Guar Seed ( Guar Gum ) Cultivation Details and other Information

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Decrease in Natural Gas price in International Market and Guar Seed & Guar Gum Prices

Decrease in Natural Gas price in International Market and Guar Seed & Guar Gum Prices in 2014-2015

Large share of guar is used in the natural gas industry for Fracking purpose. if we analyse the rate of Natural Gas in international market we will find that current rate are at lower level. Price chart of Last month, last Six month, and Last year will clear the picture. as per the current international situation there is not chance in improvement . After the end of this month, rate of gas will not effect the price of guar gum as the new farcking activities will come on halt in winter, so there is low possibility of new investment and and new exploration work in natural Gas..


Natural Gas Price Chart of Last one Month.

( Source Link : 1 Month Natural Gas Prices and Natural Gas Price Charts - InvestmentMine )


Natural Gas Price Chart of Last Six Months

( Source Link 6 Month Natural Gas Prices and Natural Gas Price Charts - InvestmentMine )


Natural Gas Price Chart of Last one year

( Source Link : 1 Year Natural Gas Prices and Natural Gas Price Charts - InvestmentMine )

There is one peak in Fabruary - March-2014 , this peak was just because of the Ukraine- Russia crises. other wise there is smooth function in annual price graph. If the price would have gone in summer period then it could have effect guar gum prices. After one month natural gas prices will effect the guar gum prices, because there is no new exploration
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Guar Cultivation area has increased in Rajasthan due to initial lowrainfall & drought

Guar Cultivation area has increased in Rajasthan due to initial low rainfall and drought conditions

As per data released by Govt of Rajasthan it has found that the guar cultivation area has increased in comparison to sowing of of last year till date. Initial statics show that this year total area under guar cultivation till 7th August, 2014, is 2.75 Million ( 27.5 Lac) Hectare. During last year it was only 2.32 Million ( 23.2 Lac ) Hactare. It is sharp increase of around 19 % .

It is also observed that same trend keeps going. In same trend it is expected that it will cross Total showing of last year which was 5 Million ( 50 Lac) Hectare. This year guar sowing area will be at record level.

This year we can expect a bumper production, because the late rainfall is sufficient for better crop. There can be some effect on early crops but after the rainfall crop is standing in good condition. Might be total production can be lesser than last year but this year production will be much higher than last 5 year Average.


Expecting record guar seed production from Rajasthan in year 2014 - 2015

Expecting record guar seed production from Rajasthan in year 2014 - 2015 .

Initially low rainfall and drought condition in this Kharif ( Rainy Season ) crop worked as a reagent in increase of Guar cultivation area. This is called GUARTEK EFFECT in economics.

What is GUARTEK EFFECT effect ??

---> In extreme and adverse condition, economic behavior of human activity leads to natural economic practices.

Its implication in " Increase of guar culitvation Area in Rajasthan in Kharif ( Rainy Season ) Crop.

Every one was in tension due to El-nino effect ( expectation of poor rainfall ). There were clear probability of complete drought year in guar growing belt of Rajasthan, Haryan, Punjab and Gujarat. Initial rainfall was under 80- 90 % deficient condition in this region. Farmer were waiting for good and regular rainfall to start sowing. This year Manson arrival and activation was very late. These condition leaded to increase in Guar cultivation area. In these condition farmer adopted guar as a drought resistant crop, which was a natural crop of this area since centuries. It is a true example of GUARTEK EFFECT.

There are following two major reason behind this Increase.

Reason 1 :- Replacement of high water requirement crop cultivation area by Guar crop cultivation area in irrigated area.

In irrigated area farmer were not sure if they will able to get the rgeular supply of the irrigation water during this cropping period from Canal or tube-well, because if it would have drought year then there would not have proper recharge of ground water and irrigation project dam. There were chances that high water requirement crop can die in between. Farmer was not suer about the economic return from high these crop. he wanted to keep his cost of cultivation under control. Guar was a best alternate for him, he adopted it.

