punarnava - boerhavia diffusa



New Member
I want to know more regarding plantation of red varaity of boerhavia diffusa...
we have it already in abundance in our coconut farm in konkan, but now want to cultivate on large scale...


Senior Member
Punarnava cultivation.

Punarnava likes open sunlight and monsoon rain. In coconut gradens it will grow as a weed. The seedligs of this can be uprooted and planted wherever necessary, initially it needs to be irrigated during dry seasons. The root stock of punarnava will persist for several years and sprout well during rainy seasons. Matured seeds of it also can be collected and sown in a nursery , then the seedlings can be transplanted wherever necessary.We are using the dried aerial part of punarnava in large quantities; if anybody willing to supply punarnava dried aerial part in ton quantities please send private message
