Confused. Urban life v/s Rural



Senior Member
Dear Members,

thinking, searching, researching...lots and lots on whether the decision to quit job in mid thirty and move to rural with small family and kids is foolishness or right thing. I have posted several threads on this matter but still unable to take a final call, . Most of do lots of thinking and planning regarding moving back to our native.l but when real time comes many of us like me start to shiver. basically because a huge liability and responsibility lies with us. So quieting a well paid job with all comfort for uncertain, less luxiours, less facilitated rural agri life is suicidal or wise decision.... or shall we wait and do more corporate job and take retirement once kids grown up and enough corpus built. because inflation is too high even a good corpus of 1 cr will not give sustainability to a person retire in mid 30's.

we have studied lots of green and positive thoughts early retirement for rural agri farming . but in real very few people could able to take the challenge but with sufficent cushion of corpus.. basic problem we may face in rural is quality education and medical facilities... and most important thing even in rural also senaio and people has changed. The world in our native village before 15-20 years when we quit the place is not the same. situations, relations, equations, attitude every thing has lots of change in these years in rural too. even if we born and studied in our village, after 15-20yers of urban life we still fear whether we can peacefully and successfully grow up our families in our own native place. it is very interesting conflicts... but it is truth and fact too. we fear we hardly know any one in new generation now in village. we may know only those few elders remain in village... since last 15-20years we were not lived in village we may not belong in our wave lenght of villagers now. it is not like when we visit our native for few days in vacations. it may be rosy but when a chap coming permanently to native for settlements, equations, relations, acceptability, things...changes.... we have to face social, emotional , cultural pressure, obligations tooo that is not the case in urban...

am aware that we educated people do lots of calculations and thinking, and hence several time we end up with not doing.....

however thought to pen down for more encouraging inputs to end all these calculations and finally to step down to enter in Rural agri farming for peace and prosperity,,

awaiting wide thoughts.....



In your position what I would do...
1.Complete all investment on agri when your in IT job.
2. Start farming like coconut,arcanut,jackfruit etc where you need limited attendance.
3.While you doing above excercise you can check how you are doing with agri. You are the better judge.
4. Remember you may face resistance from family becasue of kids education in rural.

Once all investment on agri is done then you can quit or in due course if you learn to manage both you can have both.


very Educative Thought

I read your thought carefully. you are absulutly right sir. I quit my job as creative job from mumbai and shifted to my home village in assam . very soon i am starts dairy farm and organic vegetable farming and i think its the better life to me and my family in my rural hom then mumbai crouded city.
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Senior Member
dear sragam

dear sargam

so you mean you have already moved to your native? what is your experience so far... pls share


Dear All,

Its wonderful posts going. Let me also add. Being a pharma graduate, I have started medicinal plants cultivation in my home town, Amravati near Nagpur MH. Currently i m in Mumbai, but very soon will expand my agri activities and will be shifting to home town and work for my own Agri company. I know there will be lot of hard work, but ITS MY DECISION AND PLANNING.

One brave decision can change ur life positively. Your optimism will never let u down, irrespective of what work u do. So, be brave and plan correctly.



New Member
I am also researching on sustainable community living based on green principles. Till yesterday I was working with a famous advertising agency, already taken my decision.
Let's connect.
I am 41 years young !
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Senior Member
Dear Members,

thinking, searching, researching...lots and lots on whether the decision to quit job in mid thirty and move to rural with small family and kids is foolishness or right thing. I have posted several threads on this matter but still unable to take a final call, . Most of do lots of thinking and planning regarding moving back to our native.l but when real time comes many of us like me start to shiver. basically because a huge liability and responsibility lies with us. So quieting a well paid job with all comfort for uncertain, less luxiours, less facilitated rural agri life is suicidal or wise decision.... or shall we wait and do more corporate job and take retirement once kids grown up and enough corpus built. because inflation is too high even a good corpus of 1 cr will not give sustainability to a person retire in mid 30's.

we have studied lots of green and positive thoughts early retirement for rural agri farming . but in real very few people could able to take the challenge but with sufficent cushion of corpus.. basic problem we may face in rural is quality education and medical facilities... and most important thing even in rural also senaio and people has changed. The world in our native village before 15-20 years when we quit the place is not the same. situations, relations, equations, attitude every thing has lots of change in these years in rural too. even if we born and studied in our village, after 15-20yers of urban life we still fear whether we can peacefully and successfully grow up our families in our own native place. it is very interesting conflicts... but it is truth and fact too. we fear we hardly know any one in new generation now in village. we may know only those few elders remain in village... since last 15-20years we were not lived in village we may not belong in our wave lenght of villagers now. it is not like when we visit our native for few days in vacations. it may be rosy but when a chap coming permanently to native for settlements, equations, relations, acceptability, things...changes.... we have to face social, emotional , cultural pressure, obligations tooo that is not the case in urban...

am aware that we educated people do lots of calculations and thinking, and hence several time we end up with not doing.....

however thought to pen down for more encouraging inputs to end all these calculations and finally to step down to enter in Rural agri farming for peace and prosperity,,

awaiting wide thoughts.....

Pl contact

R. Krishnan
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New Member
Urban life vs Rural life

Dear All,
Migrating from mother land is a big punishment. We migrate to other places due to our inability to earn living in our homeland. The people who dare to lead a life in rural & change the environment to make it more comfortable become the examples for others.

Most of us are educated in rural and migrate to urban area to earn our living & ultimately settled there. As a result we are leaving the rural economy( which is the basic economy of our nation) in the hand of people who could not move to urban due to not fitting to any urban job. The rural economy is getting deteriated due to lack of innovativeness & further improvement. At least few educated & innovative people should dare and come back to rural area to participate in rural economy. It will be a guiding & encouraging force to many of others.



New Member

Dear all,

I liked ,what mathew thought, i myself had the same thought prosess,4 years back,& i am into the process & reached the 60% level.Only i have to quit my job in a MNC,(operator level) & move to my agri land .



planning for the future

dear rmathews,
my husband and i bought the farm planning for our future----retirement life depending when my husband will retire( he is a scientist in bangalore). we don't the transition to be drastic.hence we go there every weekend with our kids and learn to observe and enjoy nature; in the process learn what has been forgotten. we experiment with the best farming techniques practiced (like SRI, organic veg. farming and water management ) we try to be one with nature.we are an agrarian country. the faster we learn to be one with mother earth, the wiser and healthier we will be.
