NRi looking for a Agriculture bussiness venture



New Member
Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.
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helo hari dis Raj

hey Hari,
dis Raj from Kolkata starting a agriculture
venture like 2 invite u, have a converseration
regrading my business proposal.
waiting 2 hear from u,


Hello Community members,
I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils at "" or call me at +1 972 809 3665

Thank you.

floriculture project for sale i

2500 sqm green house project for sale in kodai/tn
kindly follow this link

Picasa Web Albums - dilip m - kodaikanal gu...

have added the latest replanted pictures also.

YouTube - 07032011004.mp4

YouTube - newly planted eustoma plants.

and also the reason for selling is that my full family is migrating abroad soon and closing everything here in india. for the rates pl call me we can can contact me


1. land is situatedtowards west.
100% motorable road and bus service is available upto the farm.( infact the farm itself is a bustand)

2. extent; about 3.00 acres adjacent to reserve forest. mine is the last patta land before forest starts.

3. fenced on all four sides.barbed wire on 2 sides and chain link on forest side.
4. the land is road facing on east and south sides, western side is reserve forest and fourth side(north) is neighbouring patta land
5. all titles clear.
6. four tires have been made. one tire for general use and 3 tiers for building poly houses and i am in the process of making one more tire for another 1000 sqm of poly house.

7. open cultivation of vegetables is on. presently got sweet corn, carrots, beetroot, knool kol, kothamalli, beans, tomatoes etc which i sell in kodai.

8. water at ground level. can been seen in the photo enclosed, and water is mineral water quality. we get plentiful water round the year and there is no farmer downstream so we need not share water with anyone.

9. store room and building ( to be completed)
10. three diesal engines for pumping water
11. presently growing carnations and eustoma, bird of paradise, delphiniums, calla lillies, godetia, statice and have about 5 kgs of saffron on trial basis. also have about 500 plants of crepe myrtle planted which leaves can be sold as foliage. in addition we have open cultivation of cabbages, brocolli, cabbage savoy, fennel, leek , baby corn, mysore mirch, beans etc anything grows there and grows big.
a) prices:
carnations : rs. 4.50 annual average price
bird of paradise: rs 25.00 each flower
eustoma: rs. 15.00 each flower/stem.
delphniums : rs. 20 to 25 each flower
calla lily: rs. 15 to 25 each flower
statis : rs. 10 per bunch.
i even sell the bird of paradise leaves.

12. 100 % flower production being sold at mumbai. and the average price is around 4.25 per flower on an annual basis and also the money is recieved in time and properly.

13. 10 ft dia well is also there.picture enclosed

14. total 2500 sq. metre of poly houses in three sheds. having about 45000 plants carnations and 8000 plants of eustoma. all other flower plants are in the open. i am trying to add lilliums (10000 plants price per flower will be not less than rs. 25 each and gladiolus price rs. 3.00 a stem also this season).
15. presently sending about 5 boxes per week to mumbai. ( box contains 700 carnations approx)

i have enclosed some pics of the farm for your reference
any questions please shoot.

if you are really interested then we can discuss rates, for the entire project
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regarding ur enquiry

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.

hie hari
this is ranganath from Hyderabad. i am planning to start a diary with 100 cows . i completed every thing relating to it such project Report, submission to the bank and other necessary details relating to it . the process is on . the place where i want to start it was 40 km away from the city and also near the New Air Port ( in RANGA REDDY )

Plese send ur quaries
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regarding ur enquiry

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.

hie hari
this is ranganath from Hyderabad. i am planning to start a diary with 100 cows . i completed every thing relating to it such project Report, submission to the bank and other necessary details relating to it . the process is on . the place where i want to start it was 40 km away from the city and also near the New Air Port ( in RANGA REDDY )

have a converseration regrading my business proposal.

Plese send ur quaries
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Regarding your posting


This is Nagbhushanam goud, Kamadhenu Agro farms located at Gollaguda Village, Turkapally mandal, Nalgonda Dist, (Near Bhongir)

We are having around 32 acres land with green fodder and organic vegetables & fruits under cultivation and now we want to set up Dairy farms, Sheep farms, Vermicompost unit etc.,

If interested you can join us as partner, we welcome you.