Reason 2 :- Replacement of other crop cultivation area by Guar crop cultivation area in rain fed area.

In drought are the farmers don't have too much choices, generally farmer go for Bajara, Mung, Moth and Guar. In these crop guar is only cash crop. farmer were not sure about the good rainfall so was not sure about good production. The rate of Guar was stable during last two three year , which is double, triple, four time to other commodity price. Guar has industrial application so farmers were sure about demand of guar crop, that it will increase if there were any adverse condition. other rest three crop have alternate like Bajara is used as food crop, it can be replaced by any other food crop. rest two crop are pulse, which can be replaced by any other pulses. Guar don't have any alternate , so farmer shifted toward Guar. In the late activation of Manson farmer started sowing with Guar in rain fed area to keep himself at safer side. Guar is also as good source of green Vegetable for human and fodder for cattle . Rajasthan contribute around 70% - 80 % of total guar production of India. The safe type of activity is also adopted in the guar growing belt of Punjab, Haryana and Gujarat. We expect increase in total cultivation are throughout the India. small contribution can be from Maharashtra, Andhra, Telangana and M.P. Later rainfall is continue and good so we expect that guar crop will be good. If the climatic condition will be in favor , than there are chances that, in this year total production of guar can cross last year production. Last year it was a record production of 2,80,00,000 - 3,00,00,000 bags of Guar seed. This year it will cross the last year production specially in Rajasthan.

There is no doubt in Normal guar seed production. An expected bracket of normal crop is 18,00,000 MT - 24.00.000 MT Guar seed production..
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Guar ( Guar Gum ) cultivation in India and its basic information

The Gavar / Guar / Guwar / Guvar bean or cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) is an annual legume. Guar beans have a large endosperm that contains galactomannan gum, a substance that forms a gel in water.

This is commonly known as guar gum and is used in dairy products like ice cream and as a stabilizer in cheese and cold-meat processing. Derivatives of guar gum are also used in industrial applications, such as the paper and textile industry, ore flotation, the manufacture of explosives and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) of oil and gas formations.

India is the largest producer of Guar Gum, meeting over 80% of the world’s demand. It's a supply chain riddled with a high degree of complexity and opaqueness and a market fraught with uncertainty which has left the Guar Gum industry in India fragmented, unorganized, and underdeveloped.

Yet India strives to meet much of the world’s demand for Guar Gum. The industry complexities notwithstanding, the country’s ability to meet this ever-surging demand is closely linked to the rural farmers’ random and indivdual decision to choose Guar over other competing crops such as cotton for cultivation.

Guar production is concentrated around three western states in India – Rajasthan, Haryana, and Gujarat

These states account for 97% of the total Guar seed produced in India, with Rajasthan alone accounting for 80% of that production. Rajasthan is also home to most of the over 120 Guar Gum processors in the country. Much of the Guar Gum production is exported via seaports along western India. Currently, there is a less-than-adequate infrastructure at these ports, with frequent congestion and long wait times which have resulted in shipment delays.

Disease Management in Guar seed ( Guar Gum ) Crop

Disease Management in Guar seed ( Guar Gum ) Crop

This year guar seed ( guar gum ) cultivation area has increased in India. This is mansoon time and temperature is going down toward the normal temperature. Difference between day and night temperature is very low. Sunshine hour are very low due to cloudy climate. These type of conditions are favorable for the disease attack . Role of plant protection from disease and pest attack is very important at this stage of crop in guar seed ( guar gum ) cultivation .

[TABLE="class: tr-caption-container, align: center"]
[TD="class: tr-caption"]Guar gum cultivation in India[/TD]

Normally there are type of disease attack in guar one from bacteria and another from Fungus. Control major of each type of disease are same in guar seed ( guar gum ) cultivation. There are &&& major disease of Guar

(i) Bacterial Blight :-

There will be black spot on leaves of Guar . in favorable condition it can damage up to 80-90% corp. It spread very fast . preventive measure is important to control this disease. Always go for crop rotation. Control

Farmer must go for regular spray of bactericide like Streptocycline @ 5 gm / 100 Liter water or Plantomycine @ 50gm /100 Litre or Agromycine @ 30 gm /100 Litre .

