Goat Farm Solutions

Goat Farming

Dear shisri,
Goat Farming schemes
1.Name of scheme:Centrally Sponsored Scheme - Integrated Development of Small Ruminants and Rabbits

Where to apply for scheme
All Scheduled Commercial Banks
All Scheduled (Primary) Urban Cooperative Banks
All RRBs/ADFCs/SCBs/SCARDBs(National)


under NABARD
a)10% for rearing of goats and sheeps,10% is margin money(10% of total project cost have to be deposited by self).Interest rates as per current.
b)25% for breeding of goats and sheeps (for open category) and 33.3% (reserved caste),25% is margin money. Interest rates as per current.

2.10+1 scheme under gram panchyat( modifies at every 6 months) ,in this schemes either goats are provided (10female and 1 male) or the amount is sanction to purchase 10+1 goats at 0% interest rate with 50% subsidy for men and 75%subsidy for womens and reserved castes.
This scheme is for small farmers who have small farm land.This scheme changes from state to state.Its a state level scheme,subsidy rates changes every year.
Please read my previous posts to know the documents required
Vaccination is periodical and is based on symptoms,and it should be given strictly under veterinary supervision.Vaccines includes H.S.,Enterotaxemia,T.T.,Rinder Pest,Goat Pox,F.M.D etc.

You will not get loan for lease land,but you should have enough property owned by you, to show the bank.Bank keeps the property owned by you as security.It merely depends on bank whether to provide you loan or not,in some cases loan can also be avail by having long term heavy transactions in your bank.

dear sir, i need suggetions for the list given below.

*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*vaccination for your goats.
dear sir i have my land on lease basis. do i get loan on the same. i am having a company firm also for the same. plz suggest me some solution. i wanted to extend my business for very high level. this is my dream to serve farmers & agriculture field. thank u

Information on Goat Farm

Hi Sir,

I am interested to start goat farm in 2 acres of land in Vidharbha(Maharshtra) with 100 Goats (Osmanabadi breed). But I want some information from user side.
1. Of which age i need to buy the does and bucks for starting level? I plan to buy 50 goats of 3-4 months + 50 goats 7-9 months. Pl give me your advice on this.
2. How the shed is prepared for this say 200 goats.
3. What type of vaccination it require and when?
4. Plz send me the initial cost of 100 Osmanabadi goats for raring.
5. What is the Osamanabadi goat maturation periods.
6. Should i have a insurance of all goats and new bourns goat?
7. Some extra suggestion for your side.

Thank you for your advise and co-operation. Thank you sir.
If possible to you to send project report then pl send me
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Goat Farming

Dear adj7777,
All the information already posted in my previous posts.
6 guntha land is for shed or for cultivation of fodder?If its for shed you can keep 150 goats in that,but for 150 goats you requires 7-8 acre of fertile land to grow fodder.
I need completete information for the below
Kindly help me in following points:
*Government schemes for goat farms
*Government subsidy
*Loan obtained for goat farm,required documents.
*which bank provides u the loan
*Best variety of goats
*How many goats required to start with like I have 6 gunthas of land at hubli karnataka
Your valuable suggestion is admired and respected.

Dear novsheer,
yes you can use the shed of poultry for goat shed,but have to modify its floor.Its floor cant be of mud,if its of mud urine gets accumulated in mud which further leads to various disease.So instead of mud make floor of cement that can be washable every day,and the washed water urine can be collected in one underground plant,and same water is supplied to crops or vegetables.If you dont want to make cement floor,you can go with that traditional method floor,where floor is elevated from ground an is made up of bamboo sticks.

Dear Dr.Sheikh

Can i use chicken poultry shed for Goat shed, floor is mud, hence kindly suggest should i use mud for floor or shall i go for cement floor...

Re:Information on goat farm

Dear suhasm,
For 100 goats your requires 5 acres of fertile land to cultivate fodder for 100 goats and their kids.
1.For new goat farmers its always better to buy pregnant goats,it gives yielding in short time.If you buy kids it takes 1.5-2years to produce income from it,and have to feed these goats for long time without any benefits.Also kids have a high mortality rate than that of adult goats,so you have to take their special care for a long period.
There are some problems in goats,Some goats are there,who are unable to give births,some goats undergoes for abortion continuously,such types of goats cant be known(inspected) during their kidding period.so its always better to buy pregnant goats(second time pregnant).
2.For 100 goats you requires 4000 sqft of area to prepare a shed.you can go for traditional goat farm shed,as it has less risk of diseases,or can go with modern method,but have to be washed every 2 day atleast.
3.Vaccination depends on symptom that goats have,and some are periodical vaccines,already mention in previous posts.vaccination should have to be perform only under veterinary supervision.
4.For price quotes(osmanabadi breed) email to contact@goatfarm.co.in
5.approximately nine months.
6.ya have to insure all goats,its always safe to insure your goats,specially the new goats.
7.Goat farming mainly depends on three things Fodder,Management and disesaes.If these three have done properly,goat farming will surely provide you high returns in less times.

