NRi looking for a Agriculture bussiness venture

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.

Hello Mr. Hari,

Good morning and it's nice to know, you are interested to invest in agriculture / food products. Next generation's highly valued business is only agriculture. You can contact Mr. Krishna Mohan of PERI GREEN, who can share the ideas and I am sure he is one of the best person to deal with. You can contact him through or +91 9885111346. You may refer my name to him and he is good friend of mine. Just contact him and if you are convinced, you can proceed to the next level.

Have a nice time and good luck.

Best regards

A RANGA RAO - Chairman
GSRK Group of Companies, Naya Ghar Township Pvt. Ltd. & RealtorIndian
+91 9246242777

Iam interested

Dear Sir,

Iam Philip John from Mumbai. I am very much interested to start a dairy and poultry farm. I have already identified land near mumbai for the same. one land is 42 acores with ready cow shed as they never could start the business. and another with with 175 cows for lease. please reply me for more information
Thanking you,

S.P John
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We can arrange any area of farm land in Tanzania. Rate is less thn USD 20 per hectre.

Pl contact
my name is mohammed rizwan i am interested in your quote my in laws are from dar es salaam i am in india bangalore i am into goat farming and diary industry please feel free to contact me on my email with details and extend of land you can provide me and in what rate if less than 1000 Ha i am not interested
Thank you
mohammed rizwan
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Agri investment

Hi Hari ! Don't worry.I am here for your best Agri investment.I appreciate your interest in Agriculture.I am Mr.H B Sali from Hyderabad Karnataka,Koppal.Karnataka.I am doing Agribusiness and involved in non conventional Agro Products and activities.Please contact me for further discussions

With Regards,

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Pl follow the link given below & think of investing in Agri-Tourism markeing as well as projetcs developments.

Also feel free to have conversation abt.

Dr.Rabba Arvind,
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High quality breed HF and Jersey Cows

We have excellent breed HF and Jersey cows at our farm in Jaipur. Total there are 85 animals.

Incase you wish to buy for your farm, you can visit us and pick n choose. But please note that we do not sell cheap animals. Only good breed cows are there at the farm.

For details,

jakondairy at gmail
Dear Sir,

Iam Philip John from Mumbai. I am very much interested to start a dairy and poultry farm. I have already identified land near mumbai for the same. one land is 42 acores with ready cow shed as they never could start the business. and another with with 175 cows for lease. please reply me for more information
Thanking you,

S.P John
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agri project for sale

Om sri
Interested parties contact
Suresh babu
98454 93295 94805 15852

Name of the project Integrated Agriculture project consisting of farm land,
Aqua culture, Live stock, Agro forestry, coconut byproduct s, Dairy vending industry etc.
Extent of land/Infrastructure/location 1. Total 45 acres near Hosadurga in Chitradurga district
2.Distance 200 km from bangalore
3. plot size 3 plot of 8 acres and 2 acres balance, planned for farm land plots ( 2 acres x 20 nos)
4. Entire stretch adjacent to state high way with 1200 ft road side strertch
5. Crops 25 acres yielding coconut trees having 1000 nos 15 yrs old trees avg yield 30 to 40 k per annum minimum
6. Bore well 3 nos
7. Fenced and labour Quarters available
8. Main irrigation under process
9 Interim crop of areca 1500 nos completed banana , coco,papya under process
10 seventeen acres adjacent to road side presently vacant , good for agro forety trees like melia dubia , jatropa eucalyptus, subabul
Since the land will become commercial no permanant crops planned
11. Entire land adjacent to proposed upper bhadra canal
12 Rate expecting 1.50 crores total for 45 acres
If only coconut platations only 25 acres with intercropping available rate expected 80 lakhs
13. clear title deed Bank loan approved

Present returns /yield 40000 coconuts /annum available present rate Rs8 per
nut totaling to Rs 3.2 lakhs minimum per annum
Location of the project 8 K m from Hosadurga, Chitardurga dist. 200 Kms from
Investment required As a project 3 – 5 crores
3 crores upfront, 2 crores over 2 yrs in slabs of 25 lakh per quarter
Return on investment Guaranteed return of 5 crores between 5th and 6th year
Excluding the appreciation of land . If Integration of other projects done returns are proportional. If not additional investments of 25 lakh per quarter not required during 2nd year.
Scope of expansion Company may be promoted and be taken public. Adjacent land to the extent of 50 to 100 acres can be procured and project can be expanded with minimum additional investment
Worst case scenario Land adjacent to high way can be industrially converted and sold. Alternatively Town ship consisting of 500 houses can be developed, after taking returns of min 1 crore from plantation
Status of the project Land development and formation completed, fencing to suit the rquirement be redone. Agro forestry plantation to be done . Intercrop in coconut plantation underway.