( ii ) Root rot or Stem rot :-

The root and stem will start rotting. Farmer should go for application of Zineb / Mencozeb-0.2% 2gm / Liter or any other available fungicide.

(iii) Wilt Disease :-

This disease is caused by Fusarium monolifonne. The pathogen is soil- borne and, therefore, its damage is of localized nature. It causes infection to the base of plants including roots and seedlings. The roots show dis-colouration and plant wilts. Poor emergence of seedlings is the first symptom of the disease. The seedlings rot before or soon after emergence.

1. Mixed croping of guar with sorghum reduces the damage up to 55 per cent.
2. Addition of organic manures also reduces the disease incidence.
3. Seed treatment with Agrosan GN or Thiram or Capta.

(iv) Antharacnose :

This disease is caused by Colletotncum capsici. The disease is more severe in high rainfall subtropical to temperate areas than in tropical areas. The fungus is seed -borne and symptoms may start as early as in seedling stage. The most characteristic symptoms of the disease are black, sunken, crater like cankers on the pods, stem or cotyledons. The lesions remain isolated by yellow -orange margins. They give out a dull salmon conloured ooze from the centre when humidity is very high.

1. Use healthy seed
2. Avoid excess watering
3. Give wider spacing
4. Use hot water treated seed
5.Spray fungicides like Dithane M -45 or Dithane Z- 78 at the rate of 2 kg in l000 litres of water per hectare.

(V) Powdery mildew :

This disease is caused by Oidium ~pp. White powdery growth occurs on leaves, spreading to cover the stem and other plant parts. In severe cases, the entire plant dries up.

1. Dusting with sulphur powder
2. Spraing with systemic fungicides Benlate or Bavistin and Calixin gives effective control of powdery mildew.
3. Sowing healthy seed after treating with Thiram.
4. Follow a crop rotation to reduce the soil- borne innoculum of the fungus.

(vi) Leaf spot

This disease is caused by Myrothecium roridum. Dark brown round spots appear on leaf. In case of severe infection. Several spots merge together and leaflets become chlorotic and usually drop off. If plants are infected in the early stages of growth, there may not be any flowering.

Spray with Dithane Z- 78,0.2% at the interval of 15 days, twice or thrice.

( vii ) Blight

This disease is caused by Xanthomonas cyamophagus. The disease is characterized by irregular, sunken, red to brown leaf spots surrounded by a narrow yellowish halo. Several spots coalesce to from irregular patches. The spots may also develop on pods.
1. Grow resistant varieties .
2. Treat the seed with thiram at the rate of 3 gm/kg seed. Also adopt hot water treatment at 560 C for 10 minutes.
3. Eradicate affected plants and burn them.
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Guar seed (Guar Gum) cultivation exposure tour and Processing Industry visit

[h=3]Guar seed (Guar Gum) cultivation exposure tour and Processing Industry visit[/h]

Any one want to get the on farm practical knowledge of Guar Cultivation can contact us. We will take you on tour for guar cultivation.

Guar as emerged as one of the major industrial crop. The crop has given very good return to the farmers of Western Rajasthan, (Totally Rain-fed and dry Area). This also a useful crop in many other ways like improvement in soil fertility, low cost of cultivation, Cattle feed, on the request of the growers we are organizing the tour of the Guar Crop Exposure. We are organizing two-three days tour program.

Tentative Time of Tour
September, 2014

Tour Program For Septamber, 2014 ( date will be informed later)

First Day:-

First Half

Break fast
Visit of the Guar crop farm, we will discuss on following topics
How to prepare the land
How to do the sowing
How to manage the water
How to manage the weeds
How to do the harvesting and threshing
Other important aspect of guar crop in the field.


