Wal Mart Entering India


Is it good decision to have Wal Mart in India?

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If any foreign company landing in India our economy will collapsed. Kindly observe the following things for example Pepsi & Cocola collapsed the local brand cool drinks like Kalimark,MappilaiVinayagar,Love 'O' And Eye brand .These were promoted in local areas.This thing will happened by entering Wallmart in India.

A Sivakumar

What is more imporatant these days....? India is still struggling for shelter, food and infrastructure. Qulity life comes much much later. This is global change and must have to take place. This change has to happen whether you keep pace with it or not. In Europe and US the deveolpments is on its last limit and we (now) are a market ( bussiness ) for them. We have seen thier technology, be it cars, mobile, computer gadgets and what not, have permeated into our territory and a huge chunk of money is going away from India. Inspite of several examples India has not been able to invest her own money and create assets for it people till date. This is now going to happen with a India largest sector (agriculture) where we will give a large share again to the oversease market players like Wal-Mart as well. The Only solutions is to re-organise the agriculture sector like China into Co-operatives and handle the products by themselves in competion with outsiders (FDIs)... At one hand FDI is also important for our rural-urban development aand another side Co-operatives like AMUL.......has to undertaken to keep pace for Indian own gain-game....The richness of our motherland to produce a highest sum of fruits, vegetables, herbs and million types of grains worlwide, will only be proven worth if we will be able use and manage our resources in a sustained manner..

Mr. Preetendra Singh, Owner/Entrepreneur, Monsoon Harvest Farms says -

I think this talk of FDI in retail and farmers benefitting from it are a complete eye wash. Personally, my views on it are that Walmart or any other big chain really doesn’t give a damn if the farmer benefits or not. They are here to make money in an emerging market.

So to answer your question, NO, it is not going to make any difference. We have already had so many big retailers in the market for the last so many years. They have all gone the middleman way, and this I can say from my own personal experience with some of them.

Mr. Ashish Modi, Managing Director, Fresh Foods says -

• It would help the end consumers and bring down the inflation
• Currently farmers get a very small part of the actual sales that happen here in India
• Every day we hear that so many farmers have committed suicide in spite of the food inflation rates
• The increase in rates do not benefit the farmers
• It is the middlemen who make the chunks of money
• The farmers still remain poor
• If giants like Walmart enter it would eliminate the middlemen
• The farmers will get a better price
• The consumers will benefit with optimum rates
• It is a win-win situation for everyone

Mr. Ashish Modi, Managing Director, Fresh Foods says -

• It would help the end consumers and bring down the inflation
• Currently farmers get a very small part of the actual sales that happen here in India
• Every day we hear that so many farmers have committed suicide in spite of the food inflation rates
• The increase in rates do not benefit the farmers
• It is the middlemen who make the chunks of money
• The farmers still remain poor
• If giants like Walmart enter it would eliminate the middlemen
• The farmers will get a better price
• The consumers will benefit with optimum rates
• It is a win-win situation for everyone