For pproject report visit our website www.osmanabadigoat.com or www.goatfarm.co.in
Hi Sir,

I am interested to start goat farm in 2 acres of land in Vidharbha(Maharshtra) with 100 Goats (Osmanabadi breed). But I want some information from user side.
1. Of which age i need to buy the does and bucks for starting level? I plan to buy 50 goats of 3-4 months + 50 goats 7-9 months. Pl give me your advice on this.
2. How the shed is prepared for this say 200 goats.
3. What type of vaccination it require and when?
4. Plz send me the initial cost of 100 Osmanabadi goats for raring.
5. What is the Osamanabadi goat maturation periods.
6. Should i have a insurance of all goats and new bourns goat?
7. Some extra suggestion for your side.

Thank you for your advise and co-operation. Thank you sir.
If possible to you to send project report then pl send me

Thank you Dr.Sheik

Dear Dr.Sheik,

Thank you very much for sharing valuable information.

Kindly let me know the The dimension of the 4000 Sq.Ft shed - 40 * 100 ?
Am from Erode, Tamilnadu and I am planning to start a farm. Do you deliver Pregnant goats to Tamil Nadu or you have any representative here ?


goat farm shed

Dear shareeq,
Thanks for your admiration.
The width of the shed should not be greater than 30sqft,if its exceeds beyond it air will not circulate in shed and goats may feel suffocation in extreme hot and humid climatic conditions.You can keep length as much you want,no restrictions for length.
In this shed half of the area is covered with tins,and half of it is open so that enough sunlight gets fall on goats during cold climatic conditions.
We wont have any representatives in any part of the country.
you have to carry the goats by yourself from our farm,we wont provide any transportation outside Maharashtra.

Sir please advice me the differnce of rearing sheep and goat and please give advantage and disadvantage of both sheep and goat also please suggest which one give betteR profit
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Goat Farm VS Sheep Farm

Dear sundarsmnm,
It depends on goat rearing methods (stall feed and open grazing) and infrastructures(enough free fodder,water supply etc) that you have.
Goat farm is 10 times more profitable than sheep farm in stall feed methods.
Sheep gives birth to 1 kid in a year whereas goat 2-8 kids in a year(in goats Kidding depends on type of breed that u select to breed).
Maturity period of sheep is of 390 days whereas goat matures in 300 days.
Goats are highly resistant against diseases as compare to sheep.So mortality of goats is less as compare to sheeps.
Goat meat has very high demand as compare to sheep meat.
Marketing of goats is very easy as compare to sheeps.
Goats requires less fodder as compare to sheeps.

The only plus point with sheeps is that,they produces wool 2-3 times in a year.But just considering the wool profit u can’t go with sheeps,just think of above points regarding goats.
In the end the profit obtain by selling goats(by stall feed) is much higher than that obtain by selling wool and sheeps.
If you have enough free fodder in your surrounding area ,and heavy demand for sheeps in your area then you can go with sheep farming with open grazing system.You have to take immense care of your sheeps,it requires only shepherd to do so.
These are only a few points explained in brief,for more explanation consult with any specialist vet.

thank you for your valuable advice sir

sir we are located in south tamilnadu so what would be the goat breed can i buy for breeding and the transport and other expences will be less because when we go for osmanabadi we have to spend atleast 20 to 30 oercent of a goat price so can i go foe thalacheeri are somne other breed which i can get near by me in goat farm

thank you for your valuable advice sir

sir we are located in south tamilnadu so what would be the goat breed can i buy for breeding and the transport and other expences will be less because when we go for osmanabadi we have to spend atleast 20 to 30 oercent of a goat price so can i go foe thalacheeri are somne other breed which i can get near by me in goat farm

thank you for your valuable advice sir

sir we are located in south tamilnadu so what would be the goat breed can i buy for breeding and the transport and other expences will be less because when we go for osmanabadi we have to spend atleast 20 to 30 oercent of a goat price so can i go foe thalacheeri are somne other breed which i can get near by me in goat farm

Yes,Thalachery goats are best

We have above 400 stall fed goats ,Its advisible to go with Thalachery females with Boer males.