Second Half

Visit of Historic place / or Discussion


Second Day :-

First Half

Break fast
Visit of the Guar gum factory, we will discuss on following topics
Market and Use of Guar Seed
Utilization of Guar seed.
Processing of guar seed in the Cattle feed and Gaur Gum
Export potential and process of the export of Guar Crop

Second Half
Visit of Tourist place / or Discussion

Tentative Schedule:-

First Day: Arrival at Jaipur
Second Day- First Day of Tour
Third day:-Second Day of Tour, Departure from Jaipur

In this Tour we will discuss on
Guar history
Current market of India,
Major production area of guar,
Cultivation of guar
Storage of guar
Guar making flow chart,
Guar gum value chain,
Global trade of guar,
Quality standards,
Documentation for export,
Govt Schemes,
Market potential,
Market analysis of major market of Guar,
Competitive analysis,
Export data,
Major Industries,
Major aspects of Guar Crop

Please register yourself. The final schedule and arrangement of the stay will be notified after 10th September, 2014. Any one who, is interested please contact us immediately

For International partiucipents one to one dedicated tour can be also organized as per request

Guar seed ( guar gum ) cultivation in india : Re-activation of Monsoon in Rajasthan s

[h=3]Guar seed ( guar gum ) cultivation in india : Re-activation of Monsoon in Rajasthan specially in western Rajasthan[/h]

Since last four five days monsoon has activated in Rajasthan, It is equally distributed through out Rajasthan, specially in western Rajasthan. Western Rajasthan is major guar growing belt. This rainfall is very important for flowering initiation. There was a sufficient gap between first Manson rainfall and this rainfall. The bigger gap will save the crop from attack of disease and pest. Second rainfall is very important, every thing has been changed. Now plant will bear more flowers and pods.

This year I am expecting 10-15% increase in production as compare to last year. Cultivation area has also increased this year. There is 100 % chances of bumper crop. The climatic condition were totally in favor of crop. Due to rainfall temperature has gone down so there is less chances of nay major disease out break. Yesterday I visited one farm it was in very good condition.

[TABLE="class: \"tr-caption-container\""]
[TD="class: \"tr-caption\""]Guar seed ( Guar Gum Cultivation in India)
The rate of guar is also stabilizing slowly and slowly . Investors are advised to keep away from speculative information and blind trading. Rate of guar seed will touch the level of INR 3750- INR 4000/ 100 Kg. Central Govt is preforming well, that will lead to price stability and new investment in guar gum industry.

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[TD="class: \"tr-caption\""][TABLE="class: \"tr-caption-container\""]
[TD="class: \"tr-caption\""]Guar seed ( Guar Gum Cultivation in India)


Final condition of guar seed ( Guar Gum ) crop after return of manson

[h=3]Final condition of guar seed ( Guar Gum ) crop after return of manson[/h]

Manson is over from most of guar growing belt. There are minimum chances of any major rainfall. Guar gum ( seed ) crop conditions are clear now. In this year production will be normal there is no any news of major crop damage. In Haryana there can be some damage due to excessive rainfall, but that will be in the limit of 10%. Overall Haryana produce 20-22 % of total Indian guar production so the 0 % variation will be not more than 2 - 2.2 % of total production.


Some people can compare this year (14-15) production with last year year (13-14) production. Last year production was bumper in timely rainfall condition. This year production of gaur will be above the normal.

There were drought conditions initially. Sowing started very late. This drought condition gave an option to farmers to grow guar instead of other water intensive crop like cotton, paddy in irrigated area of Haryana, Ganganagar, Hanumangarh and Bikaner. In rain fed area situation was in the same direction , farmers of Rain fed area preferred Guar crop over the other crop like Bajara ( pear millet) , Moong (Green Gram) Moth .It is

The late rainfall was sufficient for sowing. After sowing there was a long dry period, which was very critical condition but it saved guar crop from any disease and pest attack. In mid of cropping season rainfall was very low but it was on regular interval as per required. In this condition vegetative growth of plant didn’t effected too much.


