Year round flowering medicinal plants

I would appreciate if someone could tell me which plants meet all of the following criteria below:

1) Medicinal value
2) Fast growing
3) Herb or shrub
4) Flowering throughout the year
5) Suitable for Chennai and surrounding suburbs

Also, where I can purchase seeds of such plants for growing in garden and farms.

Thank you.


Senior Member
Medicinal plants

Following medicinal plants are flowering throughout the year
Adhatoda vasica - vasaka, adutoda, - shrub
Vitex negundo - notchi, nirgundi, shrum
Gendarussa vulgaris - karunotchi - Hedge plant
Plumbago zeylanica - Chthrak mool - hedge plant - needs support if want to grow more than an year

Aspargus racemosus - Shatavari - climber
Tinospora cordifolia - seendhil - climber
Cissus quadragularis - Pirandai - Climber

Thank you very much for the great information, sir. Now, where can I purchase saplings, seeds or cuttings of above mentioned plants in Chennai? I want to grow in home garden initially and then in farms in the suburb.
