Open Discussion - What do you feel about investing in Agriculture ?

Tell me any other productive business other than Agriculture where 1 unit(seed) multiplies in million units(fruits). If Agriculture is run in a Professional manner controlling all the variables,it should generate money.

Agriculture is future

Dear all,
Agriculture is most ancient profession ,our fore fathers were all agriculturist,No human civilisation can survive without agriculture,Agriculture Sector need educated ,hardworking,dedicated work force.This sector is still under-exploited.
We need to Focus on Organic practice in Agriculture , chemical fertilizers should be replaced by Vermi compost and bio fertilizer
Agriculture is sustainable if we integrate Livestock farming along with Agriculture

Hi, I am Pramod.

My father left 15Acc. Farm for me. I have no experience but want to do some thing. I heard about Bio Technology & Floriculture.

But lot of investment & time is required. Presently I am working in Mumbai as a Sr.Manager.

I need proper guidence so that My fathers dream can be acheived.



Hi all,

I am not sure what our friend Rohit wants to do here. Criticizing people or showing his arrogance or genuinely trying to find how young generation is taking farming.

I consider myself in new generation of "would be Farmers" category. So, I will simply take rohit’s questions.

1. They are well educated, employed and living in cities.
Ans: Yes. Well educated, most importantly understand the role of technology in farming. Bring in new ideas and methods. View farming as a business rather than just work (like done by 10th failed person would do farming because he has nothing else to do).

2. They are excited by the prospects of farming and then the real estate appreciation.
Ans: Probably yes. But then who is here to do farming for charity. No one would be excited to see a farming hanging to a tree. At list people are getting excited to do farming. Since in coming years there will be shortage of food.

3. Most of the new generation would be farmers think Agriculture as most easy activity and most rewarding one.
Ans: I haven’t seen anyone who says Agriculture is easy. But yes, it’s rewarding for sure. Not just financially, but more than that.

4. Most of the new generation would be farmers think that it is easy to buy a piece of land then plant some high value trees there and reap a nice reward.
Ans: Thinking/Idea is exactly that. But who said to you that we are not ready to work it out on field and do all the hard work.

5. Most of them have a budget of less than 5 lakhs (sometimes less than 1 lakh to invest)
Ans: Budget is Budget. Everyone has their own figure. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in mouth. Besides that, What is a guarantee that a more than 5 lakhs budget, like you want everyone to invest, fetch a 20%+ profit. Look at all the big business in india, they have all started small. So figure doesn’t matter.

6. Most of them have never lived in any village or seen any farming activity by themselves.
Ans: There are lot of people who took new businesses where they have no experience of and go on to success. Even if you live in a city you can be a farmer.

Well the list is endless, post you replies of what you think.
Ans: I would love to see that list and tell you want I think.

Agriculture investment

Planning and experience fetches nice returns.As you quote there are people with gradient of 0- 100 with respect to knowledge and resource. Even then one should appreciate the people who all venturing in to agriculture.As the ancient proverb says if you calculate the expenses even the whip will not remain.Burning finger is an experience to the new comers. some times if you calculate every thing nature will play.Agriculture is comitment to some people, hobby to some people, some will hate it but ultimately will do it. According to Poet Thiruvalluvar agriculture is chief of all trade.That will remain as long as this earth is rotating the son. A farmer is healthy, self sufficient and simple person.

There are certain practices that minimize labor, costs, and risks in farming, so you can bring prosperity to yourself and your local community with less than a lakh rupees.

1. Water harvesting will save you from building drip irrigation, and make water available during the dry season. You have to build swales, long trenches along the contour, which will save the water and make it infiltrate underground.

2. Go for mixed type, forest-like cultivation suggested by permaculture folks. Lots of manual labor in plucking the fruits or harvesting grains, but overall efficiency and productivity is high. You don't need to constantly monitor your crops for pests, and live in fear. If one crop fails, you have a different crop growing elswhere on the farm that will thrive. This is better than any farm-related insurance products sold by financial institutions.