Last rainfall was also normal. It was heavy in some part especially in Haryana. In cotton growing area, due to heavy rainfall and regular irrigation there was condition of water logging and disease outbreak. But due to short rain fall period, it improved very fast. There is news of minor damage against the fear of heavy damage. Guar crop affected least in adverse climatic conditions. Early sowing crop will be ready to harvest if weather conditions are clear with high temperature, the crop may mature within 10-15- days.

Late sowing crop way take time. it may mature around last week of October especially in rain fed area. Crop is in good condition. Now there is no requirement of water or rainfall. Crop need clear weather and bit high temperature to mature timely.


Advance estimate of Guar gum ( Guar seed) Crop production - Year 2014-2015 in Rajasth

Advance estimate of Guar gum ( Guar seed) Crop production - Year 2014-2015 in Rajasthan is negative in comparison to last year.

As per advance estimate data of Guar gum ( Guar seed) Crop production - for year year 2014-2015 released by state government is totally negative and it show that there will be sharp decline in the guar production.


S.N. Year Area (Hectare) Production (MT) Yield (Kg/Hectare)

1 2011-12 3\'095\'869 1\'847\'713 597

2 2012-13 4\'526\'368 2\'023\'096 447

3 2013-14 5\'071\'099 2\'863\'055 565

4 2014-15 3\'212\'965 1\'339\'806 417

(* data of 2014-15 is on this basis of estimate Sourced from State Govt.)

All three factors Cultivation area, Production and productivity (Yield) of this year are lowest in last four year. These data are for Rajasthan State Only.


( Guar data in red highlighted row )

In initial estimate of sowing area were showing positive pattern. But first estimate of production is negative. There is 53 % drop in production as compare to last year. There is 36 % drop in cultivation area as compare to last year. There is 26 % fall in yield or productivity.


( Guar data in red highlighted row )

Last Two year there was good sowing and bumper crop due to favourable climatic condition from first rainfall to maturity. If we compare these data with 2011-12 then situation is normal. Year 2011-12 was normal in context to Guar production.

The final picture will come after harvesting and commodity arrival in market but initial picture is not good.

Advance estimate of Guar gum ( guar seed) production-year 2014-2015 in Haryana shows

[h=2]Advance estimate of Guar gum ( guar seed) production-year 2014-2015 in Haryana shows down fall trends in comparison to last year[/h]

Advance estimate of Guar gum ( guar seed) for year 2014-2015 Production in Haryana is showing down trends. As per State govt estimate of cultivation area for guar crop is around 3,40,000 Hectare which is 29% lesser than last year. Last year guar crop cultivation area was 4,81,000 Hectare.


S.N. Year Area (Hectare) Production (MT) Yield (Kg/Hectare)

1 2011-12 215\'000 290\'000 1350

2 2012-13 388\'000 278\'000 718

3 2013-14 481\'000 369\'000 767

4 2014-15 340\'000 340\'000 1000

(* data of 2014-15 is on this basis of estimate Sourced from State Govt.)

Estimated production for 2014-2015 is 3,40,000 MT which is 7.8 % lesser than last year. Last year production was 3,69,000 MT. As per estimate productivity has increased this year . This year productivity is 1000 Kg/Hac which is 30 % more than last year. Last year productivity was 767 Kg / Hac.

( Guar data are red highlighted )

Haryana contribute 20 % of total production so this variation will not be too much in total production of guar seed of India.

Advance estimate of Guar gum ( guar seed) production-year 2014-2015 in Gujarat shows

[h=3]Advance estimate of Guar gum ( guar seed) production-year 2014-2015 in Gujarat shows down fall trends in comparison to last year[/h]

Gujarat govt has release the data of Guar gum ( guar seed) crop cultivation area. As per data there is estimate that guar crop is sown on 298\'500 Hectare. This year Guar gum ( guar seed) cultivation area in Gujarat state is 36.8 % lesser than last year, but it is more than before last year (Year-2012-2013).

