Goat Farm Solutions


Asalaam Waley Kum,

Can you please let me know on what basis is the pure breed determined. How do you classify it as pure breed. I mean is there any method for classification i mean any way to prove pure breed.

Thank you in advance for your reply.


Pure Goat Breed

Dear imuibu,
An animal that is of pure breed, i.e. whose ancestors on both sides have been members of a recognized breed and they are not cross with any other distinctive breed.
A goat breed taken from its native place can be called as pure breed.For example, sangamneri breed,it is originated from the sangamner district,so a sagamneri goat brought from sangamner has more chances to be of pure .Same with that of sirohi,Jamanpari,Osmanabadi etc.
Only a goat herder,goat farm expert (breeding goats from a long time) and veteran identifies a pure breed of a specific category only.A goat herder native of sangamner District and having sangamneri breed in his flock,can easily identifies pure line sangamneri breed ,as he his breeding sangamneri goats from their ancestors.But a goat herder of sangamneri cant identifies pure line sirohi,Jamnapari or osmanabadi goat breed as he has not seen or breed them from a long time(from his grand parents).
Only a goat herder,goat farm expert or veteran of rajasthan and native of sirohi district easily identifies the pur line sirohi breed. Whereas as the same goat herder fails to identify pure line Jamnapari a or Osmanabadi goat breed.
Goat herders are very expert in identifying their local breed.Lets look how-A goat herder has many goats in his flock 40,50 and sometime up to 100.If a single goat of his flock gets mixes with nearby flock of other goat herder,then he easily identifies his goat even from a group of 100 goats and bring backs his goat to his flock.
Now a new goat farmer who has just started goat farming,and if one of his goat get mixes in a small group of 10 identical goats,even in 10 goats he fails to identify his own goat.So its clearly depends on goat farming practices.Goat herders and shepherds spends maximum of their life span with goats and sheeps only,which a new goat farmer has not spent.
Pureline breed is identified from his toe,head,nose,horns,eyes,ears,skin color,shape,structure etc by goat herders,goat farm experts and veterans.When a goat is buoyed from these peoples and at their native places,the chances of getting pure line breed are more.
*If you buy a sirohi from sirohi District and from above persons then chances of getting pure line sirohi are more.Whereas if you buy sirohi from Tamil Nadu or A.P even from above persons,the chances of getting pureline line variety is less.In sirohi District sirohi goats are in bulk,so the chances to cross breed sirohi with other breed in are very less.Whereas in T.N and A.P other goat breeds are easily available in bulk,which can be easily crossed with Sirohi to increase their sale.
*This is just an example to explain pureline breed.
There are lots of other factors to classify the pure breed,based on scientific aspects(genes),etc.

Dr Shaikh - I was wondering if you have any idea how much does green fodder and silage cost in retail market? Are there any volume sellers you know of? Thank you..


Asalaam Waley Kum,

Can you please let me know what maximum weight does Osmanabadi Buck & does can attained. And in your farms what are maximum weight of Osmanabadi Does & Buck you have for sale.
Can you also please let me know what would be the prices for Pregnant Osmanabadi Goats. And please let me know if the price for pregnant & non pregnant Osmanabadi Does. How many months old pregnant Osmanabadi Goats will be available for sale.
For Example do we need to tell you in advance or directly visit your farms & collect it on the spot. For order of like 50 Female Does Osmanabadi goats

Sorry for the trouble. For asking you questions.

Thank you very much for you reply in advance.

Dear imuibu,
This thread is only for goat farming related queries and their solutions.To know more regarding purchasing of goats email us at contact@goatfarm.co.in
Please Don't ask any purchasing related queries here.

Dear nkjohri,
The price of green fodder changes from place to place.In rural areas you will get green fodder at 1rs -2rs /kg,whereas in urban ares you will get at 3rs-4rs/kg and still more costlier in metro cities.Silage will cost you 10rs-20rs/kg, depending on the fat and protein content in it,higher the fat and protein content higher will be the prices.Yes there are lots of volume sellers available in every rural and urban areas,contact any Diary Farm fodder supplier.Also there are lots of green fodder sellers and markets,beside any local livestock(animal) market .
Dr Shaikh - I was wondering if you have any idea how much does green fodder and silage cost in retail market? Are there any volume sellers you know of? Thank you..

to start up goat farming.

i have purchased 3 acre land in jalkot which is between nanded and lathur, i would like to know which breed of goat would be most suitable for this place, is there any govt scheme applicable? can i procure loan from bank? what are the documents required ? in 3 acre land till what numbers i can stock goats ?