For further details, please feel free to contact us

Nagbhushanam goud
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50% EXTRA Best Quality Grafted Guava,KARUNDA,LEMON,Amal,Plants/Sapling 9936420215

India,s No-1 Fruit & Other Plants Supplier 12 Month All Type Plants/Saplings and seeds Available in NAFEES NURSERY

Offer For Globule Worming Avairnas Program & Winter Plantation 50% Extra Plants/ Saplings On 2000+ Plants Then 01/11/2011 To 30/11/2011

A complete solution of Horticulture / Herbal/ Aromatic & Medicinal Plants & Seeds under one roof.

Dear all,

We have a fruit , herbal , aromatic Plants & seeds NURSERY and bulk quantity

shifted Guava L-49 Grafted Plants / saplings With Fully Quality Control and

Available in NAFEES NURSERY +919936420215 is

Located near LUCKNOW U.P We want to offer these Guava L-49 /GUAVA


sale. The price is negotiable, and orders in large quantities are preferred.

Our nursery has been operating for about 50 years now and we have an

excellent reputation in INDIA .

If you are interested please touch with me OR send me email and visit


Plants Name > Availability









We can arrange any area of farm land in Tanzania. Rate is less thn USD 20 per hectre.

Pl contact
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hari iam in tamilnadu iam doing agri consultant kind call me and send to ur contacts
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planing for good animal husbandy investor

hi sir

The main proposal of this letter is I have 105 acres of land at Kalyandurgam area

We can plan to set up dairy unit as we have the following advantages

we can cover up to 12 districts


There is no much competition in these 12 districts.
Only Nandini brand milk is the only product there.

We have lot of villages where we can collect lot of milk around the area.

Just 1.5 km for power sub station to the land.

Plenty of Ground water and good road connectivity for 2 states.

It is very center point to all the 12 districts.

Climate is good and cool temperature at max 30 degrees.

So, keeping all this in mind I have planed to set up a unit to cover the

complete 12 districts but lack of experience and money I have plan to sell

this land to one who can develop the project

Keeping all this in my mind I thought of writing a letter to you so that you can think about this

Hence I request you to think about this project and come up with positive, as you can give lot of employment here directly and indirectly.

Thanks and regards
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Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.
if you are interested to a agro project less investment and good profit with out risk contact me in my mail
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Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.

I am a agri graduate and having experience in feed manufacturing, now i am planning for setting up a goat farm , i am looking for investment partners if you are interested please contact cell no
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hi mhariala
iam a farmer from UP.have a well developed 40 acre agriculture land with water,electricity at national highway.if you are interested in cultivating your interested crop or want to start an agri business project on the basis of agri venture/partenership with farmers.then contact me
if the land is less then i can arrange more than 100 acres of land.
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NRI Investor welcomed to Malaysia

Dear Mr. Hari,

I ama PIO in Malaysia,state of Melaka. Here there are numerous agro business you could invest eg; castor oil plantation, chicken farms etc.
Would you be interested to invest and whats your budget.
Now there are many NRI and indians investing in Malaysia.
Do let me know of your interest.
Tq. V.Ramanathan

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.
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Dairy Form setup

Hi Hari,
I am Bhuvan Reddy from Kadapa, working in Infosys. its appreciable that your thinking of Agree- business an for investment,it can solve some sort of employment in rural people. even we are also in-planing to initate the dairy form soon. one of my friend who working in HP already started DAIRY FORM with 50 Lacs investment at NANDYAL. i am also planing to make it on-board in next 2 months. currently my friend hold the NANDYAL market with his own setups, going forward he is planing to start KOVA and BUTTER seperation plant with own, then market the products to corporate ventures like cadbary, Amul, DODLA, Heritage, Relaince and PULLA REDDY Sweets.. etc. if you would start another dairy form which can produce 1000 liter per day, then it willl be easy to reach out the break-even with joint venturing advantage(preferably near by). please reach me out for more details 8008922337 else you can send me ur number.


Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.
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Seed business in Tamilnadu

Dear Mr.Hari,
I am Ram From Tamilnadu,

We are doing agriculture seed business all over Tamilnadu and also we are buying Andhra Ponni and Karnadaka Ponni from Babatla. So if you are interested on this please feel free to have a healthy conversation with us soon.
Our project cost is Starts from Rs.30 lahks to 75 lakhs.

