Guar Seed ( Guar Gum ) Cultivation Details and other Information

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Guar is low investment / cost of cultivation crop. Guar gum seed cultivation is still

[h=3]Guar is low investment / cost of cultivation crop. Guar gum seed cultivation is still profitable at the Rate of Rs 3000[/h]

Guar seed and guar gum strengthened in local market. Guar Gum improved Rs 300 and Guar seed 150. Guar is going through a lot of speculation and instability but in a long term prospective it is moving down side since arrival of new crop. Comparatively guar is still a profitable crop for farmers and processors. If we compare it will other crop of the guar growing region we will find that guar is low investment / cost of cultivation crop.

Due to mismatch is demand and supply it is facing high volatility in this commodity. Since four year it is regularly going down and down. Still guar is looking a neutral stability point. Before father hike and drop guar will stable at that point for 4-5 months. For guar Rs 3000 is neutral point where guar will stable in coming time.

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Guar gum cultivation in India ( Guar Gum Farming ) [/TD]
Mean while guar will face a liquidity position in March and April. Might be a group of trader can try to speculate it toward upper side so that they can get more fund for their stock.

In processing point of view guar need a stable point so that fresh investment can be done toward technology up gradation side and Research side. Right now guar is facing a crisis of investment. It is clear that in coming time guar industry will be more professionalize and organize.

In international prospective Demand of guar will come down during next quarter. Winter will be ended in next month so demand of energy will also come down. Existing rigs will minimise their production. Demand of Natural Gas and crude will also come down during defiantly it will tighten the availability of fund for guar.

Guar seed and guar gum is improving with rising Crude prices.

[h=3]Guar seed and guar gum is improving with rising Crude prices.[/h]

Guar is improving after a consistent rise in crude prices during last week. Crude prices are improving regularly. It is giving strength to guar prices. Guar seed improved by Rs 100 and guar gum by 300 Rs in local physical market. It is also improving in future market.

Energy prices in international market are giving strength to guar prices. Buy if energy price keep moving downside in international market then it may further crush but if happen up side then Guar prices may cross the level of Rs 10,000 for guar gum and RS 4500 for guar seed with in march contract.

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Guar Seed and Guar gum cultivation in India- Guar Agriculture Farm. [/TD]

It will give double strength in next month as gaur supply from farmer will almost stop for two month and at rising price supply will very tight in trend of more margin making.

Pictures will more clear after crude will cross the level of 70 USD/barrel right now crude is being moving around 61 USD/barrel.

At rising price all entire stack holder will hold the commodity but if prices goes down then ever one will release the commodity.

Monsoon / Rainfall will be better in this year Will it increase in guar gum cultivati

[h=3]Monsoon / Rainfall will be better in this year Will it increase in guar gum cultivation area in india ?[/h]

Guar is stable but within last two days guar has recovered very fast in physical market. Guar seed has gained Rs 100 and Guar gum Rs 200. It is also noticed that guar gum is recovering faster than guar seed. There is high volatility in future market but in spot market it is improving slowly and slowly.

In rising price condition farmers/small traders are holding the stock in perception of further price rise. As per meteorological data released by Govt it is expected that rainfall will be better in this year. Manson will be normal.

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Guar gum cultivation in India ( Farmer is doing plant protection ) . [/TD]

But gaur it also under direct influence from crude industry. At another side USA is also putting pressure on Iran to not continue his Atomic Program. Might be there can be some agreement to halt production of crude oil to save economy of Iran. Oil economies are facing tough conditions.

In long term Guar will emerge as an important exportable commodity. Guar needs an undisputed demand. In this year overall situation of gaur can’t be said as satisfactory, because there is a heavy volatility in this year though it was effect t of international political situation.

Guar industries need more professionalism, more organized industry more RD oriented industry. It must be come out be presented as product instead of commodity.

Guar Gum Cultivation Information.

मुझे जानना हैं की मैं अपने खेत(वाराणसी) में ग्वार गम की फसल कैसे ले सकता हूँ? ग्वार गम की खेती के लिए इसका बीज मुझे कहाँ मिल सकता हैं.क्या इसमें कई किस्म की बीज मिलती हैं.कृपया बताए की ग्वार गम की खेती के लिए अधिक जानकारी मुझे कहाँ मिल सकती हैं.

How long Guar seed and Guar gum will remain stable in market ?

[h=3]How long Guar seed and Guar gum will remain stable in market ?[/h]

In local market guar remained stable after a regular bullish trend. In future market dropping crude oil gave a halt to rising prices to guar prices in spot and forward market. As per earlier prediction crude was suppose to go upward. Traders and exporters consider crude an important factor for demand of guar gum.

