Guar Seed ( Guar Gum ) Cultivation Details and other Information

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The future of Guar Seed and Guar Gum in context to domestic and international scena

Now a days I am receiving a lot of queries on the future of guar seed and guar gum industries. since last 4-5 months the rates are stable. There is no more fluctuation in the guar seed and gum rates.

As per my analysis the current rate level will continue up to next harvest of the next crop ( OCT-NOV-14) . There is no any major reason behind for sharp increase in rates in future. The crises of the middle east countries will lead to instability in the international market. This situation will prevent any major investment in the fracking industry.

The situation of middle east countries is going to normalize, but it will take time in complete peace The counter strikes may continue up to next 4-5 years like IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN. The issue of IRAN is solving slowly and slowly hope that the crude oil production will increase from IRAN.

As per the activities in international market. the winter time is over so there is no any major demand of the energy but the there can be some activities in context to the next year demand . There is no any major sign from the European countries for fracking. The environmental laws are very strict in these countries so there will be no any major boom in fracking Industry in European countries.

The arrival of guar seed will be increasing in coming days. The month of Feb, March and April, farmers will require the money for their domestic needs. They will liquidate their guar stock and this activity will lead to arrival of guar seed.

There is good sign that the low and stable rate will attract the demand from the food processing and other industries. These industries has recently shifted to other alternates so they will take time to again adopt guar gum.

The current stock is sufficient for the supply up to nest 12-18 months. after 9 months we are expecting next crop so there is no any major reason for the price hike. Meanwhile we will also get some production from the southern states and might be summer crop from Gujarat and Maharshtra. It might be not of good quality but saturate the lower level.

The political activities will be also not impact the rates, as TWO important Lok Sabha Constituency of guar growing belt are reserved for SC. The current state government is also with clear 3/4 majority so no chances for the influences or instability due to guar.

The existing contracts are going smoothly and on regular basis but the new contracts will take time. The stability will keep going. The lower level touch ( 3000-4000 ) will attract demand from other industry. Taht will again lead to the current level ( 5000-5500).

Guar Gum Cultivation and future

There is no clouds on the guar crop during the last year the rates were stabilized. The current stabilized rate is good rate. If Guar is cultivated in economic way it is still very profitable crop.

The stabilize rate is good for the industrial application of the guar gum. Guar gum is natural hydrocoloide . The application of guar gum is not limited only up to one or two industry. It used in many industries, the rate fluctuation can only lead to the shifting of application from one industry to another industry.

As per my context the world require a lot of guar powder for different application. Teh where the cultivation could not happen in last year can prepare for this year. This good time for the preparation. farmers can go for the summer crop in the month of march.

If you require any assistance please contact us following informations

Guar Seed ( Guar gum )/ Cluster bean Cultivation Timing

Guar can be cultivated between 20 degree to 45 degree. The summer period will start in the north zone of earth. The guar gum cultivation time will start from April and it will end up to October. The temperature of north pole is rising slowly and slowly.

The farmers can take the summer crop in March, April, May, June, July. IF the irrigation facilities are sufficient in these period then it is advised to the farmers to take this crop. It is found in research that the summer period is good for yield. This period also assist in the low infestation of the weeds because of low moisture.

The next crop period starts form June and continue July, August,.September and October. Normally this is rainy period so the farmers can go for this period, if they want to take the rain-fed crop. the cultivation can be started with the first rainfall in this period.

In the summer crop there can be requirement of the irrigation in may- june, so keep the alternative arrangements. In the cold area the cultivation period in June, July, August and September is best growing period.

So the cultivator are advised for the preparation of the guar cultivation like contact with consultants, souring of seeds, irrigation management.

In some area temperature is still more than 25 degree.they can go for the guar gum cultivation . keep in mind that after three -four month there should not be the rainy period, because rain can harm the mature crop and can create problem in the harvesting.

Crises in Ukraine can lead to the boom in fracking industry.

If there is no diplomatic solution of Ukraine crises, it can lead to the boom hydraulic fracturing. Might be there is the own reason of Ukraine and Russia for this crises but USA will be gainer from this crises and EU will looser

The US and EU can lead to the financial sanction against Russia to create pressure, but the reality is that in the current situation Europe need Russian natural gas. The pipelines passes through the Ukraine. If the tension continue then Russia can use Natural Gas as Weapon.

