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    Greenhouse project for Capsicum farming

    Thanks for your prompt reply!
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    about greenhouse

    Hi Ashwini! We are looking forward to establish a greenhouse vegetable/flowers project with integrated cold storage in costal andhra. Can you please provide some information about the sources of a good project report. Thanks in advance. Regards, Ashish
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    Greenhouse project for Capsicum farming

    How to contact Mr. Banwari Lal?
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    Project Report on Green House Farming

    Interested I Would be interested in buying the project report. However, please let me know for which produce (Vegetables/Flowers/Mushroom), this project report has been prepared? How the delivery of the report shall be insured. What is the size & number of pages in this report...
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    Suggestions required for agricultural activity in Dehradun

    Dear Sir! Thanks a lot for the valuable info!
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    Suggestions required for agricultural activity in Dehradun

    I have 16 acres of land in dehradun which I want to use for agricultural purposes. Can somebody please provide suggestions on what kind of cash crop can I grow in those climates? can I go for medicinal plants and mushroom or some other crop will be much more beneficial? Thanks & Regards!
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    Mahogany Plantation

    Dear Sir! I am looking to establish plantations in two states, viz., Bihar & Uttarakhand. Basically, I think I will need stumps for the purpose of planting. However, before that, I want to understand the business dynamics and feasiablity of mahogany plantations. Any help in this...
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    Is it wise to cut teak at 20 years and what is the avg.price for that

    Hi! Does this price of Rs. 25,000/cum. depended upon hardwood content or is it the fixed price for 20 yrs. old trees? Thanks & Regards,
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    Mahogany Plantation

    Dear Vishnu! Thanks for the information. Can you please provide any information source about mahogany plantations?
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    Current Market Price Teak

    Dear Sir/Ma'm! Thanks for the info. Actually, I want to start a teak plantation and hence was trying to do a cost-benefit analysis. That is the reason, I am also interested in knowing the prices of 6 yrs poles etc which will result from thinning operations. However, it appears to be a...
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    Legal Formalities - Felling of teak tree

    Can somebody please provide information on legal formalities to be completed for thinning and final felling of teak trees at private plantations?
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    Mahogany Plantation

    can somebody please provide information about feasibility of Mahogany Plantation in India?
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    Current Market Price Teak

    Can somebody please provide information about the current market price of Teak on the basis of following specifications:- Tree Age:- 06 Years 12 Years 20 Years 30 Years