help me to youngters

iam gnanavadivel iam from tamilnadu .iam 26 year old i dont have any agriculture land but iam intrested in agriculture i have knowlege in agriculture and i want to start small diary farm with 10 cows and slowly i want to develop it as intergrated farm i want basic support if u intrested in small projects please help me i will give u returns as per our conract.
Thank you
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I am interested in animal husbandry like sheep/goat farming.If interested pl send me pm to my
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I have plans to start a poultry farm in andhra at large scale. I f you are interested pls mail me
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Regarding Investmet partnership


Please provide your email id and mobile no so that we will discuss the project in detail. Send your contact no


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fFor Dairy Cattle & Buffalo , Goatry , Poultry Farm Projects Infrastructure .

Dear Mr. Rajtwany ,

plz contact me through PM / Mail / for your A -Z solutions on Livestock World . We are the Project Development Consultant and providing services for Turnkey projects . Send your contact details and quote your project needs ..We have lands in M.P. with Army marketing structure and we can establish ur dream project in your land area also with large scale farms set up ..Plz mail us
Dr. Dev N Sarkar - GGDFCS ..

hey Hari,
dis Raj from Kolkata starting a agriculture
venture like 2 invite u, have a converseration
regrading my business proposal.
waiting 2 hear from u,

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re: business

hello mr hari

I am looking for start the project of medicinal plant for that i am looking for investor who will invest in my project

I have the buyer all ready for my product


Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.
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I'm interested .

Dear sir,

we are interested in setting up a social enterprise, because scaling remains no more an issue.

we are manufactures of an irrigation system developed by us. we provide consultancy service for that also.

we execute mango orchard projects under the name of High tech mango mission.

the brief of the technology is on our blog . Go through the article named "practice of management in agriculture".

i would like to know your interests and your contact (cell no. mail etc. ) for better communication.

Ashish Joglekar.
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to Mr. rkakar

dear sir,

I'm unable to reply to you.
please give me your email id so that we can communicate in a better way.

Ashish Joglekar.
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farm land for sale

hari garu
368 farm land for sale near nellore
10km. distance from bangalore highway

9cr. 6km.fencing around
70Lks -1cr. inccome per anm
contact me fast

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.

Dairy farm development

Dear Hari,

Greetings from Satya Sai Dairy Farm,

I am happy to inform you about Dairy farm development services offered by Satya Sai Dairy Farm.

Do you want to set up a dairy farm but don't have the time/knowledge to do it yourself ?

then our "Dairy farm development service" is the solution.

following are the services we offer:

1. Help you to buy good farm land.
2. set up infrastructure such as irrigation, electricity, farm buildings and storage units.
3. grow fodder crops on the farm land.
4. Buy all the dairy farm equipments like chaff cutter, milking machines etc..
5. arrange labor for the farm
6. Buy Cows
7. Stabilize operations and transfer or maintain the dairy farm for you.

the above services are broadly classified into three categories :

1. Real estate services - help in buying the best farm land
2. Build operate transfer - setting up of full fledged dairy farm on turn key basis
3. build operate maintain - setting up of full fledged dairy farm and manage it.

These services are now provided near Bangalore, Kolar, Mulbagul districts of karnataka and chittoor district of A.P

For more details on the services offered by us you can mail us at

please send a mail with your contact details and a right time to get in touch with you.

Happy farming!!!

Manas Reddy

About US

Satya Sai Dairy farm is a registered firm engaged in farming and dairy activities we are a team of experienced construction contractors, engineers and management professionals who have successfully ventured into agriculture and related industry.

hello sir.......

Dear Sir,

My name is subbarao i am planing for a dair business in nizampet. I you are really intrested in dairy business. You can join with me. As you want business partner or you can finance for my business. We will start small unit first with 20 buffalos. After that we increase. If you are intrested make a call

Thanks & Regards,
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