Suggestions required for agricultural activity in Dehradun



I have 16 acres of land in dehradun which I want to use for agricultural purposes. Can somebody please provide suggestions on what kind of cash crop can I grow in those climates?

can I go for medicinal plants and mushroom or some other crop will be much more beneficial?

Thanks & Regards!

Dear Sir

as u are situated in a cool place u have lot of scope to grow which ever crop u feel.
some of the fruit crops that can be grown best in ur place are
mango, guava, peach, grape, strawberry, pear, lemon and litchi.

u can also plan for mulberry trees rear silk worm for the production of cocoons.

Dear Mr Kirti,
I am sure you have seen silk worm rearing and cultivation of mulberry in Kolar district karnataka where temperture are around 26 to 35 degree during day and night temperatures may go upto 18 degrees generally. This is the only and highly successful silk area in India.
You are also aware the temperature in Deharadun is generally low during day especially under cover( for worm rearing) and winter is very cold, humidity is always very high .Do you recommend sericulture?
Again mango and litchi require higher temperature for good ripening and good sugar formation in fruits.Mango suffers very badly if season is cold during bud break, flowering and if there are rains after fruit formation.

What is the rationale of recommending these crops

anil patil

Dear Sir

as u are situated in a cool place u have lot of scope to grow which ever crop u feel.
some of the fruit crops that can be grown best in ur place are
mango, guava, peach, grape, strawberry, pear, lemon and litchi.

u can also plan for mulberry trees rear silk worm for the production of cocoons.
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Dear Sir

Mulberry trees grow best in cooler areas so siklworm feed on those leaves in cool regions. i know here in karnatake silkworm rearing is on the highest scale.

Composite Mixed Farming- Project Report & Projects operations

Please contact............
We may do for you:
* Rural Surveys & Design a Comprehensive Mixed Farming Project Report
* Outsource FINANCE from the local Bank to add to your own funding.
* Mixed Farming with (i) High-altitude Agriculture (ii) Farmer Service Centres (iii) Dairy Farming with Milk Collection & Milk Processing(if required).
* Poultry Farming Project
* Sericulture & Silk-worm Farming
(With Self-Employment & Self-Help Groups)
* To set-up Horticultural & Floricultural Units(If feasible)
* Vermiculture & Mush-Room Culture (If feasible)

OUR CHARGES : We are flexible and reasonable and open to free negotiations.
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