Crude is based of energy industry. Any type of movement will put an impact to input products. Guar is considered as demand driven input. After harvesting of guar crop, supply side figure balance at a level.

From July to December Guar behave as supply driven product and form January to June Guar behave as demand driven product. Guar will remain as a weak commodity up to June. After June it may behave as strong commodity with the negative data of rainfall.

During current period impact of crude prices will be seen clearly on guar prices. Any further demand of guar Korma and Churi may also affect price of gaur.

Unexpected price fall of crude oil may push guar seed prices below 3000 and guar gum prices below 7500 at current level of oil prices guar seed and guar gum will remain below 3500 and 8500 at the time of March contract realization. If crude prices drop further then it may drop below the level of 2500 and 7500.

Guar Seed &Guar Gum may become hot commodity, If demand rises from other than Oil &Na

[h=2]Guar Seed &Guar Gum may become hot commodity, If demand rises from other than Oil &Natural Gas industry[/h]

During this week Guar Guar gum seed and Guar gum prices are improving slowly and slowly in future market as well as in spot market. If we analyse the entire factors we will find that things are not in favor of prices rise. First time in history there are crude oil inventory crises in USA. There is over production of crude in USA. This over production is continuing means there is not storage available for new production. In coming future crude prices may crash to a new lower level of this year. Demand of new guar is not so hot. Existing contract may keep going but there are lesser chances of further demand rise.

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At Supply side there is sufficient production and there can be a carry forward of 15’000’000 Qt Guar seed (15 Million bags) for year 2015-2016 from year 2014-2015. In worst case scenario there is sufficient stock of guar seed to cover the demand of guar gum domestically and internationally. As per early data released by Govt we find that there will be good monsoon during this year. Cotton is parallel crop of guar, which is also not preforming well.
During this year farmer will prefer Guar over cotton especially in irrigated area. International rating agencies are giving prediction of improvement in Indian economy. It will lead to Rupee strengthen against USD. If INR will strengthen then there will be low Rupees inflow.
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Mature guar crop ready for harvest in Farm in Rajasthan
There is hope from domestic consumption. At lower price, application of guar gum may increase in other industries. At low price Guar gum will be affordable for other industries. If total share of other industries increase up 50 %, than oil and natural gas industry, then guar guar may become a hot commodity for long term basis. Guar meal and Guar Korma will also give a strong support to guar seed prices. Currently guar Korma and Guar Churi is preforming very well in comparison to last years and guar gum. Churi Korma will always work as base line for Guar seed price.


Guar gum export has declined 38.47% as compared to last quarter( Jan-15, Feb-15 and M

Guar gum export has declined 38.47% as compared to last quarter( Jan-15, Feb-15 and March-15)

After analysing exports data from reliable sources, it was found that there is decline in guar gum export. There is sharp decline of 38.47% during this quarter as compared to last quarter and there is also 14.24% decline in export in guar gum as comparison to last year.

Export of guar gum decline as compare to last quarter, this year (2014-2015)

October-1435690. 737 MTJanuary-1527763.292 MT
November-1441123. 216 MTFeburuary-1526453.050 MT
December-1442112.359 MTMarch-1518959.028 MT
Total118926.312 MTTotal73175.370 MT

[TD="colspan: 4"] Export Decline as compare to last quarter , This year[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 4"]Total Down fall in this quarter as compared to last quarter (-) 45750.942 MT
Percentage downfall in export as compare to last quarter (-) 38.47% [/TD]

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[TD]Post harvest practices of guar gum seed (cleaning & removal of husk and other foreign particles )[/TD]

Export of guar gum decline as compare to Last year (2013-2014) in the same Quarter

January-1428422702 MTJanuary-1527763.292 MT
Feburuary-1428145285 MTFeburuary-1526453.050 MT
March-1428759146 MTMarch-1518959.028 MT
Total85327133 MTTotal73175.370 MT

[TD="colspan: 4"] Export Decline as compare to Last year in the same Quarter.[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 4"]Total Down fall in this quarter as compared to last quarter (-) 12151.763 MT
Percentage downfall in export as compare to last Year same quarter (-) 14.24% [/TD]

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[TD]Guar gum seed is becing packed in bags for warehousing[/TD]

Global demand of guar gum has come down. During last quarter export was increased as compare to previous quarter. After in depth analysis it was found that Indian exporter opened their subsidiary and stocked material in importing countries, now that stock is not cleared and sharp decline has noticed in guar gum export.

In coming days rate of guar gum and guar seed may further come down. Rs 2500/100 Kg for guar seed and Rs 6500/ 100kg for guar gum may be a bottom line. There are no chances of further improvement in rate even in next year. As per climatic condition, monsoon will be good this year and guar crop will be is good condition. Carry forward stock of guar seed and new crop arrival will make it over supply condition.

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