NRi looking for a Agriculture bussiness venture


This is Nagbhushanam goud, Kamadhenu Agro farms located at Gollaguda Village, Turkapally mandal, Nalgonda Dist, (Near Bhongir)

We are having around 32 acres land with green fodder and organic vegetables & fruits under cultivation and now we want to set up Dairy farms, Sheep farms, Vermicompost unit etc.,

If interested you can join us as partner, we welcome you.

For further details, please feel free to contact us

Nagbhushanam goud

Dear Mr. Nagabhushanam,

Are you still looking for investors/partners in your farm, Please let me know your contact.

001 240 460 0075

into agri-business mumbai

Hi Hari,

I am Ankita Asthana, started a agriculture business in mumbai...looking for partners who can invest.

Ankita Asthana- 9833111510
:: Green Bamboo Ventures

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.


Dear Mhariala,
I am writing in behalf of a agro ltd company based out of hyderabad, dedicated towards developing integrated and sustainable agriculture. In view to do this we have a research based farming practices being developed in agriculture and allied activities.

We offer good investment and partnering opportunities in this field with variable and flexible returns/ equity options.

If interested pls get in touch at :
(nine three four seven two two zero seven seven one)
(ma.nadeem (at) ymail (dot) com)


350 acres land sales. North Chennai - Tamilnadu

Dear Hari Sir,

We have 350 acres land for available in Minjur (North Chennai-Tamilnadu) nearby Ennore Port ltd, and more CFS company is there. - We are looking buyer or investor (with your Partner)

if you are really interested pl. contact then we can discuss rates, for the entire project

Pl. give me a your E-mail ID after sending more details. ** pl. response – Tamil language must. Minjurland at yahoo dot com


good infrastructure available

Hello Mr.Hari!
we are starting sheep and dairy ventures near hyderabad. construction of shed, forage grass developed, sufficient water and land is available and the site is very near to hyderabad and just beside to road. looking for interested and reliable investor/partner. for further details you can call on 9885213115 or mail me on you

all the best

we offering tissue culture teak plants. which are generated by tissue culture from certified mother plants.• Plants raised from the superior mother plant wiyh the use of advanced technology.
• Genetically uniform plants.
• Disease free planting material.
• Uniform growth and development
• Harvesting can be done at the same time

The Growth Comparison of Teak Raised by Tissue Culture and Conventional Methods.
Mode of Application / Agronomy
Soil : All Types of soil without water logging is suitable for cultivating Teak
Climate : The optimum range of temperature is 28 degree C to 30 degree C. Dry weather after monsoon.
Variety : Local
Season Of Planting : Preferable any month your possibility. However, can be planted anytime except very high and low temperature
Spacing : The planting distance for monoculture system is 5 feet x 5 feet, while for intercropping, it is 10feet x 10feet
Days to flowering : 90 days to 110 days
Harvesting : Tissue cultured raised plants which, are able to be harvested quicker (7 to 15 years) with the acceptable wood quality ate national and international markets.
Income: At the best we may expect 300000 per 1 acr after 7 years or 1 cr per 1 acr after 15 years


I am Rajesh, We have 3.5 Acrs of land 95 Km from chennai. which is suitable for Integrated farming of Minimum scale of investment.

Very good marketing potential available in 1 hr reach. Dairy, Goat and Poultry is possible options.

If you are interested call me @ 9176054542

agri investment

The best way is invest yourself entirely , hire a turnkey consultant to look after.

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.

I am sukumar from HYD we have established poultry farm of 25000 birds capacity and wish to diverisfy to sheep/goat feel free to call on my mobile 9391040768 or send pm to my email

Seaking for Good Partner


This is Mahesh......I'm waiting For Good This type Of business.
plz You are Intrested ...Contact me.
I have Good Agriculture land in Kurnool Dist....

I have also Interested......
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Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.

Helo Hari
its nice 2 here from u,
reach me @ Soumya @

loking forward 2 hear from u ASAP
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are you interested in west bengal area? if so contact me

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.
are you interested in west bengal area? if so contact me
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let me know your complete address in India and investment budget.
I am Mumtaz Ansari of Jharkhand state and 10 years working experience of Farming from Al Safi Dairy Farm (Saudi Arabia), world largest integrated farm of the world.
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if ur looking only for agriculture venture then u need not reply.else if u want to invest in money making buissness and get gurantee returns with 100% safe real estate or tourism based or any other buissness in kerala.then only u reply think smart think thrice before investing ur hard earn money

nn assosiates
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Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.

hello hari ji

I am working on a dairy project.
Need a partner.

CA. Satuti Mahajan
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I have farm land If you interested in Nagpur Maharashtra For Business.
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Om sri
Interested parties contact
Suresh babu
98454 93295 94805 15852

Name of the project Integrated Agriculture project consisting of farm land,
Aqua culture, Live stock, Agro forestry, coconut byproduct s, Dairy vending industry etc.
Extent of land/Infrastructure/location 1. Total 45 acres near Hosadurga in Chitradurga district
2.Distance 200 km from bangalore
3. plot size 3 plot of 8 acres and 2 acres balance, planned for farm land plots ( 2 acres x 20 nos)
4. Entire stretch adjacent to state high way with 1200 ft road side strertch
5. Crops 25 acres yielding coconut trees having 1000 nos 15 yrs old trees avg yield 30 to 40 k per annum minimum
6. Bore well 3 nos
7. Fenced and labour Quarters available
8. Main irrigation under process
9 Interim crop of areca 1500 nos completed banana , coco,papya under process
10 seventeen acres adjacent to road side presently vacant , good for agro forety trees like melia dubia , jatropa eucalyptus, subabul
Since the land will become commercial no permanant crops planned
11. Entire land adjacent to proposed upper bhadra canal
12 Rate expecting 2.00 crores total for 45 acres
If only coconut platations only 25 acres with intercropping available rate expected 80 lakhs
13. clear title deed Bank loan approved

Present returns /yield 40000 coconuts /annum available present rate Rs8 per
nut totaling to Rs 3.2 lakhs minimum per annum
Location of the project 8 K m from Hosadurga, Chitardurga dist. 200 Kms from
Investment required As a project 3 – 5 crores
3 crores upfront, 2 crores over 2 yrs in slabs of 25 lakh per quarter
Return on investment Guaranteed return of 5 crores between 5th and 6th year
Excluding the appreciation of land . If Integration of other projects done returns are proportional. If not additional investments of 25 lakh per quarter not required during 2nd year.
Scope of expansion Company may be promoted and be taken public. Adjacent land to the extent of 50 to 100 acres can be procured and project can be expanded with minimum additional investment
Worst case scenario Land adjacent to high way can be industrially converted and sold. Alternatively Town ship consisting of 500 houses can be developed, after taking returns of min 1 crore from plantation
Status of the project Land development and formation completed, fencing to suit the rquirement be redone. Agro forestry plantation to be done . Intercrop in coconut plantation underway.

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.