3. Sheet mulching will protect moisture in the ground, restore fertility, and reduce or eliminate weeds. Avoid back-breaking compost work, or vermiculture with imported manure worms, and sheet mulch in-place.

4. Use live mulch plants like tur dhal, green gram, black gram, and other plants from the legume family to restore nitrogen to the soil.

5. Use techniques from Zero-budget farming by Palekar to restore beneficial soil microbes. Mulching will also increase fungal populations, whose hyphae will increase soil building, water retention, and improve nutrient uptake by plants. If you have seen huge trees in forests that have sprouted on rocks, you'll understand the beneficial role of soil fungi.

6. Build live fences with trees, use vetiver to prevent soil erosion, ...

As you go on these lines, and begin to understand the role of plants and insects, and the interconnections, you'll realize that many of the so-called unwanted weeds and microbes have useful roles to play, and minimize your work. God did not create unnecessary things, it is just that many of the fertilizer, pesticide and agro-equipment companies have created a cycle of dependency that have reduced the profits for farmers. I'm not suggesting that you totally eliminate modern technology, but most of them should not be required except in the initial stages

Start small, be willing to wait for 3-5 years, observe keenly how things interconnect, and all of a sudden things will connect and flourish. Lay the base of the pyramid, and things will grow automatically on it.
Or you can burn yourself up like software engineers, and end up bug-fixing the system will all the associated expenses.

Most points are correct

I want to start a farm in Goa and my budget is 5 lakhs itself....
But land is so expensive here I don't know how I will ever manage to start my dream job!
Can anyone help me here?

no tension bussiness on earth

I strongly feel this is because of the environment pro and for whom not having mindset of earning overnight money earning without efforts. apart from that it gives very much satisfaction to life and live on this earth, once u understand this .....which is only one the bussiness/living style on this earth is become a dedicated professional farmer.
No replies ?
No one ready to share their views ?

agriculture s def nt a profitabl one nowadayss though land has a value nd one cant do it jus bcoz dey fancy it. MNC employees who works in ac, are dey ready to give up to work in da hot sun?? all dey cn do s employ an apt employee for agriculture.. peopl who xchang their jobs for profits in agriculture are unfit bcoz its not a predictable dept.. nly peopl who truly hav da spirits evn in da event of failure cn do it, whic s rare!!!

Hi guys

First of all let of us know what is the objective of youself posing these endless list of questions.
There is a Thirukkural by our saint poet Thiruvalluvar in Tamil:Those who are living on earth are the ones who do agriculture/farming food crops for mankind and all others are the ones who go humbly behind such farming communities
There was a time ,pl. recall, may be 2000 years back when Thiruvalluvar lived on earth, farmers/peasants were the most respected lot according to our litratures but today it's the reverse.But as time takes a full circle, the things are going to be reversed.

One of our friends here quoted: 'People would battle for their foods when the entire earth would get filled up with 'concrete jungles' and scarcest would be two things -'water and food'.

Like the dyanosars got themselves self extinguished killing one another of their race, mankind should not.

Then we have to correct the folly committed by us.

Farming lands/agricultural lands should never be touched for any other purpose however greater would it be.

Should not we all learned people do some thing to rise up and voice to authorities concerned in order that to ban land-grabbing acts of MNCs/mega industrialists be it TATAs/Ambanies/Birlas and any one for that matter?

Let us save our noble planet and people of our wonderful planet.

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Hi Pramod

Do you love to , in memory of your loving dad , launch a totally Integrated polyculture Farming System ' of agriculture for which 10 acres land is sufficient and adopt NEISA (No External Inputs for Sustainable Agriculture).

That means there won't be any need to buy costlier external input materials like seed, fertilizer and pesticides which pioson your farmland.

