My dear friend what you are saying is that there exists a wheat variety which gives an average yeald of 35 to 40 quintals and that also in Maharashtra where weather is not at all favorable for wheat cultivation . And no one in entire north India ( which includes Punjab , Haryana , UP) know about it. This thing can be termed as a biggest joke on this forum. I am a farmer myself and the maximum output that we reach is of 22-25 quintals with all the modern machinery at our disposal , in the best of weather required for wheat cultivation and after using every available fertilizer and pesticide. Please do not fool people over here . In case you really have such kind of seed then you must be having some Aladin ka chirag which makes these out of world figures possible. Try to search the net an see what are the output level of wheat world over and then try to answer again.
Prabhdeep Singh Grewal
Thanks for posting your response.
Regarding your query,
you are saying is that there exists a wheat variety which gives an average yeald of 35 to 40 quintals
Please visit Jalgaon based farmers who has used the seeds of Mr. Raghuwanshi, from Varanasi
Regarding your query,
And no one in entire north India ( which includes Punjab , Haryana , UP) know about it.
Lots of people knows about it.
Have you heard of Mr. Raghuwanshi, from Varanasi
Regarding your comment,
This thing can be termed as a biggest joke on this forum.
For you, it may be joke, but for us it is serious business.
Regarding your comment
I am a farmer myself and the maximum output that we reach is of 22-25 quintals with all the modern machinery at our disposal , in the best of weather required for wheat cultivation and after using every available fertilizer and pesticide.
I am sorry to say that you are totally under wrong impression.
Visit the farm of organic farmer Mr. Banawarilal Jangir, in Jhunjhunu, you will realize, you do not need at all the fertilizer and pesticide, for growing wheat.
Regarding your comment,
Please do not fool people over here
We are not interested in fooling the people and nor we have time to fool the people.
We are taking trials of these high yielding wheat variety, in different parts of Maharashtra.
Regarding your comment,
Try to search the net an see what are the output level of wheat world over and then try to answer again.
It is your wrong impression that all the information is available on the net.
Lots of information about the agriculture / farmers is not available on internet
If you believe that if the information is not available on internet then it does not exist then you are living in wrong world.
It is better if you contact Mr. Raghuwanshi, from Varanasi, he will tell you all about the wheat
You can visit the field of the farmer Mr. Rahul, near Jhansi, and confirm your self.
You can contact Mr. Banwarilal from Jhunjhunu and verify yourself about the yield
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