Goat Farm Solutions

goat farm rajasthan

Dear pawan2214,
with 7 acres of land you can breed 120 female and 6 male goats.
To know more about goat farming please read my all previous posts.Goat farming is very lengthy process,so it cant be explain in brief here.please be precise on one point,so that i can explain it in detail,or mail us at contact@goatfarm.co.in to know more about goat farming.
Dear sir,
I have 7 Acer land near Sikar, Rajasthan and want to start a goat farm.
please send me the full details about that.

Thanks & Regards

Dear sir,
my self Tanaji Bansode from sangli, maharashtra. I want start up goat farm can you provide me all the information.please send mail
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goatery - need advice

post your questions in other thread
please post your goat farming question in following thread: Goat Farm Solutions

questions posted in these thread only are answered
Dear Shaikh, thanks for good information, you are giving to people who are interested in goatery. I would like to present following scenario and seek your advice.
1. I have 5 acres land with mango trees, with this only; I would like to use this land for growing the fodder for goatery of 100 goats. This land is 5 km away from the road and don’t have good road for access. So I don’t want to make a goatery, instead I would like to make goatery farm in my other 1 acre land which has good state road highway connectivity; Can I do like this; I would like to develop fodder in my 5 acres land which has mango trees, what are the disadvantages of fodder in this land and what is effect of this on the cost of management of goatery and my other questions;

2. My mango trees in this land is 5 years old and if I grow the fodder in this area, for how many goats I can feed this fodder (I assume, fodder growth in 5 acres of the land is sufficient for 100 goats + 400 kids)

3. Can I feed mango tree leaves to the goat?

4. What is the difference between the boer goat and osmanabadi. Boer growth rate is faster, is the osmanabadi matches with boer with respect to growth rate.

5. If I start the goat farming, should I register my goat farming in government? If yes, where and what are the advantage of registering, if am starting the goatery without the loan

6. In many of the project report, kidding interval / period is taken as 8 month and in 2 years, 3 kidding period. But in your osmanabadi, you state that its 6 months, how did you achieve this and is it true.

7. Please give me some of the farm names, where osmanabadi goatery is done in Bangalore, tumkur, mysore area, I would like to visit them.

8. How is the demand for osmanabadi goats in Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Maharastra and in gulf countries?

9. What to do with dead goats, how to dispose them? Can we sell them.

10. Is there any technique to identify the near to die goats?

regards, mahesh rao

goat farm

Dear Tanaji,
Please read my previous posts to know more about goat farming.
Dear sir,
my self Tanaji Bansode from sangli, maharashtra. I want start up goat farm can you provide me all the information.please send mail

Re:goatery - need advice

Dear mahesh rao,
Thanks for your appreciation.

1.Regarding land,goat farming requires fertile land,not semi-fertile as you have to grow green and dry fodder throughout the year.Also it requires plenty of water.
So if you are able to cultivate fodder on your mango farm throughout the year,then it will be no problem to make goatery farm with mango farm.
For shed it requires non-fertile or arid land,the hard soil land.
There are no disadvantages,if you manage to grow green fodder throughout the year.
You are placing goats far away from fodder cultivation,so think of transportation charges of fodder from your mango farm to goat farm.

2.5 acres of fertile land is sufficient to grow fodder for 100 goats and their kids.
As you are having mango plantation,i think you will required additional 2 acres of fertile land.You can take nearby land on lease if its possible.

3.No,you cant feed mango tree leafs to goats.Goats dislikes the mango tree leaves so they will not eat the leaves all the time.Also the nutritional requirements(proteins,carbohydrates and fats) are very low in mango leaves.Goats requires highly balance fodder.

4.The main difference between the boer and osmanabadi is of growth rate and palatability(taste) of meat.
Boer has very high growth rate but low meat palatability.Whereas osmanabadi goat has intermidiate growth rate and has high palatability of meat.
Osmanabadi is an indian breed,so osmanabadi or any other goat breed doesn't matches the growth rate of boer. Sirhoi can attain weight similar to boer but not as fast as that of boer.