Profit and other B/L sheet also to be verified after all formalities if you are intersted.Please mail me if you are intersted.

Thanks and Regards,

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pineapple plantation project

hi Hari!
I am Vijay. having a praposal for a plantation of pineapples in Ratnagiri district of maharastra state. 250-300 km from Mumbai, on Goa road. the project can be ranging from 100 - 1000 or more acres plantation of pineapple on newly purcahsed suitable hilly lands in the name of a newly formed agro company of us. rates of suitable lands vary from 60000 to 80000 per acre. for details contact me
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Sampada Farms!

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.

Dear Mr. Hari,

We are Hyderabad based agri consultants. Whenever you are in confusion, where to invest and how to invest, think about us. We are here to advice you. We will put you on a clear platform. With our decade+ hands on expertise on various agri projects, we will provide you our consultancy services for your project where you are venturing or for your own agri project may be it is horticlture or livestock.

Be with the Experts. Be with Sampada!

Raghu Ram
+91 9848203647

hi bhuvan,

Thank you for shareing your thought's and ideas with me.I was alway's had a dream of having my own agriculture farm or something but that never got materalized but now i think after meeting with like minded people like you with bright and prosporus idea i think my dream are gonna be true pretty soon.

Please feel free to reach me

will be looking forward to speak with you.

Thank you.
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2500 sqm green house project for sale in kodai/tn
kindly follow this link

Picasa Web Albums - dilip m - kodaikanal gu...

i have added the latest replanted pictures also.

YouTube - 07032011004.mp4

YouTube - newly planted eustoma plants.

and also the reason for selling is that my full family is migrating abroad soon and closing everything here in india. for the rates pl call me we can can contact me on 9-4-4-4-0-6-1-3-5-6.


1. land is situated at kukkal , gundupatti village 30 kms from kodai lake. towards west.
100% motorable road and bus service is available upto the farm.( infact the farm itself is a bustand)

2. extent; about 3.00 acres adjacent to reserve forest. mine is the last patta land before forest starts.

3. fenced on all four sides.barbed wire on 2 sides and chain link on forest side.
4. the land is road facing on east and south sides, western side is reserve forest and fourth side(north) is neighbouring patta land
5. all titles clear.
6. four tires have been made. one tire for general use and 3 tiers for building poly houses and i am in the process of making one more tire for another 1000 sqm of poly house.

7. open cultivation of vegetables is on. presently got sweet corn, carrots, beetroot, knool kol, kothamalli, beans, tomatoes etc which i sell in kodai.

8. water at ground level. can been seen in the photo enclosed, and water is mineral water quality. we get plentiful water round the year and there is no farmer downstream so we need not share water with anyone.

9. store room and building ( to be completed)
10. three diesal engines for pumping water
11. presently growing carnations and eustoma, bird of paradise, delphiniums, calla lillies, godetia, statice and have about 5 kgs of saffron on trial basis. also have about 500 plants of crepe myrtle planted which leaves can be sold as foliage. in addition we have open cultivation of cabbages, brocolli, cabbage savoy, fennel, leek , baby corn, mysore mirch, beans etc anything grows there and grows big.
a) prices:
carnations : rs. 4.50 annual average price
bird of paradise: rs 25.00 each flower
eustoma: rs. 15.00 each flower/stem.
delphniums : rs. 20 to 25 each flower
calla lily: rs. 15 to 25 each flower
statis : rs. 10 per bunch.
i even sell the bird of paradise leaves.

12. 100 % flower production being sold at mumbai. and the average price is around 4.25 per flower on an annual basis and also the money is recieved in time and properly.

13. 10 ft dia well is also there.picture enclosed

14. total 2500 sq. metre of poly houses in three sheds. having about 45000 plants carnations and 8000 plants of eustoma. all other flower plants are in the open. i am trying to add lilliums (10000 plants price per flower will be not less than rs. 25 each and gladiolus price rs. 3.00 a stem also this season).
15. presently sending about 5 boxes per week to mumbai. ( box contains 700 carnations approx)

i have enclosed some pics of the farm for your reference
any questions please shoot.
google maps: 10.281917, 77.364635 - Google Maps

if you are really interested then we can discuss rates, for the entire project
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