You really want to go for mahagony plantation, if yes than you can definitely contact us for more information. We have very good saplings of mahagony ready with us with total details of it cultural practices, economics etc. Feel free to contact uscan somebody please provide information about feasibility of Mahogany Plantation in India?
You really want to go for mahagony plantation, if yes than you can definitely contact us for more information. We have very good saplings of mahagony ready with us with total details of it cultural practices, economics etc. Feel free to contact us
Dr. Kahar
Please mention your contact details or kindly email me at
can somebody please provide information about feasibility of Mahogany Plantation in India?
Dear Friends,
There are many varieties in Mahogany like,
Khaya Senegalansis (Mahogany from the country of Senegal)
Swietenia Macrophylla (Peruvian Mahogany)
Swietenia Mahogany (Jamaican Mahogany)
Vishnu Sankar
Dear Sir
There are many limted suppliers of mahagony in india. in which state are u looking for and are u looking out for small plant size trees or what size.
can somebody please provide information about feasibility of Mahogany Plantation in India?