Advance estimate of Guar gum ( guar seed) production-year 2014-2015 in Gujarat

(Guar data are highlighted in red)


S.N. Year Area (Hectare) Production (MT) Yield (Kg/Hectare)

1 2009-10 132\'700 44\'700 337

2 2010-11 124\'600 73\'000 586

3 2011-12 128\'300 74\'500 581

4 2012-13 # 240\'000 -------- ----

5 2013-14 # 472\'600 -------- ----

6 2014-15 * 298\'500 179\'100 600

* 2014-15 data is as per estimated crop cultivation area data released by Gujarat state govt.
# Production data and yield data are not mentioned as I dint get any reliable information

Last year climatic condition were in favor of guar crop cultivation so guar crop cultivation area was increased but in this year the crop cultivation area is more than state govt targets. This year state govt targeted 283\'500 Hectare.

Guar seed production area, Production quantity and yield of last few years


As per an average yield of 600 kg / Hectare we are expecting 179\'100 MT guar seed production from Gujarat state. Which is less than last year but it is more than average. The production estimate is positive. The Guar gum ( guar seed) production is not bumper in Gujarat this year but it is above the average of last years. There are three Major Guar growing states Rajasthan, Haryan and Gujarat.

Advance Estimate of Guar ( guar gum ) Seed Production in India in year 2014-2015

[h=3]Advance Estimate of Guar ( guar gum ) Seed Production in India in year 2014-2015[/h]

Most of advance estimate has been released in guar growing states of Rajasthan, Haryan and Gujarat for the year 2014-2015. 2-3% guar seed production comes from rest of states. The final tally of estimated guar seed production is as follows.

S.N. State Production ( MT)
1. Rajasthan 1339806
2 Haryana 340000
3 Gujarat 179100
4 Others 100000
Total Estimated Guar ( Guar gum ) Seed Production 1\'958\'906 MT

The share of other state of has assumed around 5 % as productivity and production are is very low in Rajasthan. We are estimating that in this year there will be around 19\'589\'060 Bags around 20 Million Bags or ( 2 Crore Bags of 100 kg each). As per my estimate I am expecting a upward correction in guar seed production data of Rajasthan.

The estimated yield is very lower than last year but overall condition is not problematic or pathetic. It is satisfactory production. It can easily complete the demand of guar gum of world by adding teh cary forward stock of last year. .

Guar International - 2014 Exploring possibilities of Guar Business Development

Guar International - 2014 Exploring possibilities of Guar Business Development

I attended Guar International-2014, an unique event dedicated to Gar and Guar Gum from cultivation to End Use. Expert of different subject put their views and made a very clear picture in all horizon like

  • Current demand of Guar Gum
  • Export potential and opportunities in Guar business.
  • Market of Hydrocolliods and opportunities with guar to replace other.
  • Demand and future of Shale Gas and Farcking
  • New opportunities for Guar Gum demand
  • Requirement and current activities in R&D in Guar
  • Current stagnancy in Guar Gum Business
  • Value addition of Guar Gum
  • Development in Guar Cultivation
  • Biotechnological approach in Crop improvement
  • Current crop Condition
  • Role of Supply Chain Management in Guar Business
  • Warehousing and Commodity finance opportunities
  • Prediction of rate during remaining
  • Factor for price prediction.
  • Platform Role of Commodity exchange for Guar Business

Inaugural message from Agriculture Minister of Rajasthan- Shri Prabhu Lal Saini was motivation reagent. Message . Message of Mr Sameer Shah on the role and involvement of NCDEX in Guar business stabilization was very supporting for the industry. Directly or indirectly NCDEX is playing a major role in re-innovation indian guar gum industry. Indian Guar gum industry is moving from traditional business to a highly professional business.

