Wal Mart Entering India


Is it good decision to have Wal Mart in India?

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Dear Readers,

What are your thoughts about big retailers like Wal Mart entering India? Will this help farmers in India?

Shweta - Editorial Team

Mr. G Raviprasad from Coromandel Fertilizers/Coromandel International Ltd says -

I am not quite sure what Walmart can do to Indian agriculture sector. They may tap urban markets but may not venture into rural industry. Indian farmers can be helped if Walmart proves to be fair to them by giving them fair prices for their products. Then they will be benefited. Walmart as a company has a strong foundation, and they are good in maintaining low price, no compromise on quality and they have a huge cash generation, which no other company may have. This process is in the initial stage in our country. City people may be benefited by the entry of Walmart. If they can sell the products at a lower price, it may be beneficial to the country.

Mr. Adarsh Singh from Adarsh Organics shares -

I don't think it would help Indian farmers in big way. When organized retail chains like Spencers, Food Bazar came into India few years ago, same was told that it would help Indian farmers. but it has hardly make an impact on large Indian farmers. If we closely anlyse what quality, quantity produce they procure, we would see that its sometimes not even better than local mandies. They are only concern with their profits and not concern with issues related to neither farmers nor consumers.

Mr. Rohit Sanghavi, Director of Esteem Agro & Foods Pvt Ltd or EAFPL tells -

It depends on how the government of the state in which it is entering frames sourcing rules.

Walmart entry

Dear Readers,

What are your thoughts about big retailers like Wal Mart entering India? Will this help farmers in India?

Shweta - Editorial Team

To Market our agri products why we need an outside company? Why we are not using our high popualtion for our business advantage? It should be a low cost high volume business concept for a long term profitable business.


Walmart in india

I request you to investigate the performances of Reliance market and Saffol
market. As far as my knowledge is concerned they do good to both the consumers and farmers.

I personally bought goods in Walmart in the US and found that they sell goods at competitive rices. Walmart in the US known for low income group people.
A big debate should be conducted regarding this.


The decision is already made and we know that when the political parties in the Parliament could not have any influence on this decision, we certainly have no choice but to follow the decision.

To answer the question Walmart is good if they sell products/produce which are MADE/PRODUCED IN INDIA.

I request you to investigate the performances of Reliance market and Saffol
market. As far as my knowledge is concerned they do good to both the consumers and farmers.

I personally bought goods in Walmart in the US and found that they sell goods at competitive rices. Walmart in the US known for low income group people.
A big debate should be conducted regarding this.

Walmart is coming Indian is might be good thing In US that would be low income group but Indian Retail market is much different .


there are issues;
1. no agriculture policy still made effective in india
2. people do not know contract farming
3.closed circuit markets
4.lots of mediators/brokers available to tap farmers
5.brokerage should be prohibited
6.few states we have power linked agriculture
7.education of farmers not done
8. internationally people not aware
9.boosting of food inustry exports and subsidies to be increased

Frankly, Walmart is not going to purchase material from US or somewhere else. They will purchase it from India only. If not from India, they will purchase from Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and dump here. Then, they will sell it. There will be some competition in the food item but there won't be much competition in the different products. If Walmart survives here for 5 years, then we will have problems. But if Walmart is not able to survive in 5 years, it will go away.
Actually, it won't affect the entire industry. There won't be any affect on the agriculture industry.

Shares -
Nirav Vakal, Proprietor
Madhu Exports

Dear Readers,

What are your thoughts about big retailers like Wal Mart entering India? Will this help farmers in India?

Shweta - Editorial Team

No,it will dangerous to India & Indian farmers,because if we allow them, it will may happen like earlier we allow the britsh peoples to trade in our country. And then our middle class peoples can"t do any buisness here. So why should we allow them?

Benefits of WalMart/Tesco entering India

I have always felt the middlemen gained lot more than the actual farmers.
With companies like WalMart & Tesco entering Indian market, I think the following changes will be advantageous

1) They will procure directly from large farmers (or co-op) to cut down middle-men costs
2) Processing / Storage facilities will increase with quality awareness (chemical ripening, alderation etc will be eliminated)
3) Increase in competetion will ensure costs are reduced (again my first two points will feed into this)

1) With a corrupt Indian adminstration system, God knows what will enter in to our food chain.
2) Small level farmers will be forced out of the system due to heavy competetion (If they can form Co-Op type of farming they have lots to benefit)

Certainly, Farmers will get good price for their produce rather than selling in the markets. Most of the money goes to middle men.

As told by-
Dr. Sambasiva Reddy, Managing Director
Altavista Phytochemicals Pvt Ltd

More than Wal-Mart we should be more concerned by Monsanto and the kind of Business model that they are enforcing on the entire World.

Replied by-
Mr. Harihara Sudhan, Business Head
Perikali Trading Company

While there may be issues with foreign players coming here - the advantages are much higher, some of them so basic that it is a travesty that we are unable to do it ourselves.

- Foreign players are much more professional, disciplined in their approach to business, vendor managment, supply-chain negotiations etc
- It will bring newer tech support & solutions to the supply-chain-distribution link, which is so key for a large country like India with such a huge consumer base
- Blue collar employment will increase with the youngster who are not even graduates, getting a change to grow up the value chain
- Dont think the farmer will get impacted negatively or the mom-pop store will get closed - the real experience is that in cities like Mumbai, CH, the mom-pop stores are still doing well and infact providing services like deliver to home even for a small item like bread, butter etc
- FDI will come in and will help the country

I am not very sure on how it will help farmers directly, but I am sure they will definitely help to
increase the quality factor of our produce and its logistics.

J J Overseas
Mr. Chetan Dedhia, Managing Partner

I am not very sure on how it will help farmers directly, but I am sure they will definitely help to increase the quality factor of our produce and its logistics.

J J Overseas
Mr. Chetan Dedhia, Managing Partner

Dr. Shakeel-ur Rahman of Prakriti Bachao Foundation says -

There are side effects for every thing. This can be helpful for rich, but not that much beneficial for poor. People may work with them as their employees in their shops and can be a labor, but there won’t be any ownership for Indian farmers. So considering this, the other side is dark for Indian farmers. It should be in limited areas. It should not spread over larger areas in India, especially in Jharkhand, Bihar, or other states with very poor economic condition. So I think this would be helpful for only rich people and for the people who are above middle class, but not beneficial for poor people and farmers.

Mr. Ananthamurthy Javali, Proprietor Ankur Nursery says,

Co-operative movement in our country has failed to a great extent because of politics. How can Walmart -capitalistic venture be farmer friendly? It will be a safe den for investing ill-gotten black money of our elected politicians.