Meat of boer contains high amount of fat as compare to other goat breeds.Its generally not preferable in India.

Regarding marketing,osmanabadi goat breed or any other local goat breed gets easily sold in local market as compare to boer.Local goat market is the main market where you will sale your breeding goats(meat goats) at high profitable rates.
No butcher in a local market will buy a 100kg of goat(boer) at high rates.Butchers requires medium size goats(20kg-40kg) to sale their meat in market.
You have to sell boer goats 2-3 times high rate as compare to other Indian goat breed,coz you have expense 2-3 times high on its fodder,vaccination and shelter while growing them.

5.No,there is no need to register your goat farm with government,unless you are exporting goat meat.

6.That's an average period calculated,and it depends on goat breed.For Jamanapari its 11 months in 2 years, in sirohi 8 months and osmanabadi 6 months.Kidding period merely depends on type of fodder that you supply them and handling of goats.
In any goat gestation period is of 5 months and after that it shows estrous cycle coming in heat after 21 days,if you have supplied goats with high nutritional fodder.To know more click here 3.Estrus cycle,Mating,Puberty - My website
But after 21 days,generally goat farmers wont mate their goats after pregnancy they allows them to rest to achieve better results further.
Yes this is true that we achieve kidding period in 6 months(190days),as we are in goat farming since years.We give goats rest of 1 estrus cycle(its total of 42 days,as again 21 days are require to show eat), from the day of delivering kids.
For more explanation please visit this page 4.Dry/Resting Period in Goats - My website

Or consult any veterinary expert.

7.Presently we don't have any information regarding that.

8.Demand for any goats not only of osmanabadi,but for any local goat is very high not only in Karnataka, Tamil nadu and maharashtra,but all over India,as meat prices are increases day by day.Check the rates of meat previous 5 year;s old and present,they are nearly the double.
Gulf countries too have a great demand,but for meat having high palatability.
All indian goat breeds have demand for their meat in their respective local market,but We have to choose the best goat breed which gives more profit(more kids) in lesser time.
Thats why we have choose osmanabadi goat breed.

9.No you cant sell dead goats,except their skin.Its better to Insure the goats.

10.There are several signs and symptoms to identify an unhealthy or disease goats,It doesnt eats or drinks,body temperature gets rises,they wont stand on their feet remains sitted throughout the day etc.
So its always advisable to vaccinate goats from time to time,prior to any sympotms of disease.
However in some cases sudden death may also occurs due to snake or poisonus insect bite.

Osmanabadi Goat

post your questions in other thread
please post your goat farming question in following thread: Goat Farm Solutions

questions posted in these thread only are answered
Dear Shaikh, thanks for good information, you are giving to people who are interested in goatery. I would like to present following scenario and seek your advice.
1. I have 5 acres land with mango trees, with this only; I would like to use this land for growing the fodder for goatery of 100 goats. This land is 5 km away from the road and don’t have good road for access. So I don’t want to make a goatery, instead I would like to make goatery farm in my other 1 acre land which has good state road highway connectivity; Can I do like this; I would like to develop fodder in my 5 acres land which has mango trees, what are the disadvantages of fodder in this land and what is effect of this on the cost of management of goatery and my other questions;

2. My mango trees in this land is 5 years old and if I grow the fodder in this area, for how many goats I can feed this fodder (I assume, fodder growth in 5 acres of the land is sufficient for 100 goats + 400 kids)

3. Can I feed mango tree leaves to the goat?

4. What is the difference between the boer goat and osmanabadi. Boer growth rate is faster, is the osmanabadi matches with boer with respect to growth rate.

5. If I start the goat farming, should I register my goat farming in government? If yes, where and what are the advantage of registering, if am starting the goatery without the loan

6. In many of the project report, kidding interval / period is taken as 8 month and in 2 years, 3 kidding period. But in your osmanabadi, you state that its 6 months, how did you achieve this and is it true.

