Dear all if want cultivate stevia.I give supply good quality seed and planting material on actual rate.If any farm go large area,i devolop nursary on farmer,s farm.
Stevia seedling Rs. 0.50/plant
Seed Rs.4500/kg
MAPs Cultivation practeses and market.
Dear All.
Thank,s for your intrest.
I am S.P.Singh and i have 15 year exp. In this field. If you have any probulam give call and i salved probulam thank,s
alovera planting material
Dear All, if you give one month advance booking i can give supply only Rs. 0.45/sapling.My all sapling with treated and 99% genticaly same as mother plant thank
probulam of coleus cultivation in Bihar
Dear Pecific,july full rain and octuber is winter start nomber full cool.Coleus want min rain and room temp.thank
Inter croping in popular plantaion
Stevia Rubadiana give full prroduction in 25% sade area but popular give near about 75% sade so probulametic cultivation if you go PACHOULI OR yellow Satavary, give high retern.
S.P.SINGH ( M.Sc.Agronomy)
pogestemam pachouli and stevia rubadiana cultivation
Dear Member,
Farmer label not require any license,both crop want good irrigation,drainage and fertile land.THANK,S
demandebel crop
DEAR Murali
YOU can go Coleus and Tulsi crop rotation. Both crop give high yield and very economical crop curent time.O% marketing probulam.