What is rhizobium culture?



What are its uses and how it is done?
rhizobium are a family of bacteria (friendly types). They help plants fix nitrogen from soil/air and are naturally present in root nodules of leguminous plants. The culture is basically gel with a concentrated colony of the bacteria, but i dont think its available anywhere...I think it is to be applied when making compost- add it to compost heap i suppose?

But why not just get a good quality organic manure with nitrogen fixing bacteria in it? I use sunrich


Active Member

Dear all,
All bacteria living want food,same food want plant.if i give indirect neutriant very costaly.thank

dana agrotech

New Member
R culture availability

Rhizobium culture is very useful for luguminus crop like pulses, soyabeans, beans, peas etc. We manufacture R culture and very economic.
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