Open Discussion - What do you feel about investing in Agriculture ?

I agree with Moulirada on the below points. Can any of you suggest on how to practically resolve the issues listed out below? If not, then you need to rethink on the decision to become a farmer.

You are right so many enthusiastic educated people are trying to do experiments in agriculture but really they are not aware of the few facts without resolving them we could not move ahead.

1.Marketing our products.Unlike any other industry Agri industry investors or farmers are not in a position to set the Rate for their products.

Some brockers control the Price which are produced by farmers(Investors)
This is where they are being deceived this trend is more visible from last 15 years.As long as the farmers cannot have their own supply chain they wont see the profits.

2.Availability of Labour to work in Fields is becoming huge hurdle for the enthuastic farmers.Mechanization is still commercially feasible as the equipment cost is very high complared to the returns we have to depend highly on manual labour which is very difficult all over the country.

3.Indirectly governments try to give as less as possible for agriculture products so that there is no protest from public regarding high price of commodities.
Like this we have so many hurdles to prosper in this field.
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It is interesting to learn form experienced people about entering in to farming.

In fact, I intend to buy 1 acre land and do some commercial activity.

Those who are not explored in this field, would like to learn something from this discussion.

Thanks for starting this kind of service. Maybe, people are ready to work on their own instead of relying on unsteady market policy.


S R Iyer


I'm a graphic designer with my own clothing line but always had a dream of starting my own farm which I'm about to realize. I would definitely want to look into investing opportunities. But would like to start small and scale it up as I'm fairly new in this. There is a member who had posted certain investment opportunity his name was dineshswami and here is the link Investor required for Dairy farming in Bangalore . I really don't know if that opportunity is still open or not, but would definitely would love to get some genuine opportunities and take it ahead. You all folks are way, way more experienced than me. Would definitely love to have your guidance along the way. Have a nice day guys.. :D

There are two things when you buy land for real estate:

1. It may increase in value(only on paper). Selling requires skill, otherwise the real estate agent will gain at your expense.

2. The land may not increase in value.

If properly selected for agriculture land is generating cash-flow when one adopts integrated farming.

Hi Rohit
You are correct.
Most of the IT /ITES sector youths are under great stress
due to hectic work pressure and would like to wind out and de-stress
themselves for which they think the only via media is farming/farmhouse living in a absolutely rural environment.

What is harm in that?

Going back to basics is always good. Me too lived almost 40 years in urban set up while in service and in my retired life ,would like to be in rural set-up.

Like me many people, especially youngsters think now a days.

I'm providing farmhouse project solutions to such interested IT guys.

dr ggandhi. Tech
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IT to farming

Friends: Some time back in another thread I promised I will post my personal experiences on farm development. I am doing that sincerely ever since, if only you have noticed. I am an IT guy above 45 years, still working in Urban area (pune) and trying to setup a farm in a remote village. My aim is that I want to run from remote place with low cost and share the knowledge with others. Presently I have small children going to school. That is a priority. Perhaps once the farm takes shape, my family will allow me to do that full time. Till then we have to wait. Farming is all about waiting. You need to wait till a plant grows, tree grows, rain comes and things change around to your favor.

Farm development is a life journey, it is not a project with an end result in mind. It is not a business. But a communion with Nature. Every day you get new ideas, try and implement, fail/pass and cherish on the experiences you gained. I must say it has given me huge confidence, especially when you have a perceived threat coming to your IT career. Not that farming is going to replace your current job or income, but it is like your mother's home. Always available to go. Please follow me on IT to Farming at Nachankulam
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Excellent business opportunity to partner with world leaders in the agricultural mechanization sector throughout south india with special focus on Kerala , Tamilnadu , .

if you are willing to invest >1 cr Contact 9539509432 immediately and send your profile to to ensure a stake in a profitable, sustainable and growth oriented industry .

franchise /distribution / service /parts . reputed brands of over 100+ years proven track record. large customer base already established. high profit margin.

I am looking forward to pioneer a unique Agro-Entertainment formula where the property value is enhanced with agriculture being allowed to flourish and Owners/Investors would be able to use the property as a weekend getaway.

The project is designed to be an investment with

ü 1-2 -5 -10 Acre Farmland
ü Weekend Get-away with an individual house & swimming pool
ü Source to earn TAX-FREE and Un-attended agriculture income
ü Take advantage to government policies, viz. Subsidies, Loans & Grants
ü Promote Agriculture and contribute to greener living

I wanted to attract and involve investors and NRI's across the Globe to be part of the highly subsidized and Tax-Free Agriculture,Animal Husbandry and Fisheries sector in India.