The economic sanction will not lead to early effect in Russian economy as Russia itself is a 4 trillion economy, but Europe can coll down immediately without the Russian Gas.

But one thing is clear if there no friendly relation Between EU and Russia, then EU can go for then hydraulic fracturing. If the environmental rule of EU don't permit to do so then the USA can enjoy this situation and hydraulic fracturing activity will increase in USA. USA is already leader in hydraulic fracturing.

In the current condition USA is profitable in both condition, If USA get success then it will strengthen its step in UKRAINE. If things are again US then it will be the leading supplier of Natural GAS to EU.

The same time if EU freeze the Russian asset then Russian will also put same impose on EU assets in Russia. There is chances that these sanction can back fire.

In strategic point of View Russia will gain from this conflict, but if the strong long term conflicts arise between EU and Russia, then EU will be the looser. In short term EU will face the GAS crises, and US will enjoy this situation.

Might be the Guar farmer of Rajasthan can enjoy this situation, but after looking all the condition i don't find any gain for Rajasthan Guar Farmers in coming future. Because the total use of Natural gas will same in all condition, SO the overall demand of hydraulic fracturing process will be same. The hydraulic fracturing can shift from one region to another region in the over all scenario. Another fact is that in the next 7 month there will low requirement of energy.

Ultimately the key is in the hand of BRICS economy. Strategically Russian and friendly relation with Indian and China. There is old saying in India. The exact looser in battle is "battle ground", where distraction take places. This time it is UKRAINE.

Guar Gum Export from India is increasing

The volume of guar gum export is increasing after prices were stabilized during this year. Guar gum and buffalo meat has emerged leading exportable agriculture produce from India. Rates are going up slowly during this months . There is improvement of INR 1000-1500 in guar gum rates in local market. There are two main reason.

First reason :-Demand and supply equation is stabilizing slowly and slowly.

Second reason :- There is improvement in Rupees rate in comparison to USD. Though there are no any major chances of further improvement in guar gum rates but the equation of demand and supply and USD / INR rate will effect guar gum price. We can say that currently guar is out speculators . There is volatility but not too much.

Hoping that summer crop will be sown in some parts of India in April and that production will come in market in June. In June Mansoon/ Kharif crop of Guar will sown in major guar growing belt. Climatic condition of June- July will decide further change in rates of Guar. Currently there is enough stock of guar seed in market there is no need to be panic about supply.

Guar Gum Cultivation in Summer crop

This is best time for the summer crop who want to cultivate guar crop. The climatic condition are suitable for guar cultivation . It is noticed that summer crop gives good production as comparison to the rainy crop/ monsoon crop. Guar is a 90-100 days crop so one can expect the harvest of this summer crop in may- june. The only constraint with this crop is water, if there is sufficient amount of water then one can go for guar cultivation. Guar doesn't require too much water but it will require two- three irrigation in peak summer period. There attack of disease and pest are less in summer period. Growers can get good rates in May-June in comparison to October - November. During period of May-June there is congested supply in market.

Guar Gum Emerged as major water treatment chemical.

Guar Gum powder has emerged as major water treatment chemical. The water pollution is increasing day day by day. The treatment of urban waste water has emerged major problem for the urban localities. Many govt has made the provision to treat the water before discharge it into the water bodies.

The fresh water sources are declining day by day. Polluted water create a lot of problems and disease when it is consumed. Guar gum is safe and natural ingredient which is environment friendly. regulatory bodies are putting pressure. Teh demand of guar gum will be boost throughout the world for water treatment application.

Guar Gum Seed Cultivation Consultancy

We provide consultancy for the guar (guar gum) cultivation. Guar is a major crop of north western India; India produce maximum guar of the world, Pakistan stands second for the same. The guar seed is final farm produce of the guar crop. It is further processed in the Guar gum, which is used as gum powder in many industries like Oil extraction industry, food processing industry, food preservation industry, printing industry, textile industry, paper industry and other industries. The by-product of the guar gum industry is used in cattle feed industry.