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[TD="class: tr-caption"][TABLE="class: tr-caption-container"]
[TD="class: tr-caption"]Guar International-2014 ( An event dedicated to guar seed and guar Industry)[/TD]
Alex shown a very clear clear picture about the global demand of Guar. Chris Carpenter of PFPT message was very clear toward quality production and demand. Guar has to be competitive by Quality wise, Quantity wize and technology wise. I was very impressed by Dennis Seisun of IMR message. He is very positive about the new opportunity for Gaur Gum. Guar has opportunities to replace the other hydrocolloids. A better packaging and representation of Guar can draw a lot of attention of end users.

Mr Uday Merchant focused on quality development and investment in R&D by industry. He also focused on loss of blind competition and neck to neck business. Over production capacity and over processing capacity can lead the industry toward heavy loss. It was knowledge full delivery of message by Dr. Shyamal Purkayastha on Emerging trends in guar processing, technology and applications.​

[TABLE="class: tr-caption-container, align: center"]
[TD="class: tr-caption"]Guar International-2014 ( An event dedicated to guar seed Processing and guar Gum importer and End user)[/TD]

Research work of Dr. Randhawa on biotechnology approach on Guar crop really very impressive. He delivered the key highlights of his work and further opportunities in crop improvement. His work on Genom sequencing and Identification of key gens in guar crop is good opportunity for Indian Guar Gum Industry,​

Report of Mr Sidharth Surana was a picture of current guar crop which gave an idea on effect of poor monsoon on current crop. Panel discussion on guar outlook and guar rate prediction was very interesting.

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[TD="class: tr-caption"][TABLE="class: tr-caption-container, align: center"]
[TD="class: tr-caption"]Guar International-2014 ( An event dedicated to guar gum present and future development )[/TD]

The participation of Guar Gum processor, Guar Gum manufacturer, service provider, plant & machine supplier, warehouse service provider, print media. This beautiful and knowledgeable event is a brainchild of House of Tefla.


Guar Gum Seed Cultivation and Indian Guar Gum Industry

[h=3]Guar Gum Seed Cultivation and Indian Guar Gum Industry[/h]

The Gavar/Guar/Guwar/Guvar bean or cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) is an annual legume. Guar beans have a large endosperm that contains galactomannan gum, a substance that forms a gel in water.

[TABLE="class: tr-caption-container, align: center"]
[TD="class: tr-caption"]Guar Farmer at Guar Farm : Guar Gum Seed Cultivation and Indian Guar Gum Industry[/TD]

This is commonly known as guar gum and is used in dairy products like ice cream and as a stabilizer in cheese and cold-meat processing. Derivatives of guar gum are also used in industrial applications, such as the paper and textile industry, ore flotation, the manufacture of explosives and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) of oil and gas formations.

India is the largest producer of Guar Gum, meeting over 80% of the world’s demand. It's a supply chain riddled with a high degree of complexity and opaqueness and a market fraught with uncertainty which has left the Guar Gum industry in India fragmented, unorganized, and underdeveloped.

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[TD="class: tr-caption"][/TD]
Mature Guar Crop : Guar Gum Seed Cultivation and Indian Guar Gum Industry

Yet India strives to meet much of the world’s demand for Guar Gum. The industry complexities notwithstanding, the country’s ability to meet this ever-surging demand is closely linked to the rural farmers’ random and indivdual decision to choose Guar over other competing crops such as cotton for cultivation.

Guar production is concentrated around three western states in India – Rajasthan, Haryana, and Gujarat

These states account for 97% of the total Guar seed produced in India, with Rajasthan alone accounting for 80% of that production. Rajasthan is also home to most of the over 120 Guar Gum processors in the country. Much of the Guar Gum production is exported via seaports along western India. Currently, there is a less-than-adequate infrastructure at these ports, with frequent congestion and long wait times which have resulted in shipment delays.


Natural gas & Crude oil price sliding and Its impact on Indian Guar Gum Industry

[h=3]Natural gas & Crude oil price sliding and Its impact on Indian Guar Gum Industry[/h]

Crude oil has reached it lowest level since 2011. and Natural gas is also going down. It is expected that Natural Gas may go up due to winter in Europe. But it is clear that energy market is running out of money. There are two possibilities behind this free fall world economy is not doing well specially US, EU and China. Either countries are over representing the development or there is over supply of crude oil in market. We can say that the availability of crude oil is more than the expectation.