Please feel free to reach me @ including a note on how we can add value to each others connections. Lets connect and Grow.

I keep my promise. I am still in Organic Farming, going fine

Friends: Some time back in another thread I promised I will post my personal experiences on farm development. I am doing that sincerely ever since, if only you have noticed. I am an IT guy above 45 years, still working in Urban area (pune) and trying to setup a farm in a remote village. My aim is that I want to run from remote place with low cost and share the knowledge with others. Presently I have small children going to school. That is a priority. Perhaps once the farm takes shape, my family will allow me to do that full time. Till then we have to wait. Farming is all about waiting. You need to wait till a plant grows, tree grows, rain comes and things change around to your favor.

Farm development is a life journey, it is not a project with an end result in mind. It is not a business. But a communion with Nature. Every day you get new ideas, try and implement, fail/pass and cherish on the experiences you gained. I must say it has given me huge confidence, especially when you have a perceived threat coming to your IT career. Not that farming is going to replace your current job or income, but it is like your mother's home. Always available to go. Please follow me on IT to Farming at Nachankulam

Dear All;

I had promised that i will get back on my experiences of Organic Farming being managed from Remote. I am an IT professional, still working and maintaining a farm at a remote place around 1500Kms away. I must say that I enjoy that. It has been around 3.5 years now, and this year, I am 'set' properly on all the basic things necessary to start a crop. Securing water supply was the most important job last year for me. From a borewell and handpump, now I have graduated into pumping water using wind Energy. I have constructed overhead tanks and rainwater catchment pits. Through Gods grace, this season, we are receiving rain. going by the current trend, this water is sufficient for next 6 months.

Therefore I have taken bold step forward. Have planted 200 saplings of Banana. Have also planted 80 cents of sweet potato, both are growing fine. Using only Panjagavya, my team says, our trees are more healthier than the counter parts which were planted in another farm using chemical fertilizers on the same day from same parent roots.

My immediate priority would be to grow multiple species of vegetables even if it in small quantity. I must generate seeds for future and sell vegetables to small vendors to make a beginning. I am spending monthly of about Rs. 20,000 half of it is for salary and the other half for improvements. For example last two weeks we purchased 30 coconut samplings, one kerosene motor, one sprayer etc...

On the domestic front, my family has still not approved whole heartedly. However there is continous downpour of news about harmful effects of current day food production. Also considering other things, family is keeping quite for I am not doing anything bad after all.....

Please follow me on IT to Farming at Nachankulam

Good to hear of your progress and keep treading.
As you improve and develop your farm, keep a keen eye of the marketing channels and sales opportunity. After the end of the day, even if the farm is a labour of love / hobby, the producer has to at least break even if not make a few rupees. Issues most farmers face, with limited or no agri background is selling the produce. While the operations are small and volumes low, the buyers will ask you to increase your volumes for a better price and when the volumes increase the prices don't change much in the farmers favor with all the middleman, brokers, aggregators in between.

Word of advise is to quickly and early in the process identify the sales channels for profitable and meaningful sales. We even suggest to farmers like you to begin trading with other's produce while their own volumes are building up. This will provide hands on experience around the quirks of agri sales so you can determine if that particular produce is worthwhile in your case or not.

Keep us posted, this is very encouraging for a lot of us :)

There is a third category too!!


Here are my comments....

We educated ppls believe that there would be a never ending war in near future for water and food in India/South Asia....

Let me tell you onething, being a software engineer in a MNC, I may make good money...but I will never think of getting settled any IT hubs like chennai or bangalore.. I will quit these crap IT job after making good money, and then will get settled in my village where I brought up....

Having said, price of vegetables/water/rice going up like anything as population getting increased day by day..But production of food items getting decereased as agriculture lands are being used for building appartments and other bussinesses.

There should be so many other reasons, but we all gonna see in 5 years span of time that, our ppls will battle for FOOD and Water...

As you could see, there are two different type of ppls in our country...One is being lived in Cities, making good money by working in corporate companies, sending their kids to International schools...buying all the things from big malls who never thinks of where are things are coming from.

Other one is being lived in Villages having some land who struggles to make money wwith their agri lands because of so many known reasons...

Still there are many...will be right back....

There is a third category - The ones who buy from the farmers at a very cheap rate, and sell it to the end customer at very high rates. That's where the whole money gets accumulated. Its very interesting to see sites like this try fill the gap between these two.