Dear Sir,

I am from south tamilnadu - western ghat; As I first step I am looking for land. Kindly advice me how to choose a land suitably for goat or sheep farming

Transportation cost

Dear farmist.
Thanks for your admiration.
Its no doubt that osmanabadi goat breed is best for goat farming as it has high yielding capacity of milk and kids,has higher meat taste than any other breed,gets adaptable in any climatic conditions and has less diseases.As compare to prices,its the lowest amongst all goat breed.That's why its called as true breed of farmer.It will surely provide you 30%-40% of more income per year than any other goat breed.So investing 20%-30% more (for transportation) only for one year is surely under profitable.
If you want to breed other breeds you can go with native goat breeds of your area.

thank you for your valuable advice sir

sir we are located in south tamilnadu so what would be the goat breed can i buy for breeding and the transport and other expences will be less because when we go for osmanabadi we have to spend atleast 20 to 30 oercent of a goat price so can i go foe thalacheeri are somne other breed which i can get near by me in goat farm

Best goat breed

Dear solarin,
Its no doubt that osmanabadi goat breed is best for goat farming as it has high yielding capacity of milk and kids,has higher meat taste than any other breed,gets adaptable in any climatic conditions and has less diseases.As compare to prices,its the lowest amongst all goat breed.That's why its called as true breed of farmer.It will surely provide you 30%-40% of more income per year than any other goat breed.So investing 20%-30% more (for transportation) only for one year is surely under profitable.
If you want to breed other breeds you can go with native goat breeds of your area.
Also osmanabadi goat breed has a great demand in tamilnadu ,you can check in our area peoples are ready to buy this breed even by paying higher.so if you breed osmanabadi goat breed in you area they gets readily sold.So you don’t require any type of marketing if you go with osmanabadi goat breed.

Osmanabadi Goat

thank you for your valuable advice sir

sir we are located in south tamilnadu so what would be the goat breed can i buy for breeding and the transport and other expences will be less because when we go for osmanabadi we have to spend atleast 20 to 30 oercent of a goat price so can i go foe thalacheeri are somne other breed which i can get near by me in goat farm

Goat Farming

Dear sir,
I am very much interested in starting a goat farm.
I am a beginner and want to start it from the zero. I just want to know that which goat farming is more profitable, open or bounded???
Also let me know government loan plan, procedure and how much time it will take to sanction loan amount??
Waiting for your positive reply.

Thanking you.

Profitable goat farming

Dear atkarne,
Fodder is one of the main factor which decides the Profitability of goat farm as 75% expenditure is on fodder only.If you have enough fodder in your surrounding area then you must go for open(grazing) method as the fodder(green) cost in this method is very low nearly zero,only you have to purchase or cultivate dry and concentrated fodder.
Government plans and procedures are already discussed in my previous posts.It takes 1-2 months to sanction the loan(time period depends on bank),If you submit all required documents and security to bank.

Dear Dr Shaik,

What could be the reasons for failure of goat farms?
Is there any goat farms that concentrates on milking rather than selling for meat?


Dear Madhan,
The main reasons for failure of goat farms are fodder, management and diseases. More will be the fodder expenditures,lesser wii be the profit gain.Here management means the goat farm practices,that how you handle the goats.Mortality of goats and kids increases due to several fatal diseases,you can vaccinate goats from time to time against these diseases but you cant vaccinate the kids.So lesser the mortality in kids,more will be the profit gain.
Presently there is no goat farm that concentrates on milking rather than selling for meat,the main reason behind this is the meat price.Meat prices are 10-15 times higher than that of goats milk.The goats milk obtain is required for kids,for proper development of body,it provides resistant against several diseases in goat kids.For 1 month (15-20days)kids wont eat any fodder,as teeths are not developed,so whole mother goats milk is required for feeding the kids.Even after 1 month goats milk is required for kids,to enhance their body growth.More milk will be provided,more will be the body growth and more meat will be obtain from kids.You will get the goats milk only when,the kids have died.Mortality of kids is less in commercial goat farms,so they wont get enough milk so that they can concentrate on milk inspite of meat. Also concentrating on only milk is never going to be profitable,coz expenses on goats are far more than that of money obtain by selling milk.
Dear Dr Shaik,

What could be the reasons for failure of goat farms?
Is there any goat farms that concentrates on milking rather than selling for meat?