[TABLE="class: tr-caption-container, align: center"]
[TD="class: tr-caption"]Natural gas & Crude oil price sliding and Its impact on Indian Guar Gum Industry [/TD]

Expect winter there is no any favorable news for Oil and Natural Gas Industry . The conflict in west Asia is going long . There is no possibility of early settlement. Energy market is running out of money. No one is ready to invest in energy market. If it is right then money drain condition will continue up to next 6 months.

[TABLE="class: tr-caption-container, align: center"]
[TD="class: tr-caption"]Natural gas During Last one Month.[/TD]

There is some news that US is planning to export its Natural Gas to Europe during this winter to counter Russian Gas. The activity of Natural Gas export is going to large level. Europe depends on 30% on Russian Gas.

The low rate of Crude oil and Natural gas can change the number in budget of Russia , Saudi Arabia and other countries.There is also news that Libyan oil has again reached to Global Crude oil market.

[TABLE="class: tr-caption-container, align: center"]
[TD="class: tr-caption"]( Crude oil Price During Last one Month )[/TD]

Indian Guar Gum industry is totally depend on Natural Gas prices. It is a major concern that 60% Indian guar gum powder is used in Oil and Natural Gas Industry. If there will be some recovery in Natural gas prices then the drilling and fracking activity will start again on large level. The expectation of oversupply of Guar seed is also another major concern in guar gum Rates. This time if major supply period for Guar Seed.

In today's scenario Guar Seed rate may touch the level of 3500-3700/100 Kg during next three- four months. Hop that it will not touch. This is also festival season so there may be requirement of cash for farmers. Guar is a all time cash liquid commodity. There are chances that guar seed supply will saturate the Guar Seed Market. Farmer is emerging as major stockist for Guar Seed.



I am wajeed, I have 4 acres of land nearby hyderabad, I want to cultivate Guar Gum, can u tell me the details like, where do we get the seed, how much will it cost per acre, what should be the climatic temperature, how much water is required and finally what will be the returns.

go for quinoa cultivation more details call


I am wajeed, I have 4 acres of land nearby hyderabad, I want to cultivate Guar Gum, can u tell me the details like, where do we get the seed, how much will it cost per acre, what should be the climatic temperature, how much water is required and finally what will be the returns.

Guar Gum and Guar Seed has removed from MCX ( Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limit

Guar Gum and Guar Seed has removed from MCX ( Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited)

MCX ( Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited) has got approval from FMC to remove guar from exchange. The trader were not actively taking part in trading of guar gum on MCX.

There was no trading on MCX since a long time. Investor didn't took any interest in guar trading after De-listing in 2012 by FMC. MCX tried to attract investors but it was useless. Guar is traded on NCDEX and MCX . Now NCDEX will be only exchange where guar will be traded. MCX has stopped trading of guar from last Tuesday 21st October,2014 .

Guar Seed arrival in local market has increased in comparison to last year

[h=3]Guar Seed arrival in local market has increased in comparison to last year[/h]

Guar arrival in local market is increased in comparison to last year. In the first 17 days of October it is just double than last year. We are expecting that new crop will saturate the market. As production of other kharif crops are not so good due to the delayed rainfall. Guar is only cash crop with farmer. The next two three months are peak arrival period.

Some farmers were holding it in starting in expectation of good rate. There are no chances of any spike rise in rate. Due to Diwali the market was closed, so farmer will start to carry the new harvest right now. Ariival will increase in coming days.

In Haryana arrival of guar seed has decreased in comparison to last year but it has increased from multiple time from Rajasthan and Gujarat.

[TABLE="width: 567, align: center"]
[TD="colspan: 4"]Guar seed arrival up to 16th October from major producing states
[TD]State/ Year
[TD="colspan: 4"]Quantity in MT.

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