Though the Guar is a cash crop, if we consider the other importance of the crop, Guar can be called as complete agriculture crop. It is low investment crop, the cost of cultivation of the crop is very low, so the risk is also low, it is used as vegetable in green pod form, which is highly nutritive. It is used as green manure as a nutrient supplement for the other crops. The guar crop plant parts are used as fodder that is good for the digestive system. The guar seed are used as cattle feed for the milking cattle.

Our expert will assist you in selection of the cropping time, land preparation, seed supply, weeds management, insect and pest management, water management, threshing, storage, trading and marketing and the processing of the guar seed into the guar Gum.

We are leading Agro Technology and Agribusiness consultancy provider. We strongly believe in business ethics. We have highly professional team of subject matter specialist of agriculture and allied disciplines. We believe in truly consultancy with independent and profitable solutions. For us agriculture is the base of development, height of development, strength of development, depth of development. For a long term sustainable social & economical development agriculture must be the axel. Agriculture development must environment friendly, sustainable, efficient use of available resources and non hazardous.

We provide Agro technology and Agribusiness consultancy through better utilization of your resources, value of your money, independent consultancy, cost effective, profitable solutions and complete satisfaction without any deviation.

Guar gum exports in 2013-14 stood at Rs 11,734 crore with 48 % increase by volume

India Govt's organization has released the data of export of agricultural commodities from India. growth rate has been slow down from 24 .10% of last year t to 15.70 % of this year. Guar gum powder export has emerged as major reason for slow down of the agriculture export rate.

In 2013-14, India exported agriculture farm goods worth Rs 2,68,477 crore as against Rs 2,32,041 crore in 2012-13. In 2011-12, India had exported farm products worth Rs 1,86,970 crore.

The major reason behind decrease in guar gum export was the rate of guar gum . The rate of guar gum was remained steady throughout the year 2013-14. The average rate of guar gum seeds was INR 5000/ 100 Kg.

It is noticed that the there is sharp increase in volume in comparison to last year. There volume wise it has increased 48 % last year there was decrease of 42.5 % . overall we can say by volume wise the export of guar gum has increase.

This year it is expected that teh volume will increase as the carry forward of stock in international destination has come down. If the monsoon will normal or at a deviation up to 20 % then there will no any significant change in rate. The existing carry forward of farmers stock will come out for sell in this year.

Guar gum Export data of previous year

Year 2010-11 - Value INR 2,93,869.89 Lacs or 2,938 Crore Volume 4,41,607 MT
Year 2011-12 - Value INR 16,52,386.70 Lacs or 16,523 Crore Volume 7,07,326 MT
Year 2012-13 - Value INR 21,28,701.07 Lacs or 21,287 Crore Volume 4,06,311 MT
Year 2013-14 - Value INR 11,73,452.54 Lacs or 11,734 Crore Volume 6,01,945 MT

Can poor monsoon lead to increase in Guar prices ?

Can poor monsoon lead to increase in Guar prices ?

The monsoon has already delayed in guar growing belt. Most of guar is grown in rain-fed conditions. Guar cultivation area will shrink this year. Most of first sowing has been destroyed due to drought in rain fed guar growing belt. As per weather report there are chances that there can be drought this year. It is clear that guar production will decline this year. There can be gap between demand and supply.

This gap will work as vacuum in the market, which can further lead to increase in guar seed rates. There are chances that rate of guar can be increase up to 10,000 /100 kg. in normal condition we can expect 7000-8000/ 100 kg.

It is expected that within three days, monsoon wills started to cover western part of India, which is major guar growing belt. Currently there are two crops one crop which has been sown in the month of June, this crop has affected widely just because of delayed monsoon. Another crop, which will be sown in this monsoon.

In irrigated area, crop is standing in good condition and monsoon will lead to good harvest. Problem is rain fed area, sowing has been delayed due to late monsoon or first crop has been been destroyed. This condition can lead to the another sowing .

As per price is concerned the rate will be remain in between the bracket of 4000 to 8000. Only an abnormal vacuum can lead to abnormal price rise. There are low chances in speculation and unfair stocking activity, Central govt is regularly monitoring the stocking activities.