7. Please give me some of the farm names, where osmanabadi goatery is done in Bangalore, tumkur, mysore area, I would like to visit them.

8. How is the demand for osmanabadi goats in Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Maharastra and in gulf countries?

9. What to do with dead goats, how to dispose them? Can we sell them.

10. Is there any technique to identify the near to die goats?

regards, mahesh rao

Black Bengal Goats

We looking for some black Bengal Goats for our farm, can you please help me out that from where can we get this and how can we assure that we are getting pure line black bengal

Wali Imam

Here u can ask your questions regarding goat farm.I will answer u the best solutions for it.No charges for any suggestions and consultation.Its free of cost.

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only.N u will get your reply here,very soon.

Osmanabadi Goat

Re:Black Bengal Goats

Dear Wali Imam,
As the name indicates Black Bengal is a native breed of Westbengal and Bangladesh.So to buy pure line Black Bengal goats you have to buy it from native and genuine seller of Westbengal. Only a person,who is breeder (goatherder) of black Bengal goats identifies a pure line Black Bengal goats,so buy from them or take their advice to buy pureline Black Bengal goats.



Goats Weight

Asalaam Waley Kum,

I have a query.
If a male goats Live weight around 30KG. After slaughtering how much Total Kg of goat will be yielded.


Dear Sanjes,

I am from Anantapur Dist, Andhra Pradesh. It is 150 Kms distance to Bangalore. I am very much interested in Goat Farms. Firstly i have to start with 100+5 Osamanbadi Breed. I have 9 Acres of Land with Plenty of Water. I have few Questions to Ask you. Please help out in this Questions. I would be very pleased.
1. For 100+5 how much space is needed to construct Shed?
2. what plan has to be followed for constructing Shed?how many Square feet under roof and open place for goat exercise.? Please mention Area for each pen.
3. How many Acres needed for cultivation of Grass.(Stalfed system).
4. What is the Payback Period?
5. If i start with 3 lacs did the bank provide remaining amount Required for 100+5 quantity.?

Please i Request you to provide detailed information regarding this question.

Thanks & Regards
Veera Narayana Reddy

Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan

i need information about goat/sheep

Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loanep farm & how to get .....

Goats live weight and meat weight

Dear imuibu,
It can’t be said accurately that after slaughtering a male goat a fix amount of pure lean meat will be obtain. It totally depends on body structure of a goat and the fat content which in turn depends on their feeding management.Lets,look how-
If a goat has feed with large amount of fat content fodder(groundnuts,soya etc) more amount of fat will accumulates in goats body,so if you slaughter this type of goat you wii get less lean meat and more fat.
A 30kg male goat of this kind will give you 13kg-15kg of pure lean meat and 3kg-5 kg of fat .Rest part is residue(blood,skin,head,toes,intestinal wastes,soft organs etc),so in this case you will get approximate 14kg of lean meat. Actually it’s a 25kg-28kg weighed male goat,but due to large fat content it weights 30kg( look like a 30kg goat.)
If a goat has feed with balanced diet a 30kg of male goat will give approximately 16kg-18kg of lean meat,with small amount of body fat inclusive.
So approximately you can expect 45%-60% of meat, from a total live weight of a goat body.Some slaughtering experts (butcher) calculates 50%-60% of meat from total weight.Merely,it depends on feeding management and type of goat breed.


Asalaam Waley Kum,

I have a query.
If a male goats Live weight around 30KG. After slaughtering how much Total Kg of goat will be yielded.


Goats Weight

Asalaam Waley Kum,

Thx for the reply.

