I am a retired person from bank. I have 2 acres of agriculture land just outside bangalore. Was planning to start some farming can be organic farming too. Since am not an expert. want to know if we have some courses on Agricultural farming or training or sesssion where farming tips will be given. Keen in knowing any short term courses available.
Usha Jai
I dont know my imput may satisfied all or not my name is sukumar from Delhi. I fave a farm house at Delhi where I am resurhing in various type of agriculture since 5 years.
For first instance I will advice you to set up an organick green house on multistory fodder system within part of your green house on coco pit hydrophonic system. to know about it you may contact with this link for a sort course.
They will also guide you to prepare nutrint solution but I will advice you to prepare organic biomass tea for your own insted of chemical. All though in europian and other country like USA Australia are used the chemical composition which also get status as organic but in cost comparisen you will be benifited to prepare own biomass tea .
for resipee you can search google and get somany recepee. During your training at your place i.e Bangalore you can ask your instractor for local available metirial to prepare the same.
secondly you used to produce cash crop with your rest of greenhouse to produce garlic and tarmiric on grow box system which will eyeld more than traditional system.
And you can grow leafy vesitable on the surface of the grobox where you plant garlic and termaric same time you should plant one or two black piper with same pot and used you dont forget to cultivate on verticale gardening system to produce tomato, colour capsicum and brockly and letuce as it have good demand in your city.
You may surprise how somany item ca be produce within thic small place.
You may study about verticale gardening from
www.weakipedia.org for multicroping and urban gardening go to cuba govt agriculture website for organic tee preparetion go to vitnum agri resurch institute. And for training and guidence visit this web link.
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Pet Bharo | Simplified Hydroponics | Hydroponics Training India
you are fortunate that training institute is situated at Bangalore itself.
The avove all are too costly investment project in adition of dairy or gotary and rabit rearing using your own fodder producing from your own green houce.
Please make the selter of the dairy animal gotary and other animal on special type multy story cheap building using special metirial (I may guide on free of cost if required)
These combine project will cost 2.5 to three crore of rupees where NABARD refinance available along with subsidy from haticultureand spice Board. And dairy component subsidy scheme.
But if you did not like to invest so much amount then simply follow raise baid cuba urban gardaining system for multi croping and for foder oppen rack system. But before you take training from
Pet Bharo | Simplified Hydroponics | Hydroponics Training India
Wish you good luck
with regard