Murrah Buffalo for sale


Dear Prateek,
I am from Allahabad Uttar Pradesh and I wanna purchase 5-10 Young Murra buffalo who can give milk at least 12-20 litre milk per day.
So, Kindly give your contactact detail.
Mine contact detail is as perr below:
Ratnesh Kesari
I am from Andhrapradesh Pradesh Hyderabad and I wanna purchase 20-30 Young Murra buffalo who can give milk at least 12-20 litre milk per day.
So, Kindly give your contact no

i want murrah buffalos

Dear Prateek,
I wanna purchase 20-30 Young Murrah buffalo who can give milk at least 12-20 litre milk per day.
So, Kindly give your contact detail.
Mine contact detail is as per below:
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Please share some of buffalo pictures at along with cost

Please share some of buffalo pictures along with cost of buffalo.
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Please mail & share some of buffalo pictures along with cost of buffalo.

I need 12 Baffalo

Satla R.K.
RAJAN Enterprises,
44, Satla House ,7th Lane, S.P.Road
First Floor, Mumbai-400008,INDIA
Cell: 99201 20216
Phone: 9122-23076081
E-Mail :

please contact me

Murrah Buffalo from Jind-Haryana for sale.We are besed at Kolhapur-Maharashtra.All are in 3 rd lactation,mostly all are pregnant in the range of 3-6 months,yield last lactation in the range of 8-9 liters/day,in very good,healthy condition.Costing between 25000-30000.Interested may contact

please contact me
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Male Buffalos for sale- Kerala

Dear All,

Male buffalos(any number) for sale at Kerala-Palakkad. Please contact Vibin-
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hi interested in buying your buffalos

can u send me how many you have and the total cost of them,
i am looking forward of your msg, or feel free to contact
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murrah buffaloes

send me the detais of your buffaloes. I'm interested in it. please let me know your number so that I can contact you.

dear sir.

kindly send us your best final price and also the qty of buffalo's you have and your address with contact


Hi all, im HARISH from bangalore, im starting with a dairy farm in nellore district, Andhra Pradesh . The set up is all ready and planning to buy 25 murrah buffaloes by end of this month or by mid of next month. I approached a few dairy farms and did some research. But unfortunately couldn't get exact details of their yield and cost. The farm owners in business point of view kept telling that they cost them more, than actual and said that they would help me buying the animals. But i felt its hard relying on them.
I was looking for someone in the same field, running a successful dairy farm to help me provide few details like, yield of the animals, cost, selection, feed mixtures and habbits, the gradual reduction details of yield of buffalo in lactation period till calf delivery , any other things that i should be aware of.
Any help and suggestions will be thanked and appreciated.
I was even said that, there are no breeders guarantee 15 or 16 ltrs yield per day., the guarantee is only for 10 ltrs ., is it true ? i was looking for buffaloes with atleast yield of 14 or 15 ltrs per day. Please clarify. And also leads of reliable person for supply of animals.
any kind of help would be hearfully thanked and appreciated.

With regards & cheers...