Being in Mumbai , you can export the surplus farm produces which would be organically grown in your land apart from providing you and your children a healthy farm grown foods.

Are you interested .
Pl. contact me through' mail.


Hi, I am Pramod.

My father left 15Acc. Farm for me. I have no experience but want to do some thing. I heard about Bio Technology & Floriculture.

But lot of investment & time is required. Presently I am working in Mumbai as a Sr.Manager.

I need proper guidence so that My fathers dream can be acheived.


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hi all,

Basic question why are we afraid from hard work, bcos mostly people living in cities do not know that what we daily need in shape of food ,and hard work behind this. most of the people waste food every time in their life. if they know how can grow the food ,we think they must be afraid for waisting food next time.

2. Agriculture income is free from Income Tax.

3. Agriculture gives us a pollution free atmosphere.

So Choose agriculture and help our life better ,and our country

Smart thought

I am an environmental, agri business consultant and I think you have just hit the right nail in the head by waking up all those who are shunning away from facing the truth........No land, no growth, no awareness no sustainabilty. We have killed agriculture, we have been wasting water or neglecting environment to be gifted in loads of poverty, diseases that affect the most vulnerable amongst us

Please continue doing what you are doing and let me know if I could be of assistance in promoting your cause.

Ramney Koul
AgriEnvt Green Business Consultant
New Delhi

Hi Pramod

Do you love to , in memory of your loving dad , launch a totally Integrated polyculture Farming System ' of agriculture for which 10 acres land is sufficient and adopt NEISA (No External Inputs for Sustainable Agriculture).

That means there won't be any need to buy costlier external input materials like seed, fertilizer and pesticides which pioson your farmland.

Being in Mumbai , you can export the surplus farm produces which would be organically grown in your land apart from providing you and your children a healthy farm grown foods.

Are you interested .
Pl. contact me through' mail.

Dear Pramod,

I would like to know your goals and help you develop a business proposal that can utilize your precious land, build on your dear father's dream, preserving the sanctity of sustainable environment for the legacy, and greater good that you will feel good about. Please let me know how can we get started if you choose to do so.

Best wishes & regards

Ramney Koul Ph.D, MBA
AgriEnvtGreen Consultant
Please contact.....
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dear rohit
your view points are correct. it is not going to be easy to be a agriculturalist in the near future . nregs has robbed the farm labour. moreover in tamilnadu the working class has dwindled &has become an idle community with freebies. mechanisation isn't a100%success. planting trees and sitting back at home will do no good. people about quitting high paid jobs is a farce.making money in agriculture is possible once heart and soul.

giri please contact...
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Return to farming

Farming is offering wonderful opportunity to Knowledge people(Sourcing knowledge from Internet) to earn not only reasonable money but also solace and peace of mind when you compare with the hard pressing jobs with ever shouting bosses.Is it not ?

Dr.SUM Rao


i have taken agriculture right at an young age.i had never looked for income from agriculture. i have not bothered to amass money or wealth which are not realistic. i have no money to invest in land or agri business. i work in the field as a labour who has developed the vedic agriculture/vrikshayurveda methods of organic farming and this innovation has brought lot of illwill and opposition from the today's scientists both organic and chemical as they do not like a farm worker to become an innovator in agriculture.
i really enjoy my life as a farm labour. even the so called owners listen to me fully and give me all sorts of rewards.
many of called modern/enterprising farmers do come to me for advice and i show them the practical way of doing a successful organic farming. it is only dedication, and deliverance which attracts people towards me.
i stay in very interior places and people trace me even there personally.

i do not have any parameters as above.

the ideas given by you are true and i agree with you.
perhaps i might be an exception.
pardon me for any errors. this is not to hurt any one.

it is true

you are absolutely true. the educated people are now turning to be farmers. example are many. they have money, knowledge on technology and ready to invest. but finding land for agriculture have become problematic for them. look forward for the suggestions to buy land by non agriculturist from begenning...