Trend of commodity market is also under direct lenses of govt regulators. There is not any major chances of unexpected price rise. Price will settle down with in 10-15 days. There is possibilities that from next month rate will come on regular track.

Improvement in Manson and Guar Seed & Guar Gum Prices in 2014-2015

Improvement in Manson and Guar Seed & Guar Gum Prices in 2014-2015

Last month it was seen decline in price of guar seed and guar gum. Condition will be remain under pressure up to next six months. The use of guar gum and its derivatives will come down in next six months.

The improvement in the mansoon is major factor to keep the prices under control up to next 6-8 months. Fear of poor monsoon has gone away from the mood of farmer, trader and the processor. The improved Monsoon will support farmer as it will keep his farm expenses lower. The arrival of other commodities will also increase the business of trader and processor, The profit from other commodities will keep liquidity in the market and there will be money in the hand of farmer, So there will be no major pressure of liquidity on single Guar seed commodity o. In this improved monsoon condition it is expected that prices of Guar seed will be remain under pressure. Guar seed prices can come in the bracket of 3500-4500 in year 2014 - 2015.

Low Fracking activities in Winter Period and Guar Seed & Guar Gum Prices in 2014-2015

Low Fracking activities in Winter Period

Winter time will start after two months. In the winter month the new fracking activities will come down. because oil and gas company will start to work on production of Gas as the energy requirement will be increased in most of developed countries. Halt is fracking activity will not lead to any major new contract or demand of guar gum . Existing contract of guar will keep going. Mostly frackign activity is completed during the summer period. Low frackign activity will keep pressure during the remaining period of 2014-2015 up to march. In the next 6-8 months the demand of guar guar seed and guar gum will come down.

Expectation of normal guar seed crop production in 2014-2015 and Guar Seed & Guar Gum

Expectation of Normal crop

Recovery in Monsoon will lead to a normal guar seed crop in year 2014-2015 as per current climatic condition. Rain fall is good in Guar growing belt. Early sown crop will be befit from it and will recover from drought condition. New crop will start to come in market after mid of October. Delay in monsoon has increased Guar sowing in irrigated area. Irrigated area work as a insurance of good production for Guar Crop. At other side late rainfall increased the late sowing in rainfed area of Chrur, Hanumangarh, Ganganagar, Bikaner, Jodhpur, Nagor and Jaisalmer.

Initial delay in monsoon weakened the guar seed crop production.but it improved significantly. Shadow of poor monsoon will effect the production of guar seed but it will not effect the business of guar seed and guar gum. If monsoon keeps going as it is right now , then it is expected that in this year 2014-2015 , there will be production of 18,00,000 MT (18 Millions Bags of 100 Kg. each) ) of Guar seed. Though this production is not sufficient to cover the expected total demand of year 2014-2015 but carry forward stock of last year will make it surplus amount to fall in the price of guar seed and guar gum in year remaining period of year 2014-2015 .

Carry forward Stock of Guar seed for 2014-2015 and Guar Seed & Guar Gum Prices in 201

Carry forward stock guar stock for year 2014-2015

The carry forward stock of guar seed is major aspect to decide guar seed and guar gum price. Farmers and traders are still having huge stock of guar seed. Last year price stability and decline was due to carry forward of huge guar stock of 2012.

As an rough calculation there is 5,00,000 MT guar seed stock of 2013 and 5,00,000 MT guar seed stock of 2012, 5,00,000 MT guar seed stock of 2011 and before that. So total tally of carry forward guar seed stock is around. 15,00,000 MT. The available stock of guar seed for year 2014-15 will be around 30,00,000 MT.

The estimated consumption of guar seed in (Year 2014-15) can be in between 22,00,000 MT - 25,00,000 MT. More or less 5,00,000 MT - to 8,00,000 MT buffer Guar seed stock will keep pressure on guar prices in year 2014 - 2015.

If price of guar seed go below the bracket of 3500-4000, then there is chances of increase in consumption. In that case price consumption can cross the limit of 25,00,000 MT guar gum seed in year 2014-2015. But it is only possible if price of guar seed go below INR 3500/ 100 Kg. Till this consumption there will be pressure of carry forward Guar Seed Stock.

