Goat Farm Solutions

Thanks for your admiration,sam070 & milind99.
Hi Everyone.

Found this forum by surprise. Have to say very interesting. Loads of knowledge.


Dear Shaikh
you put out the most interesting and informative goat information. I also appreciate the academic content in some of the articles. I am a novice at this but learning so much. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and please continue providing us precious knowledge on goat farming.Once again thank you very much,God bless you.


Mistakes to be avoided

Hi Dr. Shaikh,

I went through all 35 pages and it was very informative.
I live in Chennai and planning to start a goat farm near Kanchipuram.

What are the general mistakes, we need to avoid before starting a farm:confused:


Best fodder crops

Hi Dr Shaikh & Others

I have a quick question, what are the best fodder crops to cultivate on a farm for goats?

general mistakes in goat farming

Dear rpr_11,
There will be no mistake if you follow, recommended goat farm project report or any kvk’s goat farm training or goat farm training videos(DVD).You will surely get an brief idea, to how to start a goat farm by avoiding any general mistakes.
If you wont follow it,or watch it you will surely face lots of problems in handling the goats(like-diseases,availability of fodder,low cost concentrated feed,wastage of fodder,proper construction of shed and ventilation,marketing,failing to breed the goat in heat period and many more)and that goat farm will never be under profitable.
Hi Dr. Shaikh,

I went through all 35 pages and it was very informative.
I live in Chennai and planning to start a goat farm near Kanchipuram.

What are the general mistakes, we need to avoid before starting a farm:confused:


Hydroponic fodder machine

Hydroponic fodder machine for Fodder ... New techniology for Fodder to goat industry

We are manufacturer of Hydroponic fodder Units from 50 KG to 1000KG per day.

50, 100, 200,400,650 and 1000kg.

If you are intrsted please let me know which capacity....

For more clarification call me on :

Suneel ; 08861926926

If you not aware of what is Hydroponic fodder then please check the following link which is from you tube...


Thank you and Regards,


goat fodder

Dear sam070,
The best feed for goats are co4,lucern,maize,subabul,barseem stylo,African grass,sorghum,gini grass etc along with proper composition of concentrated fodder as shown in this table-http://www.osmanabadigoat.com/Updatesmore.aspx
Hi Dr Shaikh & Others

I have a quick question, what are the best fodder crops to cultivate on a farm for goats?

New project in Tamilnadu

Dear Dr,
I gone thorough all your threads and reply regarding goat farming awesome and Dedication god bless you and your family

I have few questions

I want to start a brand new goat farming project with a capacity of 1000 goats excluding kids within two years

I understand from your threads the best practice is to start with a small batch of 100 goats and extend further ...

now i am in the phase of project plan

also understand osmanabadi or thalachery goats are safe to invest and breed for indian conditions
1) where i can procure those goats in tamilnadu or near by
2) Is there any contractors who can provide good consulting who have experience like construction of shed and so on pls refer some
3) To have 1000 goats its seems i need 30 acers of farm land is correct ?
4) In My case i have two acres of good fertile land with water and power and access to near by central market which i can sell directly to customer and i want to keep my live stock is it possible to keep in this two acres - stall feeding method
5) for feed stock to goats i have 4 acres fertile with water which is 6 kms away where i plan to grow the feed for goats

6) how many acres land more i need to procure further
7) how many skilled and unskilled associates i have to recruit
8) what are the main three risk in this project you had faced before excluding disease and price


New project in Tamilnadu

Dear Raj,
1.Not know to much about Tamilnadu,so cant say where to buy goats in Tamilnadu,we are located in Maharashtra so can say only about Maharashtra sellers.
2 .Can’t say of any trusted consultancy providers in Tamilnadu.
3.For 1000 goats you requires 50 acre of farm land to grow fodder,as kids are born you have to increase the fodder.
4.yes you can keep these goats in 2 acres of land with ease.
5.For feed stock fertile land is not required,you can stock the fodder in a godown nearby to goats.Use this land for cultivation of fodder.
6.you requires again 46 acres of fertile land to cultivate green fodder.
7.10 skilled workers(in goat farming) are required for this project which will stay all the time with these goats.Unskilled workers are require for cultivation of fodder,transport of fodder etc.
8.As we are the experts we wont have any problem at all nowadays as we had started our farm with small numbers and gradually increase to large number(with open and stall feed systems).Initially you may face problems like- availability of fodder for 365 days,low cost concentrated feed,failing to breed the goats in their heat period,moratality in kids,miscarriages etc.


