the Royalaseema area of Andhapradesh (Thirupathi...
  16. ponsanthan

    medicin planting

    Medicnal plants Dear sir, we need to prmote the cultivation Salacia chinensis which is a perennial shrub, It can be planted as a intercrop or a main crop, The root and stem are being used as diabetes medicine. we also need of organic Kalmeg and Bacopa(jal brahmi). If you interested please...
  17. ponsanthan

    Coleus cultivation

    Wanted growers to grow coleus in 500 acres. Good irrigation facility is required for it, Fine sandy red soil as well as black soil is suitable. 6 month crop, propagated through cuttings. 400 kg dried roots can be obtained from 1 acre. Thick basal 4 inch stem will also be purchased...
  18. ponsanthan

    Year round flowering medicinal plants

    Medicinal plants Following medicinal plants are flowering throughout the year Adhatoda vasica - vasaka, adutoda, - shrub Vitex negundo - notchi, nirgundi, shrum Gendarussa vulgaris - karunotchi - Hedge plant Plumbago zeylanica - Chthrak mool - hedge plant - needs support if want to grow...
  19. ponsanthan

    NGO involved in Ginger cultivation.

    Dear Friends I want to know NGOs from southern states (Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu)involved in the cultivation of Ginger. We are looking for good quality ginger (more gingerol content) and also willing to promote cultivation of elite variety of ginger with high oleoresin content. Please...
  20. ponsanthan

    Looking for saplings/seeds of thorny shrubs/bushes for fencing in Tirunelveli-TN

    hedge plant You please plant the cuttings of Adhatoda vasica, Vitex negundo etc. during rainy season, it will form a nice live fence. You can sell the dried leaves for ayurvedic medicines.
