Search results

  1. ponsanthan

    Bragira seed -X -100 33% percent root.available for sale.

    illiterate business Dear friends some cheating people telling some names and saying some false statements. Please do not believe all these things. Be happy what god has given to us do not believe imainary things. This sort of business is not scientific.
  2. ponsanthan

    Yield from Mango Tree

    Mango yield Mango yield is often at the discretion of the tree and not in our hand. But from our side we should do the following things, so that the yield will be very good. even from a single medium size tree we can get 500- 600 mangoes.1) Ploughing the garden one or two times during July -...
  3. ponsanthan

    Bonsai growing

    Bonsai Bonsai can be grown in the open terres of the house. You can select trees like mango, neem, banyan, peepal, pomegranate etc. by growing these trees in wide mouth pots putting a mixture of sand, pebbels, red soil and manure. the plants should be given minimum water and nutrion and...
  4. ponsanthan

    land for sale

    150 acre agri land near Rajamannar gudi (Ariyalur District ) with irrigation facility is for sale. Interested genuine buyers send private message or come directly.
  5. ponsanthan


    [SIZE="4"]Tulasi[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]dry material (more than 60% leaf) in bulk quatities is required at fairly good price. Interested sellers, stockists, growers, please give Private message. We are also give buy back agreement and planting material to interested growers.[/SIZE]
  6. ponsanthan

    Fiancials on Coleus, Tulsi and Phyllanthus

    cultivation expenses Ploughing – 1500 Manure & fertilizers- 3000 Nursery expenses - 2000 Work force A) Planting - 1000 B) Weeding/ top dressing - 2000 C) Watering - 4000 D) Harvest - 1000 E)...
  7. ponsanthan

    Teak Plantation

    Teak Teak plants need not be planted to the whole land. Just it can be planted along the boundary of the field. close spacing helps for tall trees. you can give a space of 10 feet per plant. you can make drip or canal irrigation. even the trees will grow well when you are doing other crops. As...
  8. ponsanthan

    causrina saplings

    casuarina seedlings There is a weekly market at pallavarm chennai on Fridays. The nursery owners are selling bunches of seedlings of casuarina, Near padappai also several nurseries are there. You can get sufficient seedlings at cheaper price.
  9. ponsanthan

    Planting teak in dry agriculture land in karnataka

    Teak planting There is no restriction to grow teak in dry agriculture land.So many farmers already grew teak trees and some places the tree is ready for cut and sell.One time sandal was controlled now sandal is promoted for cultivation by National Horticultural mission.You can plant teak right...
  10. ponsanthan

    Regarding the date tree planatation

    Date cultivation You can grow amla(Perunelli) which is drought resistant and giving good revenue, you can make drip can plant 400 plant per acre you can get around 50 kg fresh fruit per plant. if you calculate 50% yield. you will get 10ton fruit from third year onwards. If your...
  11. ponsanthan

    zendu/genda plants needed

    genda The plant is called Abroma agusta - Ulakat ambal ? . which part used Stem/ Root/ leaf ?
  12. ponsanthan

    Ecology of Kalamassery

    Flora and fauna There are several flora on the vegetation of kerala, regional universities, calicut university, tropical botanical gardem palode , Botanical survey of India Southern Circle . Coimbatore have published several books and research article.There are evergreen, coastal mangrove...
  13. ponsanthan

    Medicinal Plants - Buy Back

    Medicinal plant What all plants you want and quantity , kindly let me know Dr.P.Santhan Please contact...
  14. ponsanthan

    Solar dryer for drying of medicinal herbs

    Dear collegues Kindly give input about the usage of solar driers in drying medicinal herbs, whether any body is using it now, is it cost effective and be used at the R&D level /bulk production level. if any fabricators are there please give your contact details.
  15. ponsanthan

    Central assistance for green house farming

    assiatance You contact your Horticulture department ( Deputy director ) and get information. You can also seek help from NABARD. Now schemes are there for making nursery, ware house, drying yard, cold storage of fruits and vegetables etc. You get some expert openion and prepare a project...
  16. ponsanthan

    how to become farmar

    To become farmer Dear You should be in your field at 6.00 am or 6 pm,able to decide which crop and what season you have to plant, either you have do the land preparation, planting weeding, crop protection or you should monitor all the activities by deploying suitable work force. You should be...
  17. ponsanthan

    Dried raw herbs, Punarnava, Bhumiamla

    Please contact.. We required large quantites of Boerhavia diffusa (Punarnova, Adika mamidi, shanthi panchang), Phyllanthus amarus - (Bhumiamla, Keelanelli, Kira nelli, nela usiri), Phyllanthus maderaspatensis- Melanelli - Dried herbs. The herbs are available plenty in the plains of all...
  18. ponsanthan

    Soil & water test in chennai

    Lab There is a soil testing lab in Madras christian college campus chennai, Coramandel intang, padappai also doing testing activities.Water analysis can be done In Baidal metha college of Pharmacy , Thuraipakkam.
  19. ponsanthan


    Kadamba trees In Kadamba Tree Adina cordifolia is the real Kadamba - the well known yellowish wood and it is a holy tree, some times found grown in temples. It is available at Dharmastala temple also.Wood finishing will be very nice and used for furnitures also. Anthocephalus cadamba...
  20. ponsanthan

    indigo plantation

    Indigo Indigo - Indigofera tinctoria leaves are often wanted in the market, Cultivating it is economically viable. 5- 10 ton can easily encashed in the market. Making buy back with the buyer is still better. Market value is of Rs 40 - 50 per kg dried leaf. The herb available plenty in the...