New project in Tamilnadu

Dear Dr,

Thanks for your useful and valuable information
just one more quick question

1)If i have 1000 goats annually how many kids approximately breed and ready for sale from my understanding the rate of birth is around 70 to 75%

2) what are the possible opportunity to sell the goats


Dear Raj,
1.Kidding ability of goat depends on its type that you breed.For e.g sirohi gives birth to 1-2 kids,whereas thalacherry gives 2-3kids per cycle,and osmanabadi 2-4.Also it depends on goat farming practices(handling of kids,mortality in new born kids,diseases,abortions etc) and fodder that you supply them.kidding ability is different for different goat breeds(jamunapari.toatapari,jakhrana,sojat,beetel,malbari,black Bengal,sangamneri,barabari,surti,kashmiri,Marwari and many more)
2.Local goat market and butchers are the main markets for selling the goats.A single butcher in a city requires more than 500 goats(male and female kids) per month for meat purpose.In metro cities like Mumbai,Hyderabad etc ,I have seen the hundreds of meat shops where minimum 100 goats are being slaughtered per day for meat purpose.So presently there is no problem for marketing of goats.As the human population increases,the demand for meat increases day by day,but the production remains the same or sometime declines.And that’s the main reason for hike in goat meat prices every year.


Dear goat farmers,

To manage the farm its very crucial to have records of the same hence EAR TAGS could serve the purpose kindly revert us with your requirement on tags for all sizes with laser prinitng of your farm name minimum qty 500pcs for great discounted price.

could you please explain me

1.what are monocot fodder and Dicot fodders ( Co4, Fodder Sorghum, Fodder cholam, lucerene, legumes, velimasal, guinea grass, subabul, etc)

2.Breeding goat and meat goat has the same ratio of concentrate mix? could you please provide the ratio of mix?

3.also how much green fodder / Dry fodder a goat needed ( For Malabari and Sirohi Goats) every day
( Is there a % based on its body weight for it?)


Dear gunaguha,
Monocot and dicot fodder depends on its type of seeds.
1.Lucern,Velimisal (hedge lucern),legumes are the dicot fodder crops whereas the cholam(maize),sorghum are monocot fodder crop,co4 and guinea grass are slips and subabul is a tree which are widely used as fodder crops in goat farming.A balance compositon of these crops provides good results(enhances the growth rate of kids and miliking ability in does).
2.Yes breeding goats and meat goats has the same ratio of concentrated mixture,but the quantity changes in breeding goats and meat goats.rtaio is provided on our website-http://www.osmanabadigoat.com/Updatesmore.aspx
3.Fodder requirement in goats depends on their body weight.They eats daily 5%-10% of their body weights fodde,r which includes 75% of green fodder and 25% of dry fodder.For example a goat of 40 kg weight eats daily approximately 3 kg of greed fodder and 1 kg of dry fodder inclusive of concentrated fodder. However eating capacity of goats decreases severely during diseases.

I want to start the goat farming business... but I don't have a land & Investment.... will you help me in how to avail Loan from bank...

I have high regards and respect for the kind of help u r doing for agriculture field. Farmers are not putting effort to do this type of business which is highly profitable.
But for general information if we see internet , it would be mentioned that we should not have high hopes on this goat farming, why is that so?.
what is the profit of osambadi goat of 1 number in general.
1.cost of purchase
2.cost of feed per goat from buying to selling in general
3.Interest on Investment of breed and infra
4.labour cost
5.insurance cost and doctor cost to medicene cost

then price we sell.
what is the percentage of profit, Kindly let me know

Thanks in advance

I want to start the goat farming business... but I don't have a land & Investment.... will you help me in how to avail Loan from bank...

Dear skm2174
To avail the loan from the bank,you must have to show the security(land or home) for bank.Bank keeps this land or home with them as security purpose.Bank has no problem to provide you loan if you place security with them with proper goat farm project report.For example,to avail a loan of 1 lakh bank keeps the security whose mortgage should be of 2 lakhs.If you wont repay the bank loan,bank sells this property and recovers their loan as per RBI.If you wont have any security you will not get any loan from any bank.

Dear venkateurs,
Lots of farmers,IT workers,Job holders,Medicos are starting goat farm as their side business as they have seen the profitability of goat farm.
Most of the Goat farmers starts their goat farm without any goat farming knowledge or skills and expects high returns from it,without doing any extra efforts. The returns in goat farming depends on ones goat farming practices,if he manages well he surely get returns,otherwise he may have to face loses.So before starting the goat farm,the owner of goat farm must have to know the basic concepts of goats,breeding practices,vaccination,shed,fodder and any more.most of the newly started goat farmers depends on their workers assuming that they knows everything regarding goat breeding and they will manage well.Its the goat owners responsibility to spend some time with his goats and personally inspect all his goats.
Profit is not calculated in 1 number,it has to be calculated in bulk only.In 1 number how you can calculate the wages of labour,shed cost etc.To know more about profit expenditures,Investments,labour charges etc follow our Goat Farm Project Report
Expenditures cant be discuss on forum as they get changes after 2-3 months,but the post remains here for many years.a reader reading the post after 2-3 years assumes the same profit rates and expenditures,without reading the date of the post.Most of the readers wont read the dates of the post,and assumes that they will get same profit returns and expenditures(even the post is of 2-3 0r 10 years old).Thats the main reason to not to discuss the rates on forum.

Osmanabadi Goat

I am interested in learning goat farming starting tnformation and techniclel/ commerc

I am intreted in starting the goat farming business .need guidence and training in this subject.Also loan facility available and resources contacts.
I am earnest from pune.