Is it true that if goats are transported from one place to another place. Their weight reduces from 3-4Kg and if true whats the reason of it?


zazakala huh khair!

stall feed goat system

Dear sant_123,
1.For 100+5 goats along with their kids 4000sq ft,hard soil area is required to construct the shed.
2.You can follow traditional or high tech goat farm methods to construct the shed.In high tech goat farm systems there is urine drainage facility while in traditional method urine gets penetrated in soil.2000 sq ft must be under roof,open place shoulde be 2000-4000sq ft with wire or bamboo fencing on all sides.Dont keep an fixed area for pens,keep moving partition in between them so that you can easily increase or decrease the size of compartment depending on number of goats in that compartment.
3. 5 acres of land to cultivate fodder,with regular supply of water and highly fertile land with standard feeding crops.
4.Pay back period is different with different goat breeds,lesser in some breeds while larger in other breeds.Also it depends on age of breed that you are breeding in your farm,for example if you start your goat goat farm with female kids the pay back period is nearly of 2yrs,if you start with adult goats pay back period is nearly of 12-14months,if you start wth pregnant goats pay back period is of 6-8months.These are not accurate figures this is only an example to explain,as these figures highly fluctuates from one breed to other goat breed.
5.yes,bank will provide you loan if you strart with 3 lacs,have to mention 3 lacs as margin money in project report, other norms and conditions will remain same to apply loan and subsidy.

Dear Sanjes,

I am from Anantapur Dist, Andhra Pradesh. It is 150 Kms distance to Bangalore. I am very much interested in Goat Farms. Firstly i have to start with 100+5 Osamanbadi Breed. I have 9 Acres of Land with Plenty of Water. I have few Questions to Ask you. Please help out in this Questions. I would be very pleased.
1. For 100+5 how much space is needed to construct Shed?
2. what plan has to be followed for constructing Shed?how many Square feet under roof and open place for goat exercise.? Please mention Area for each pen.
3. How many Acres needed for cultivation of Grass.(Stalfed system).
4. What is the Payback Period?
5. If i start with 3 lacs did the bank provide remaining amount Required for 100+5 quantity.?

Please i Request you to provide detailed information regarding this question.

Thanks & Regards
Veera Narayana Reddy

information about goat

Dear shisri,
Presently there is Centrally Sponsored Scheme - Integrated Development of Small Ruminants and Rabbits,under this scheme you can avil 25% of subsidy for goat farming,33.33% for reserved class.
For loan documents and others ,please read my previous posts,all details are posted back.

i need information about goat/sheep

Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loanep farm & how to get .....

Re:goats weight

Dear imuibu,
When goats are transported for a long distance from one place to another they under goes severe dehydration due to lack of water,change in temperature,shock(as they gets scared while transporting)so there weight decreases after transportation and decrease in weight depends on total weight of a goat and distance traveled. Say about minimum 4% to maximum 10% of body weight .
The other reason behind decrease in weight is of empty stomach,if they have been feeded before transporting and have travelled for 12-14hrs,all of the feeded fodder gets digested , also water gets lost from the body via urine,now when you weight them they shows 3-4 kg of reduction.Each goat eats 3-4kg of fodder per day(depending on body weight and breed) along with 500ml minimum water.Decrease in weight also depends on total distance that you have travelled and total body weight.
There are other factors too ,that decreases the body weight(increase metabolic rate,ketosis etc).
They will regain their original weight within 3-4 days as they gets adapted to surrounding climate,and have feeded well.So transporting of goats is not a big problem .

Asalaam Waley Kum,

Thx for the reply.

Is it true that if goats are transported from one place to another place. Their weight reduces from 3-4Kg and if true whats the reason of it?


zazakala huh khair!
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dear sir, i need suggetions for the list given below.

*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats.
dear sir i have my land on lease basis. do i get loan on the same. i am having a company firm also for the same. plz suggest me some solution. i wanted to extend my business for very high level. this is my dream to serve farmers & agriculture field. thank u

I need completete information for the below
Kindly help me in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*Loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*Best variety of goats
*How many goats required to start with like I have 6 gunthas of land at hubli karnataka
Your valuable suggestion is admired and respected.

Dear Dr.Sheikh

Can i use chicken poultry shed for Goat shed, floor is mud, hence kindly suggest should i use mud for floor or shall i go for cement floor...
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