Dear Sir
Teak grade is known on their place of origin that is native place like from'Barma,Malashia which are the well known forgin teak in India.Dandeli (karnataka),Paratwada,Nagpur(Maharashtra…
Konkan(Maharashtra)are some of indian teak.Quality and price depends upon age.More the teak old more the price.You can count circles at cross section of wood which means age of
Minium 20 years are required for good quality wood.
Barma teak,Nagpur teak is mainly use for high quality interier.the cost of burma teak is upto 1800 Rs/2200 Rs & Nagpur 1400 to1600 Rs per qubic foot.
Burma teak depends on its grains are mostly parellel,no knoghts,& similer brownish colour.
Its rate is on qubic foot basic,a British measering type.A Qube having 1 feet in width,1feet in length & 1 feet in hight is call as 1qbf.
If you have a piece having dimensions 6 inch x 8 inch x18 inch then its qbf is as follow,(6 x 8 x 18)/1728= 0.5 qbf(here 1728 is a constant means 1qbf)
this figure can be further multiplied by rate to get the total price.