Search results

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    Subsidy Drip to All Farmers in INDIA.

    Sir I need 10 acr drip but pls told 500micron and16mm radios cost per meter.SP Singh 9670641696
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    stevia Cultivation consultancy In M.P.

    we can provide rs.0.60/plant of Stevia. pls call or
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    Lemon grass cultivation

    pls call for lemongrass cultivation.i cultivate it . S.P.Singh9455468621
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    Profitable Multicropping Medicinal Plant Cultivation with assured Buyback

    Dear Member if you cultivate Vetiver +Chamomile,you can gate Rs3-4 lakh/acr.
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    The three main challenges of the Indian farmer

    High return agriculture I cultivate Vetivar and get intercrop Camomile +Mintha.I get min return 15 kg Vetivar oil , 5kg camomile and 40 kg mintha oil.
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    Ultra high density Pomegranate,Mango,Lemon cultivation

    pls adopt only natural method and sustnabel cultivation.
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    Hydroponic system :: Kerala

    hydroponic is a new fation in agricultur because i gate high production and retern other sutenabule agr cultivation method.
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    Any one with Buy Back on Medicinal Plants

    Dear member pls cultivatate Lemomgrass,Palmarosa,Cetromela no probulam in marketing
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    Vettiver grass Sapplings for sale

    pls give rate and Varity
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    Vetiver cultivation

    Dear all member vetiver cultivation is a very profitable crop in rural area and vetiver have zero % risk.
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    vetiver slip

    sir i can give supply slip and oil of Lemongrass; Tulsi; Vetivar; Matricarea camomile.pls give call thank
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    We need 65HP above old tractor in good condition and call 94 55 46 86 21 thank
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    lemongrass plantation

    Visit our farm for looking lemangrass and vetiver with matricarea plantation.thes plantation give profit Rs.1.5lakh/acr.
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    vetiver slip

    i want sale vetiver slip variety ks-1 and smridhi.9 4 5 5 4 686 21
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    Required Wanted Farmers for medicinal plants cultivation under buyback

    dear sir i cultivate lemongrass;vetivar,cetronella and palmarosa
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    Required Farm Manager/Supervisor to manage a Farm in Prakasam Dist, A.P

    sir what is your product and how Manny act land and water ficilty pls give .thank S.P.Singh agronomist.
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    Need Farm manager position

    Dear Member, I S.P.Singh PG in Agronomy and we have 18 year exp in farm management and scintific cultivation MAPs.As crop Vatevar,Lemongrass,palmarosa,Gerenium,Patchouli,and some horti crop. Att prasant my requirment 12 to 1500000.Rs/year thanks
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    Agribusiness Experts Listing

    Agronomist I have 17 year exp. in large farm devolopment and scintifice cultivation of crop Horticulture,Agriculture,medicinal and aromatic.Hear with my majore responsibility a to z work of Farm.
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    Looking for Farm Supervisor in Hyderabad,Patancheru

    farm manager Pls send product and task. I have 16year exp in farm mangement.thank SP.Singh 9455468621
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    Cheap agri land in Panna MP

    Dear all i have 100 acr and 60 acr road tuch,full water and 30 meter soil deft without ston.This land suitable all crop cultivation and if any party want i can stabelish project with guarantee thank.