Availability of guar seed after Fresh harvest of Guar crop in 2014-15

Availability of guar seed after Fresh harvest of Guar crop in 2014-15 and Guar Seed & Guar Gum Prices in 2014-2015

After two- three months guar seed arrival will increase in market. October - November will be harvesting period and there will be peak arrival for next three -four months. This arrival will lead to over supply and guar price will further come down. Generally big farmers go for regular stocking of guar seed for wait and watch behavior, but small farmer will keep pressure of availability in market. The fresh arrival liquidity of guar seed will keep pressure in the period of October to February- 2015. Availability of fresh guar seed will saturate market. Guar seed and Guar gum prices will be under pressure for coming next 6-8 months of current financial year 2014-2015

Low consumption of Icecrem cream and other summer food & beverage

Low consumption of Icecrem cream and other summer food and beverage :-

Consumption of ice cream and other frozen food will come down during next 6-8 months, so demand of guar gum powder will come down from domestic and international food industry during the remaining period of 2014-2015. The rate of guar gum will under pressure from the food industry.

Civil war is in Middle east, in Syria, Libya Lebanan, and Iraq and Guar Gum 2014-201g

Civil war is in Middle east, in Syria, Libya Lebanan, and Iraq and Guar Seed & Guar Gum Prices in 2014-2015

The civil war condition will keep in position of uncertainty to investors.So there will be no major investment in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Civil war condition will also keep pressure on these groups to sell more and more crude oil to earn money. All other source of employment has been crashed. Oil will be only exchangeable commodity for these fighting groups. Low rate of crude oil in international market will prohibit new investment in oil and natural gas sector.Means there will be no requirement of guar gum powder for new exploration. Current political crises in these countries will keep pressure on Guar seed and Guar Gum prices.

Sanctions on Russia by western world and Guar Seed & Guar Gum Prices in 2014-2015

Sanctions on Russia by western world and Guar Seed & Guar Gum Prices in 2014-2015

Sanctions on Russia will also keep pressure on Russia to lower the prices of Natural Gas. Low natural gas prices will keep pressure on International Energy prices. This effect will further transmitted to guar gum and guar seed prices. It was expected that fracking activities was suppose to increase in Russia , but the technology is laying with American Companies and sanctions will keep them away from Russia. A huge quantity was suppose to be used in Russian oil field by american companies. Now there is no chances of further progress in this issue in coming next 12-18 months. Guar seed and guar gum prices will be under pressure due to these sanctions on Russia.

Decrease in Crude oil price in International Market and Guar Seed & Guar Gum Prices

Decrease in Crude oil price in International Market and Guar Seed & Guar Gum Prices in 2014-2015

In the Global market crude oil price are at the lower level . On 4th august it was at six month low. This price will effect the global energy price and that push will further put pressure on guar gum prices. The price fall doesn't give any sign of new investment in the Oil and Natural Gas Industry. Half of current financial has been passed , for the remaining financial year this is last time for new guar gum demand.


Global crude oil prices during last one month in USD

( Source link 1 Month Crude Oil Prices and Crude Oil Price Charts - InvestmentMine )

Currently I am monitoring and analyzing that Guar rate are slowly going up. Investors are advised to keep away from market this type of abnormal behavior. as i have discussed earlier that there is no problem on supply side fro guar seed. There are chances that speculators have again active in the market otherwise I am not seeing any reason in increase in demand of guar gum and further price rise in this commodity, be cautious.

Global crude oil prices during last one month in USD

( Source link 6 Month Crude Oil Prices and Crude Oil Price Charts - InvestmentMine )

The global demand in oil and natural gas industry can lead toward increase in guar and guar gum prices. In another analysis it has found that oil and natural gas drilling / fracking companies has stoked guar gum for one year so that they can avoid themselves from unnecessary price fluctuation. There can be minor effect due to USD / INR exchange rate, but the current exchange rate change is not sufficient to effect it. The existing contract will keep going there is low chances of new contracts in market.


Global crude oil prices during last one year in USD

( Source link 1 Year Crude Oil Prices and Crude Oil Price Charts - InvestmentMine )

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