It is true that the best dairy buffaloes like Murrah and Nili Ravi are found in India but all the dairy farmers in India know that they are not easily available and the reliability of animal and its true potential are often hard to guess before purchase of animal. We specialize in supply of Pure breeds of excellent lactating and pregnant buffaloes of following types:-
Pure Murrah Buffaloes of excellent body confirmation, Good udder, tightly curled horns, dairy temperament and milk yield capacity of 2000 to 4000 liters in a lactation (10 – 20 kg. per day.)
Pure Nili Ravi buffaloes with milk yield capacity of 2000 to 3600 liters in a lactation. ( 10 – 18 kg. per day)
Pure Bhadavari Buffaloes of true type with milk yield capacity of 1300 to 1800 kg in a lactation. The average fat content in milk of Bhadavari buffalo is 10%+
All our cows, buffaloes, heifers and bulls are disease free and vaccinated. They all have great tolerance to hot and cold climatic conditions and are regular breeders.
Model Dairy Farm’s dairy cows, buffaloes and bulls are Reliable and Simply Superior.