thank you

harish manohar

goat farming land

Dear harish manohar
Is your land is fertile,and has adequate water supply through out the year?As fodder is required for goats and their kids 365 days,so your land must provide you fodder for 365 days.
osmanabadi Goat breed is most suitable in your areas climatic conditions,its the native breed.
Yes there are govt schemes and subsidy under NABARD for goat farming,please read my previous posts regarding schemes and subsidy.Yes you can procure loan from any agriculture loan offering bank,by providing enough security to bank(registry of land or mortgage of home)for document requirement.please read my previous posts.
You can breed 60 goats in 3 acres of land,a small area is require for shed while the other remaining part is for cultivation of fodder.
i have purchased 3 acre land in jalkot which is between nanded and lathur, i would like to know which breed of goat would be most suitable for this place, is there any govt scheme applicable? can i procure loan from bank? what are the documents required ? in 3 acre land till what numbers i can stock goats ?

thank you

harish manohar

how can i will get helpfrom govt schemes for goat farming and all procedure for loan

I can help u in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*Loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*Best variety of goats

post your questions here only.N u will get your reply here,very soon.

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Dear usha_10,
Please read my previous posts to know more about government schemes.
Read the ,Centrally Sponsored Scheme - Integrated Development of Small Ruminants and Rabbits offeredd by NABARD from its website->http://www.nabard.org/investmentcredit/govt_sponsored.asp
As per Uttar Pradesh climatic conditions the best suitable breeds are osmanabadi,jamanapari and beetel.Among these breeds,the most profitable breed is of osmanabadi only.It has high resistant power against diseases,yields more kids per cycle,has higher meat taste as compare to other two breeds.


Asalaam Waley Kum,

Dr Mohsin Bhai can you please let me know at what time can i call you as i need some details regarding goats. is it possible for me to call you. is it fine?
Awaiting for ur reply.


Dear imuibu,
Please ask your personal queries via email,this section is for only goat farming solutions.

Feed cost max 10rs/day for 1 goat

In of your post u informed us that feed cost could be from 3 to 10/day on each goat means max 300rs in a month.
My question is if we spend 300rs/ month on each goat, den at the time of selling the same goat in market after 1 year. what would be the profit.

Awaiting for your reply,


Dear bgfarms,
I never says that feed cost could be, I said feed cost should be,there is a lot of difference between could be and should be. The meaning of the sentence is should be.If you wont manage the fodder prices,surely it will increase beyond 10,and if its cultivated or purchase under proper management it is surely less than 10.So finally it totally depends on your management.
The profit at the time of selling the goat depends on type of breed that you are selling and its availability in your local market.Also prices varies from state to state(dist. To dist).Visit your local goat market to know your areas current goat prices.
The feeding cost will be different for different stages of goats , for new born kids its lower,for growing kids slightly higher and maximum for adult female goats(10).Goat breeders wont sale the female goats after 1 year,female goats are place for breeding purpose for at least 5-6 years,only their kids are sold for meat purpose.The best sealable age of goat kids(male and female) is around 5-7 months of age(avg 6),any butcher readily buys it,and at this age goats have a very high demand at their respective local markets,hence they are sold at higher prices during this age period.1 Year male goats are only sold during EID and that too at very high prices,nearly double .
To gain maximum profit,feed cost on breedin goat adult,must be less than 10rs.If you purchase the fodder at higher prices from market,or cultivate your own fodder which compromises of huge expenses,then that fodder will surely exceeds above rs 10.So it depends on you how you manage the low cost fodder for goats.Goat herders has zero cost on their fodder,as they grazes the goats in open areas.
If you feed groundnut cakes or markets concentrated fodder as whole fodder to goats,then the fodder costs will surely rise beyond 100rs/day and in this case you will be in heavy loss.So here the word “could “be is not applicable.

goat farming

I Like to know Government schemes for goat farms and
Government subsidy for kokan ratnagiri dist
javid Dalwai

Dear javid Dalwai,
Presently there are two government schemes
1.Under NABARD,With 25% subsidy but the main condition of NABARD is,you must avail loan from any Nationalized bank,if you wont get any loan you wont get any subsidy,even if you invest your own money.
2.10+1 scheme,where 10 female and 1 male goat is provided by government of Maharashtra for farmers.To avail this scheme you must have your own agriculture land.It has 50% subsidy.
